722 jsschrstrcks Comments

  • 2016.8.654 7.9 years ago

    I like the engines and their articulation. I think you might be better served to make it proportionally wider, I think that would pull the wallow out. But it's really cool and I'll probably make a derivative work based on this :)

  • The undulator 8.5 years ago

    The entire thing contracts and expands at somewhat different speeds while moving.

  • Droplet 2.0 2k mph 9.2 years ago

    Glad you like it! It is kinda weird. But in a way that I think is kind of fun. @Madlycat

  • Uss tiny aux engine - break sound barrier! 9.2 years ago

    Steering uss tiny was a happy accident. The plan will fly pretty well if you remove a couple of the 10k gallon fuel tanks.

  • Uss tiny aux engine - break sound barrier! 9.2 years ago

    Thanks nick!

  • Uss tiny aux engine - break sound barrier! 9.2 years ago

    Thanks. I think I should paint it, and add some more weight. But not tonight :)

  • U-too-3 9.2 years ago

    Np nick. If you ever feel like pushing an aircraft carrier to ,can 1 check out my latest. Ugly... But kinda cool I think.

  • Uss tiny aux engine - break sound barrier! 9.2 years ago

    Use yaw to steer :)

  • wormforce's steampunk challenge lonejam472155's entry 9.2 years ago

    It's cool, but the balance is weird.

  • Tricopter 9.2 years ago

    Tricky but fun. Nice copter.

  • Uss tiny aux engine - break sound barrier! 9.2 years ago

    Note: set location to uss tiny.

  • Kracken 2 9.3 years ago

    @nickasaurusrex yeah, but such is life.

  • Racer Mk3 (Final) Stable 9.3 years ago

    Drove it up the side of the mountain, and turned left. Drove in a straight line till I ran out of mountain and then crashed. Fun car though.

  • Should we have Multiplayer? 9.3 years ago

    That would be really cool

  • Spirit of St Louis 9.3 years ago

    Nice. It is tricky to land! Managed to do so once with out exploding though.

  • NSA Fail Spy Plane 9.5 years ago

    Thats very similar to my own round wing, except I needed two of the ones I designed for stable flight.

  • Tool box 9.5 years ago

    Glad you guys enjoy :)

  • Ultra-Transform (Beta) 9.5 years ago

    I like where your head is at, even though it's only exploding on my iPad.

  • I missed you guys 9.5 years ago

    Fantastic as always. How do you keep clipped parts from flashing?

  • Abstract v3 9.5 years ago

    Fun to fly, roll is backwards as noted. The part clipping on the wing drives me bananas. Surprised it didn't blow up instantly.

  • Train Set (WIP) 9.5 years ago

    Can't get it to move :/

  • Ecto-1 seocond movie 9.5 years ago

    Cool looking - sucks to drive.

  • exploding ram 9.5 years ago

    As described lol.

  • flying pig 9.5 years ago

    Face palm. I give up.

  • flying pig 9.5 years ago

    I am not suggesting you do so. Clearly I liked your wall enough to turn it into a plane. Un-original means I kept it true to yours... Which was what I wanted.... There are a few necessary differences (like an odd number of rows instead of even). But ultimately the admins delete non planes.

  • Usa wall 9.5 years ago

    Not an actual airplane - probably going to be taken down.

  • Kracken 2 9.5 years ago

    No worries @nickasaurusrex

  • Kracken 2 9.5 years ago

    Hahaha you two flooded my notifications

  • smash ball v2 9.5 years ago


  • smash ball 9.5 years ago

    It glides really well. Keep it over 80 or it stalls

  • Piece of resistance-flying 9.5 years ago

    Not on mine. Weird. I have planes that run on medium engines at much higher altitudes.

  • Scr-9 "Puffing Billy" 9.5 years ago


  • Piece of resistance-flying 9.5 years ago

    Infinite fuel? It goes up to 18k feet, runs out of gas and crashes. No control surfaces, it's not even fast :( the no fuel glitch is kinda weird though. Hope @andrewgarrison or one of the other mods sees this.

  • Mach 2 9.5 years ago


  • Mach 2 9.5 years ago

    I did put your name in the description, eventually @jacobhardy64.

  • Kracken 2 9.5 years ago

    I would start it in the air, but yeah it flies pretty well.

  • Arrowhead 9.5 years ago

    Thanks @hypnotoad

  • Prototype 36 mk 1 9.5 years ago

    Thanks @hypnotoad and @jacobhardy64

  • Sliding Aurora 9.5 years ago

    Absolutely stunning. Love the design, the shape, the responsiveness.... Wow. I crashed it into the water at Mach 2 and crashed the game though haha.

  • Folding wing concept 9.5 years ago

    Great concept, looking forward to seeing this developer more

  • Heavy slow plane 9.5 years ago

    4k lbs isn't too terribly heavy - check out the Mach 2 on my profile... Quarter of a million pounds.

  • ENDPRINT 9.5 years ago


  • Future Supersonic Businesses Jet 9.5 years ago

    On my iPad Air 2 - it does not break up at high speed, and no death rattle.

  • Mach 2 9.5 years ago

    The wings breaking off was why I started working on it in the first place :)

  • Mach 2 9.5 years ago

    Nothing really is the same, other than maybe color. The body is shorter, fuselage wider, and taller. The cockpit used fewer pieces, I altered the air intake design, the wings, the tail, the type and placement of propellers, and even the landing gear is in a different place. The vtol nozzles were reconfigured as well... Basically, I had yours on the screen when I made mine. So there are some intentional similarities (like the wing movement), and the colors (except I omitted the red). The original was cool and caught my eye, but this really is nearly completely different. Not to mention my wings don't break off after take off :p

  • Mach 2 9.5 years ago

    It shows yours as predecessor :)

  • Gear lab concept 9.5 years ago


  • Prototype 35 mk 18 9.5 years ago

    Thanks @JacobHardy64

  • Prototype 35 mk 17 9.5 years ago

    Glad you guys like it. It does pretty well until about 1000 mph then it self destructs. Also - controls are inverted :)

  • Iron Man 9.6 years ago

    That thing is awesome. I am working on one that goes faster and flies longer... We shall see... But it's still based off your design.