@helilover03 yes You got 3 upvotes on "Highway to Snowstone". If You defeat the aggressor You shouldn't pass that highway.
And 1 upvote for facing the Terminator on Phase II.
@helilover03 You get 10 upvotes for defeat the Aggressor, 3 upvotes for 1st place on Highway to Snowstone, and 2 Upvotes for defeat the terminator. total 15 upvotes congrats.
Supersonic dogfight video
Turn Fighter dogfight video
@SuperSanic My fingers felt stiff
@mikoyanster Thank You my friend
@Feanor Thank You
@jamesPLANESii Yups. Thanks
@Treadmill103 Thank You
@phanps Thank You
@AudioDud3 Thank You
@EpicPigster1 thanks
@AudioDud3 Thank You
@MAHADI Thank You
@MAHADI Thank You Bro
@STT1 np
@JackTheBestBoss Thank You
@Treadmill103 Thank You
@Liquidfox @ChaMikey @phanps Thank You
@AceOfSpade Thank You
@AudioDud3 Thank You
Yups. Ag7=pause?
@mikoyanster @ChaMikey thank You
@JimmyLotair Thank You
@Feanor Thank You
@Blue0Bull thank You
You can try to reduce the weight, reduce the wide of pitch survace so you can get the agility.
Nice shape
@Alienbeef0421 same as mine. Same feeling today
@SledDriver @Liquidfox @Treadmill103 Thank You
@SUPERSAMROCK @phanps thank You
@Alienbeef0421 @IanTheCuberGamer thank You
@Rugpeersdude thank You
@AudioDud3 LOL this is the announcement
Have You try this on Featherfall Squall?
This Challenge will open again on November, 1
@helilover03 Highway to SnowStone
@helilover03 yes You got 3 upvotes on "Highway to Snowstone". If You defeat the aggressor You shouldn't pass that highway.
And 1 upvote for facing the Terminator on Phase II.
@helilover03 uppss.. wait the minutes.. maybe I was wrong.. You fight the aggressor too long. Check it on forum
@helilover03 Yups You get it
@helilover03 You get 10 upvotes for defeat the Aggressor, 3 upvotes for 1st place on Highway to Snowstone, and 2 Upvotes for defeat the terminator. total 15 upvotes congrats.
@helilover03 wait I will count the hi-scores tomorrow...
The Veterans won on PHASE III
Phase III is finnished-Check it out
Phase III is finnished-Check it out
Phase III is finnished-Check it out
Phase III is finnished-Check it out
Phase III is finnished-Check it out
Phase III is finnished-Check it out