252 recycledcake255 Comments

  • water jet 5.1 years ago

    @Gooch thanks for the comment.

  • Big plane 5.1 years ago

    all you need to do to change that is select the wing then look for the word invert false then tap it to true on both sides then its fixed.

  • Big plane 5.1 years ago

    thats fine I will just fix that on mine.

  • Big plane 5.1 years ago

    hi its recycled 255 cake here great job. its really cool and fast and stuff but one thing if i was making it tilt right i whould have to use left on roll and right when I wanted it to roll left.

  • powered glider 5.1 years ago

    and they can use jets and they are still a glider.

  • powered glider 5.1 years ago

    also that ones a glider

  • powered glider 5.1 years ago

    some are still gliders but for them to get in the air is a propeller.

  • bus 5.1 years ago

    really good

  • simple wooden boat 5.1 years ago

    I will put a rudder on it the up onto here

  • ugly duck 5.1 years ago

    and its cool.

  • ugly duck 5.1 years ago

    it’s actually a really good flier.

  • myob plane 5.1 years ago

    great plane looks amazing flies amazing.

  • Mr. Bean's Mini with sofa on top 5.1 years ago

    a little slow but awesome and hilarious.

  • dart and small fighter 5.1 years ago

    it works really well.

  • tricopter 4 (2 axis) 5.1 years ago

    I love it it seem so complicated to build.

  • simple wooden boat 5.1 years ago

    sorry I have forgotten to put a rudder on it.