7,262 Zing2000 Comments

  • Excalibur: The Excalidagger (mobile) 9.8 years ago

    @abhay i have i was gonna rate then you mentioned me lol

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Eric314 the pitch downward?

  • Excalibur: The Excalidagger (mobile) 9.8 years ago

    @abhay thx

  • Spitfire Cockpit 9.8 years ago

    this is awesome. im currently working on a successor of the spitfire, the spiteful itl be out soon hopefully i just neeed walrus to make me a custom prop

  • Boeing 777 9.8 years ago

    woot. another worth while replica from you. (havnt seen if youve made any others) this one does fly as you would expect an airliner to but suffers slightly from the same thing as ur DC9 i would advide making the wings less delta and more to the middle of the plane causing less of a pitch downward but it is a plane worth my time flying so good job on it

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 please... just accept that ur planes have flaws. all our planes do as none are perfect just accept it

  • Excalibur: The Excalidagger (mobile) 9.8 years ago

    @JacobHardy64 a utube channel im making with a bunch of users... its still being set up tho

  • Death Of The King 9.8 years ago

    @JacobHardy64 thank you. dont be afraid to call me zing by the way just tag me as @TheVoiceOfReason or you can just call me voice or something

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 i have tried it on both my ipad and my laptop... exactly the same result

  • B 29 SuperFortress 9.8 years ago

    @JMicah4 yep lol...the name is supposed to reflect some of the actions i have done for this site

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 its floatyness is its downfall. when flying its pretty hard to controll as it has a downward pitch then when rolling and pitching its just feels off but it is easily ur best plane yet

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 nah... i like it

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    tho this is a 4 star plane im giving it a 5 star anyway

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 why?

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 yeah its one one i still use

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 ok cya later

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 there you go

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 There are three ways to part clip 1: the method where you put a part in a position where it turns red and makes a "Brrhh" noise, what you then do is load the level and then exit asap, you then connect a piece to the bottom or top or sides of the red part(which is now normal colour) connecting it to the main structure, this will hold the part in plane, you have now clipped a part(I used to use this method) 2: do the same as 1 but do not load level what you do instead is rotate it to the way you want or rotate in a full circle putting it back to how you had it, it has to be connected to a viable place just that another part has blocked it but not connected to it (the method I use as it is the most simple) 3: the most advance way to part clip, what you do is build what you want to place on a rig that when you rotate a single block it will spin the whole thing into where you want it, but to get it to stick you have to take a part or two out from the structure that you want to spin into postiton and place a block on the place where you want it connected in line with where the hole in the structure is so that when you rotate the structure it will connect holding it in place(I have experimented with this method a bit but it is hard to to, takes a lot of work but is definatly the most usefull as it allows whole feusalages to be placed where it shouldn't be

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 yep lol.. i changed my name. so do you want to learn to part clip?

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 also do you know who i am? lol

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 its super usefull if you want to create much more accurate replicas i used it in many of my planes

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 ok... i could teach you how to part clip if you want

  • Dnote 9.8 years ago

    @51445218 ik it was... i was just playing along :P

  • Dnote 9.8 years ago

    @51445218 how do you get that?

  • A tank (final version) 9.8 years ago

    @Blu i just though it was unfinished. nvm ive never been good with tanks

  • Dnote 9.8 years ago

    lemme buy one

  • A tank (final version) 9.8 years ago

    is it a stug?

  • Shatterd Sapphire 9.8 years ago

    @hypnotoad sweet. remember when i fixed that wing design for u lol... ahh good times

  • Douglas DC-9 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 yes. easily ur best replica yet if you had all ur planes like this you would be much higher thatn u are now

  • Diamond Wing: i took my time 9.8 years ago

    Good. If you actually put some more effort into a replica to make it not only fly well but look as good as you can with ur current skill level I have no problem with that and will stop hounding you. But if it turn out to be similar to the ju87 or the Sabres you made... I'll be very disappointed @Electra10

  • JSAA-666 9.8 years ago

    No problem@FlOu

  • Diamond Wing: i took my time 9.8 years ago

    Mate. I build the freaking blackbird when I was a bronze user. I'm sure you can build something actually worth posting then this lump of flying block (Tho it actually flies quite well. Good job on this one)@Electra10

  • JSAA-666 9.8 years ago

    @FlOu its great

  • Diamond Wing: i took my time 9.8 years ago

    @Electra10 but you are a big user... silver is a huge milestone

  • Diamond Wing: i took my time 9.8 years ago

    ok. i havnt flown it yet but it looks promising also 15min is not taking time. i take atleast 3hrs for each of my planes and Spiritus Raptor takes 35+ hrs for each

  • P-38 Lightning MK3 Repaint 9.8 years ago

    @CapitalTechnologies thank you. this is actually one of my very first replicas.

  • Guess the tank 9.8 years ago

    a stug?

  • Hypno Toolbox 9.8 years ago

    @hypnotoad of course... DAMN WORK well ill cya round mate

  • Hypno Toolbox 9.8 years ago

    great idea. yet another plane that will further the community by hypno

  • Shatterd Sapphire 9.8 years ago

    i cant find anything wrong with this... kinda a shame you dont create compact designs anymore. i liked those the best

  • F-86 Sabre 1947 9.8 years ago

    There are no glitches in this game... I just want to rate people honestly. And ur style is very basic. If you make a replica. Please make it look like the thing ur making otherwise it gives me, scriefers and other replica builders a bad rap@Electra10

  • F-86 Sabre 1947 9.8 years ago

    No... Why do you want me off... I'm only going to rate with no bias and based solely on flight characteristics and looks. If you want to to rate well then spend some time on ur planes and don't just pump them out. Look at SR he spends 35+ hrs on each of his planes and produces amazing results. Puts are all pretty basic. I'm sorry but it's the truth@Electra10

  • F-86 Sabre 1947 9.8 years ago

    Ok. No I'm not going to stay off ur profile I will just rate stuff honestly. What have I done to be reported. Pitch is soo slow. And roll as I said is fine.@Electra10

  • F-86 Sabre 1947 9.8 years ago

    This is mediocre at best. It looks almost nothing like the actual plane, wings are all off, body isn't even the right shape and is a pretty bad replica. If you didn't name it as a replica it would be a mediocre plane but as a replica it is horrible. Now onto performance. You said it flies good. I say it just "flies". It is highly unmanuvrable. Pitch is horrible and roll is pretty standard. Also side note. Bombs do not eject. They just drop damnit

  • Handly page halifax 1940 9.8 years ago

    @PlanesOfOld but it is a replica

  • Handly page halifax 1940 9.8 years ago

    one of the better replicas uve done. good job

  • Free Wheels 1 - (for your WW I planes) 9.8 years ago

    holy crap. these look great

  • PixelPlane 9.8 years ago

    looks like a glitched n1

  • F-1 car 9.8 years ago

    quite a neat adaption of my plane

  • F/A-18F Super Hornet 9.8 years ago

    @Allstarship can i request a plane?