5,123 shadowmaker108 Comments

  • Royal Naval Attacker 8.2 years ago

    ITs cool but it just a strange looking nose cone because it just doesn't seem very nessecary. @RAF1

  • Royal Naval Attacker 8.2 years ago

    ITs cool but it just a strange looking nose cone because it just doesn't seem very nessecary. @RAF1

  • Royal Naval Attacker 8.2 years ago

    What's with the extra long nose cone?

  • H-41 Flying Pride 8.2 years ago

    @mrferretairlines thanks for the advice, I'll check it out

  • wing 2 8.2 years ago

    You should probably fasten some Landing gears on it

  • H-41 Flying Pride 8.2 years ago

    I actually saw the Zebra and I thought it was really cool so I decided to make my own flying wing but I didn't copy any of Tully's zebra but I have to admit I borrowed the use of his miniature cockpit :P hope you don't mind. Other than that I made it from scratch and I hope you liked it!

  • SineWave 8.2 years ago

    Back at the weird but water like designs. I like it a lot, keep up the good work. If you ever get jammed in stagnant ideas then take a look at my page, I've been on a streak recently. Anyway, keep at it and have fun!

  • V2 Rocket v1.0 8.3 years ago

    Why is the french flag on the car on the front?

  • American flag 8.3 years ago


  • The Silver Ellipse 8.3 years ago

    @legiondesigns I mean I make small planes but some are still super complicated, also noice weed plane. Feel free to peruse my planes to see what I mean.

  • The Silver Ellipse 8.3 years ago

    That is honestly beautiful, I don't think I would be able to build something that intricate because I only build smaller planes. Like really small... really really small. Either way you did a great job on this and I hope you had fun doing it.

  • F-X-2 8.3 years ago

    I admit, that's pretty dope. But one thing that bothers me, the mini gun in the intake: there is only one of them on one side and that bothers me because it will probably cause the plane to roll in that slight direction.

  • Experiment (Updated) 8.7 years ago

    Each of those engines you used to create that big engine is 8 cylinders so you just made yourself a 16 engine engine XD good job

  • TOG ll* 8.9 years ago

    Land submarine, true life. Tog is life tog is love and tog is everything.

  • X-1 Quadcopter 9.0 years ago

    Good try though

  • H-31 schliknaska 9.1 years ago

    @TheMajesticMrL think of it as a clean slate, equip it with what you wish if you ever so please. ;)