@MrAspy yeah ok. ill add you in the comments of the shipping drone that i herefore dub the, Shipping Control Long Operation Gizmo
see if you can figure out the abbreviation
@MrAspy thanks actually i might be able to work for technion but ill build whatever and then ill post it unlisted first to be cleared by technion and if its a go than ill post it under technions name otherwise ill post it by itself
requested position: freelance engineer subcontractor
User: https://www.simpleplanes.com/u/breitling
Date Joined: march 9 2018
Resident of: wright islands
Bio: a freelance military contractor for the nation of simplelandia
elaboration on "contractor" i will offer finished designs to be contracted to simplelandia where they can be named by simplelandia
@Fluffysheep dont cram up your schedule with helping me remember what the airlines say about oxygen masks "put on your own mask first before assisting others"
@SkyBoy1218 the finetune tool pops up when you click the flipppy rotator thing the gear and wrench will pop up next to the trotation options
@BobyTechno nothing nevermind
nice textures are they modded?
like this https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/3ov63K/P90-Racer-TECHNION-BUILD
btw use finetuner to make the counter rotating propellors
+1i thought i recognized it!
+1thats a reallly good cockpit
@SkyBoy1218 okay its pretty easy if you want more elaborate instructions on how to fine tune ask
@Mattangi Sweet! its pretty flexible so you can design whatever and the team will help you or you can be the helper
@MrAspy oops actually named the,
Shipping Control Long Operation Nexus Gizmo
oh and @Juanfly154 of course you can theres a link in aspys bio
@Mattangi well its up there the link
@Mattangi here then is the link
_Technion team here (recruiting link)
@MrAspy yeah ok. ill add you in the comments of the shipping drone that i herefore dub the, Shipping Control Long Operation Gizmo
see if you can figure out the abbreviation
@Mattangi you interested?
@MrAspy ok thanks my next build will be a anti pirating drone that im going to attempt to get simplelandia to contract as a airborne shipping defense
as a citizen and technion subcontractor can i propose my build to be authorized and contracted by simplelandia?
@MrAspy requested position is freelance engineer subcontractor
(basically a very flexible engineer)
@SkyBoy1218 counter rotating propellors are an example of how you can use the fine tuning tool (thats the wrench in the flip tools)
@Mattangi yeah i know both scenes they're good
@Mattangi thats hans zimmer for you he's really good
@MrAspy well in that case im in!
@MrAspy thanks actually i might be able to work for technion but ill build whatever and then ill post it unlisted first to be cleared by technion and if its a go than ill post it under technions name otherwise ill post it by itself
requested position: freelance engineer subcontractor
@MrAspy oh umm eh i want to be far more flexible so ill pass on the technion team sorry
@MrAspy i am a citizen of simplelandia and do not work for the government but i am a primary contractor for the government
@MrAspy but i have made my profile so i have a lot of flexibity
@MrAspy done
User: https://www.simpleplanes.com/u/breitling
Date Joined: march 9 2018
Resident of: wright islands
Bio: a freelance military contractor for the nation of simplelandia
elaboration on "contractor" i will offer finished designs to be contracted to simplelandia where they can be named by simplelandia
@MrAspy what is technion?
@MrAspy ehhh i have a erratic schedule but maybe
really good
@zealt ah i see
make it an aircraft carrier
i like it a lot
pretty good for its part count
me gusta
nice i love it
@SkyBoy1218 just an example of how you could use fuselage blocks rip it apart and look at the edges and the wing base
@SkyBoy1218 so if i make something that causes smartphone processor sadness forgive my standards
@SkyBoy1218 Both! lol i have a desktop mac
lol thats pretty funny
really? if you want to burn jamesplanesii burn his fetish for the AN 2 biplane
+1@SkyBoy1218 btw if you want a gauge of how succesful any of your designs are look at downloads not votes
ooooh muy guapo! me gusta
looks like an ultralight you can google translate that
@Fluffysheep unless you got an idea for a plane turret
@Fluffysheep oh that was a while ago its ok now
@Fluffysheep dont cram up your schedule with helping me remember what the airlines say about oxygen masks "put on your own mask first before assisting others"
@Fluffysheep what did you do? i dont really need help with this one its sort of finished and theres a 2.0 improved version
@RAF1 sort of hard to tell but before you tell me yes i know what makes them different