Are you making a pbj1-h?
@djbanana no bro iam pakistani
Can you please make pakistan flag
ok ill try to do it when i get over with my exams @UnknownNate
i got the update and its great but there is one problem that there is no bomber escort mission although it is there in the xml file
I also cant lock inferno on the ground targets in bridge demolition @AndrewGarrison
ok what size you want
i also play war thunder and i iam on tier 3 and i have german planes
it looks a lot like the fw 200 c1 in war thunder
this makes me think that you play war thunder
awesome!!!! and can you please make a big b29
@AndrewGarrison can you tell me the features of the update please
ok i live in Pakistan
where do you live?
i made another version of it here:
I can make infinite rotators
How many blades and power?
Yeah same here @ronyseptian17
I wish i had this update
are those machine guns?
the weapons are in 1.3 update and it is out for pc
can you tell the features for android please
Done @AlphaOneIndustries
Thanks it is that @AlphaOneIndustries
Urdu :O i also speak urdu @rizwan
Ok i will remove and reupload it @AlphaOneIndustries
Thanks for giving me credit btw cool plane and i love that green and brown camo
Sure use it@AlphaOneIndustries
You have to put the numbers from 0-1 remember 1 is the max number@bobthetitan123
What is albatross @AlphaOneIndustries
Ok i will do it
I already made some modded vtol engines check my posts @FighterCrafter14
What size do you want
i can mod @letsgofast11
or you still want the single blade @letsgofast11
i think that the engine will blow up if it has only 1 blade i can make a engine with no blades do you want them? @letsgofast11
please tag me when you upload your osprey so I could see it @Ducani
What device do you have @fasolaIUCD
No problem @Ducani
Ok i am working on it
thanks @bobthetitan123
ok @aircraftarsenal123
Will guns work for android
I got 870 points in 2 days
Are you making a pbj1-h?
@djbanana no bro iam pakistani
Can you please make pakistan flag
ok ill try to do it when i get over with my exams @UnknownNate
i got the update and its great but there is one problem that there is no bomber escort mission although it is there in the xml file
I also cant lock inferno on the ground targets in bridge demolition @AndrewGarrison
ok what size you want
i also play war thunder and i iam on tier 3 and i have german planes
it looks a lot like the fw 200 c1 in war thunder
this makes me think that you play war thunder
awesome!!!! and can you please make a big b29
@AndrewGarrison can you tell me the features of the update please
ok i live in Pakistan
where do you live?
i made another version of it here:
I can make infinite rotators
How many blades and power?
Yeah same here @ronyseptian17
I wish i had this update
are those machine guns?
the weapons are in 1.3 update and it is out for pc
can you tell the features for android please
Done @AlphaOneIndustries
Done @AlphaOneIndustries
Thanks it is that @AlphaOneIndustries
Urdu :O i also speak urdu @rizwan
Ok i will remove and reupload it @AlphaOneIndustries
Thanks for giving me credit btw cool plane and i love that green and brown camo
Sure use it@AlphaOneIndustries
You have to put the numbers from 0-1 remember 1 is the max number@bobthetitan123
What is albatross @AlphaOneIndustries
Ok i will do it
I already made some modded vtol engines check my posts @FighterCrafter14
What size do you want
i can mod @letsgofast11
or you still want the single blade @letsgofast11
i think that the engine will blow up if it has only 1 blade i can make a engine with no blades do you want them? @letsgofast11
please tag me when you upload your osprey so I could see it @Ducani
What device do you have @fasolaIUCD
No problem @Ducani
Ok i am working on it
thanks @bobthetitan123
ok @aircraftarsenal123
Will guns work for android
I got 870 points in 2 days