1,603 brucethemoose Comments

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @jamesPLANESii Happens on every device, you just need to adjust the steering or add a vertical wing in the back.

    But yeah that's a bug.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago


    A daredevil tournament... I like that actually, yeah. I take back what I've said. I've tweaked mine to where it's pretty much 100% too.

    What about when 2 vehicles collide though? A vehicle could just ram mine 3 times, and if its cockpit flies out further 2 of those times, it wins... That's not even down to design, that's just unpredictability.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    "barrel rolls"


    I feel like these ground tournaments need 5 tries instead of the usual 3, given a wheeled vehicle's tendency to randomly flip and explode. A really good, stable design could have 2 bits of bad luck that cost it the tournament, especially if another vehicle rams it.

    I'm not sure if it's feasible for ya'll... but it's something to consider.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @marcox43 The springs needs joints at the top AND bottom, otherwise they can't articulate. That'll help with jumps.

    @Typhlosion130 Well I wouldn't want to give away all my design secrets before the tournament...

    But here's a cockpit view run of the basic design: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jltQnnD4LEc&feature=youtu.be

    And there's alot of room for improvement there.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    I've shaved my consistent design down to 1:06. Going sub 1:00 reliably is hard, as you need 6+ wheels.

    @Typhlosion130 With enough dampening and suspension travel, the bumps wont send you flying as high.

    The 1:06 design is just an optimized version of this:


  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 Thats the idea!

    The trick is getting it to stay on the ground.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @JMicah4 Also it's as ugly as sin.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    6 engines, and wings to help steer.

    I think I've almost got it reliably now, it just blows up whenever it lands at a slight sideways angle.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago



    Can't do it reliably though, things tend to break when landing at 250mph.

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    Yeah, its all about optimizing it for the AI.

    BTW, this is my first tournament. When is the deadline?

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago

    @Typhlosion130 so far

    @Cyberkirby A vertical wing in the back (without a control surface) helps.

    Having trouble getting below a consistent 1:10... maybe a 3rd set of wheels?

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago


    Both the bots crossed the finish line too!

  • Riding Dirty 8.5 years ago


    Not consistent yet though...

  • Buggy 5 8.5 years ago

    Very nice, this is one of the best suspensions I've seen.

  • Off Road Tournament! 8.5 years ago

    A dev upvote? That's a good sign!

  • U4 pickup chassis 8.5 years ago

    This is actually a great chassis.

    I see what you were going for, but the rear doesn't actually articulate with this setup. I fixed it here, you should use this design instead:


    Having 2 independent arms with an "anti roll" spring in the middle works a little better IMHO, but that would mess up the look of the differential here. Example of that:


  • custom rock crawler. non beta version 8.6 years ago

    The springs need some more joints, as they tend to get stuck now.

  • Rally Fighter[EDIT] 8.6 years ago


    Just changed them.

    BTW, you should use the V.4 version as a base for your update, I tweaked the suspension quite a bit and got it just right. It's got a ton of travel now, but sits low enough to handle well on the road.


  • Baja bug 8.6 years ago

    You need 2 joints on each spring, and only 1 joint on each axle.

    Problem is the spring can't articulate correctly, so whenever it lands it stresses the spring and explodes.

  • Rally Fighters[V.2] 8.6 years ago

    @Forzenski Fixed the suspension, you should use this as a base for any future versions!


    @AstleyIndustries It's based on the same IRL car.

  • Off road challenge 8.6 years ago

    If the deadline is 2 months, you're gonna need to repost this every once in awhile, otherwise it'll never be seen.

  • Rally Fighters[V.2] 8.6 years ago

    This is amazing.

    If you don't mind, I'm gonna overhaul your suspension and replicate the one on the Rally Fighter (double wishbone front, huge trailing arms with a solid axle in the back) in a while.

    I've already done the front, but the back will take some time if I want the rear axle to sway too.

  • Trailing arm suspension test 4 8.6 years ago

    @Shotguy It shouldnt do anything, I dont think.

  • White Lightning 8.6 years ago

    Yeah, it performs really well actually. One of the best turning racers I've seen.

  • BUGGY CONTEST! 8.6 years ago

    Well, if looks don't matter...


    I haven't seen a better performing chassis yet.

  • The explorer 8.6 years ago

    It needs a suspension to keep the tires on the ground.

  • 4x4 off-road track ver.2.1 8.7 years ago

    I like your truck alot, but the suspension needs work! :P

    I fixed it here


    It should really be a double trailing arm in the front instead of a single, but I was too lazy to do that...

  • not sure what to call it 8.7 years ago

    That actually handles surprisingly well.

  • Trailing arm suspension prototype 8.7 years ago


    This is just a test anyway, figured I should post it since I don't see many suspensions listed.