79.8k Zerkk

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joined 2.0 years ago

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Player Biography  

I follow random user.
Actual highest rated build

9 Feb 2023

Android mod Archived

Status: Partially active. Busy but Working on airbus plane
Here's are some of my projects:
A350 (remake wip)
A380 (remake soon)
A220 (probably)
A320 neo family (probably after a220)
A400 (idk)
Airbus beluga (idk)
Airbus concept plane (idk)

Note: Due to busy irl, not all of them will published as public. See at my build list link below for details.

My Build list

About me

Greetings! Zerkk here! Isn't my real name but who cares?
-I'm 20 years old
-I'm a Guy lol (according to doctor, Im not femboy yeay)
-from Malaysia🇲🇾
-My hobbies are drawing, graphics and modelling (practice)
-Another game I play is Mobile legends (tozix game af) and Strinova (still newbie)

About my build:

Mostly are airliner, fictional and replica (depends on mood) I will also do some random things when boren enough cough yep

Another acc/platform I'm in (if you interested lol)

Juno inactive
Tiktok2 Sp video
YouTube inactive

(Note for my self) Spmp server:

Thank you for download and enjoy my builds :)

Previously known as ZxeAviWeebzz, ZxeOtakuAviation, ZerkkZxeSP, ImZerkkZxe, ZerkkTheSimper, ZerkkZxe, ZerkkFujimi, ZerkkZxe, ZerkkOtakuGuy, TypicalFictionalZ, ZerkkOtakuGuy, FlatterGuy, FarewellZerkk