the in flight movie was bio-dome with paulie shore, oh, and 3 of the airplane engines went out, and the plane went into a tailspin and crashed into the hillside and everybody died, except for me, y'know why?
@Graingy what's an inory
Sorry I'm only 5 years old.
is it because I said somethNg about discolored fat copies and someone with a discolored fat copy showed up?
@AutoModerator can we be friends?
+2because I don't have any friends.
geniva convention
+2monarch butterflies producing cheese
+2the mouse has been dead for 2 hours he's probably not gonna respond
+2@TheMouse oh yeah forgot to put a hyperlink for the 3d spinning rat
@YarisHatchback also why did you assume I was majakalona?
+1offbrand graingy pfp
+1@HuskyDynamics01 done
+1@Graingy i used example image
+1like blueprints in simpleplane but 4 3d modelin
@HuskyDynamics01 how do i bevel a flat plane?
+1didn't the siren war start like a year ago
forgot the password lol
Edit: nevermind that was a roblox alt
@Fiat133 you're yaris'is alt
+1oh and also why are you using an alt
upvote begging via reverse phycology (i spelled wrong nooooooooo)
+1101 now hehaehaehehaeahehaeh
+1@LieutenantSOT is a website or an app
+1@blt sno-
+1ok lets stop it there okay
@blt booger
+1does this comment get deleted
+1delete if yes
@Graingy this is the skeleton plane (i think)
+1Inside out 2 is on Disney +?!?!
@Graingy grandmagys
+1@MrSilverWolf lemme guess, too off topic?
+1@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer maybe maybe not
+1@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer like a minecraft speedrunner doing stuff right as they spawn?
+1@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer i come from the sewers
+1@LunarEclipseSP pisster beast
+1@Rob119WithA105mmHowitzer waaahhh
+1can you stop with all the slang and shortened words
+1the in flight movie was bio-dome with paulie shore, oh, and 3 of the airplane engines went out, and the plane went into a tailspin and crashed into the hillside and everybody died, except for me, y'know why?
+1can i have a group called "Definetly not a dumpster that hasn't been cleaned in a while."?!??!/1/1/1
@WzNick even the new uses are becoming grangy!1!1
so i was clicking on random fourms
if it weren't for you i would've found another (not the graingy actual) graingy pfp
you should've made it say "sweetened grain and grain cereal"
@KPLBall what even is the kpl flag?
so i can make it more accurate!!!
@TheMouse done!11!!1
@TheMouse ok gonna do it and i'm gonna make it discolored and a stop sign!!!
@KPLBall shut up now use this as your profile icon
@Monarchii huh
are you drunk?
I doubt it as no drunk person would be able to type that well.
anyways isn't a pea a vegetable
@Ghiza my brain shat it's pants reading that.
3 ands in a sentence.
Single dart
you liar this isn't a pea at all
this is a plane not a pea
If I had to pay for the cost an maintenance, maybe a street legal lawnmower like my history teacher talked about once.
@Graingy what's an inory
Sorry I'm only 5 years old.
is it because I said somethNg about discolored fat copies and someone with a discolored fat copy showed up?