Turn on the engine
4.8. Turn on the light
Recommended takeoff speed: 260km / h
Recommended glide speed: 270-310km / h
Design maximum flight speed 1003km / h
Actual maximum flight speed 840km / h
建议起飞速度: 130km/h最低水平飞行 速度: 180km/h。激活1打开舱门。激活2:打开驾驶舱门。Activate4:打开反推5打开窗口 激活8:灯光
The number of parts makes my phone prohibitive
+1You can download.@luxnb
You can remove the interior!@PevertzJJ @PevertzJJ
What is this?
is this?这是什么
@luxnb I don't know
@BassemT90 You can add it yourself
+1@rydogcty You can remove the cockpit interior
@1143 ♡(´∀`)人(´∀`)♡
@luxnb The reason why you didn't log in to the account
@Star737 Thanks This is my first attempt
Thank you@XAircraftManufacturer
+2It's really great.
@NusaFly003 I wrote it wrong
+1@NusaFly003 哈哈
+1@AliceArisuShimada Haha, I wrote it wrong
4.8. Turn on the light
Recommended takeoff speed: 260km / h
Recommended glide speed: 270-310km / h
Design maximum flight speed 1003km / h
Actual maximum flight speed 840km / h
thank you@AirDragon
+2@stevemc01 @stevemc01 Yes, I slipped away a character
@Cereal 确实很像,但这是原涂装
@Ethan001Lolxd As long as the phone is a little better, it will not be stuck
@qizhixiaohuo233 Thanks
@Decembermin 你可以讲中文嘛
@Decembermin What is this thing? I'm sorry I didn't know it
@klm747klm747 Sorry
+1@klm747klm747 I'm sorry. I don't know , Because I searched it directly
+1@Owen_builder thank you
+1@Owen_builder thank you
+1可以逮虾户嘛?\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
@Amirabadi It's my first time to try this landing gear, so I'm not very skilled.
@Ma3son45 yes
@Austina2d You can understand
@Deepdark You can also use it as a military transport plane.
@qcwl 狗头保命
@qizhixiaohuo233 qwq
@Deandash 谢谢啦
@Hirochi233 嘿嘿
@Austina2d Sorry, I have finished the Boeing 777-300er,I'm very sorry, because I can't find the three views of 777-x9.@Austina2d
+7@caozhengshuo 啊哈哈哈啊哈
@Austina2d Understandably, it's just an improved model of the previous generation 767, which fixed my mistake.