@TTHHSSSS Hello again, I apologize for not having written yesterday, I was asleep. I would like to talk with you, how can I implement it? Steam as a variation;)
@FasterThanLight Russian and English are different and what does it mean 1 but we have something else that can not translate correctly, maybe I wrote something bad but on the Russian side it means another
@phanps Hi
@TTHHSSSS http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198372996817/
+1@TTHHSSSS Hello again, I apologize for not having written yesterday, I was asleep. I would like to talk with you, how can I implement it? Steam as a variation;)
Hi Привет)
@TTHHSSSS Hello bro, can I contact you somehow?
@LatteCoffee55 sorry
@LatteCoffee55 https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/Al8f1E/Antonov-AN-2
@LatteCoffee55 lol sorry
Copy, plagiarism
@FasterThanLight Russian and English are different and what does it mean 1 but we have something else that can not translate correctly, maybe I wrote something bad but on the Russian side it means another
@Smasher Here's how Google translates: No, I know that your about this just now, when I saw this I remembered this little fact
Google badly translated"
@Kevinlc0001 Да
I did not think that only I have such a sick imagination
Soon something very interesting will come out, wait;)
@L3v Do not you know Russian guys who also do the work?)
@Sabir Ha ha, go to my profile and see my planes, silly;)
@AdrianFlyingAce a bad joke...
We type 25 Upvotes and I spread something interesting, you like;)
All thanks for 1000)
я работал 16 часов без перерывов и очень сильно постарался
@Mostly похоже
Идея норм, но стабильность храмает)
вау, братан, норм вышло!)
Вау, так держать!)