7,981 UnitedinOne90

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joined 3.0 years ago

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Playing since 2020

STATUS: Active

I am basically upgrading people's planes here
-Improving the weapon's damages
-Max the planes out to their limit

Unfortunately I can't stable your unstable planes :(

Alt account is ComradeMotherland285
Go Check It Out!
(This is only used when there is a problem or the account gets lost again. Here is the place where it continues)

And also sorry for posting a bunch of cringe things with cringe descriptions in the past i really regret posting them
I lack creativity when making planes

I have history of changing usernames multiple times


I like Russian Bias🇷🇺🇷🇺🗣?🔥 🔥🔥
American Freedom too🗣?🔥🔥🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲

Previously known as ZeanTimothyTMendiola, Talisman3990, KaiTheGuy8905, TheSpacecraftGuy, AlphabetLoreF, Polandball5134, TitanCameraman, darock344, tommyvercetti181, areyousure1999