Brother, as a builder whos been here 8+ years, I GET IT. I stopped making tanks for the site a while ago, but I pop in from time to time just to check in. Ill be waiting for SP2 also.
@Nef680 Thank you for the advice, I Tried my best, and did compare to blueprints but I'm still learning new and efficient ways to build my crafts.l Would have liked at least a thank you for complementing your vehicle!
As a fellow tank builder i can tell you right now, the turret on this thing was the only thing keeping me from building it. But for making this vehicle, You earn an up vote!
@Svenplayzz The name states that the 105 mm gun is what made the tank the the T28 but the 150 mm gun is what made it the t95, plus the weight of the tank. This model is based directly off the one in fort knox.
Brother, as a builder whos been here 8+ years, I GET IT. I stopped making tanks for the site a while ago, but I pop in from time to time just to check in. Ill be waiting for SP2 also.
+3@Reuben201103 Thank you for the credit!
+2@TatsuTheOtaku :)
+1?Glad to help?
+1@Cedy117 I miss the R.I.P
+1I'm glad to see you grow into gold statis. I wish you luck tank builder
+1@Blakenado11 Workin on an fictional German SPG rn. Stay tuned.
@Blakenado11 gone, but not forgotten. <3
@STEAMYcrosby go for it :)
@ThomasPlayz996 There is another version of this tank, a little older on my previous posts. It is not as updated though.
@Mickmicornal Look through my profile, I have one that has an older track system and design.
@JuanNotAnAlt sup
@ArkRoyalTheBismarckhunter thank you!
@hRmm I am not dead, here to make some more tanks though!
@JustAGuy001 :)
@KONOJERRYDA Can you elaborate?
@Sturm ;)
@hRmm lol, maybe
@Stormfur good for you.
@CjrLdy understood, thank you very much though. I think ill be making the decision to build it on my own, thank you for the inspirational car!
You mind if I improve off your drivetrain to build a couple modern challengers?
@1TheSleepySheep1 haha awesome right?
Thank you very much for improving the tank :)
@AmazingAidan thank you very much for the upvote.
@AmazingAidan Its just the (maus) turret bud, gimme a break.
@Nef680 Thank you for the advice, I Tried my best, and did compare to blueprints but I'm still learning new and efficient ways to build my crafts.l Would have liked at least a thank you for complementing your vehicle!
As a fellow tank builder i can tell you right now, the turret on this thing was the only thing keeping me from building it. But for making this vehicle, You earn an up vote!
Hmmmm, satisfied with the replication. Eiiha like, you getta upvote.
@Svenplayzz The name states that the 105 mm gun is what made the tank the the T28 but the 150 mm gun is what made it the t95, plus the weight of the tank. This model is based directly off the one in fort knox.
@FltLtFox indeed.
Great job cedy, always good to see you creating.
love seeing this thing roll out on youtube during tankfest.
@Rodrigo110 and now you have a new follower.
@Rodrigo110 thanks man, love the suppourt.
@Rodrigo110 I dont meen in relative size, i was reffering to the part count.
@LASkey thanks man.
@jlewisifer thank you very much.
@HellRaiser indeed
@HellRaiser hehe.
@Mumpsy thank you.
@AirPlaneBrosTM indeed
@Homemadeforthepros added that little feature just for the hell of it.
I am no plane guy but this, this is a work of replication I would have a hard time with. Very good job my friend.
Noice, sending this to wargaming, lol.
@Ryancool well I dont usually mess with missiles but first...a ceaver missle?
@Ryancool I know this is an old comment but I may one day build the fatman.
What a beauty
@Rodrigo110 lol.
This thing has the same name as my shotgun in fallout 4.
@CCCP lol true