4,860 skyeye1209 Comments

  • MIK Copter HC-114 6.6 years ago

    @mikoyanster I know; just pointing out a small flaw.

    In all else, the helicopter is pretty good. Flies quite stable, and has more detail on it than anything I'd ever have the willpower to build

  • Can someone suggest me a plane to build 6.6 years ago

    Try building the lightest plane you possibly can (without modding, of course)

  • Trident Motorsport Challenge Series - Unique cars rewarded to top 3 winners 6.6 years ago

    Results are in, apparently ALL entrants won because we simply didn't have enough! Ah well, it's all good.

    Hit me up with an email or (preferably) Discord tag and I'll send you the links to your vehicles.

    @DemonSniper8 will get a reward for Formula S
    @CoBros2 will get a reward for Top SimpleDragster

  • J-10-C Dark Dragon Fighter 8.2 years ago

    Here's a hint; try using rotators instead of little flaps to control the elevator and canard; it makes your jet more agile.

    You can check out some of my jet fighters (namely the Swordfish) to get an idea of it. This jet is certainly not bad for a first! (my first plane was a crappy, unstable asymmetrical plane lol)

  • Trireme LFA.4 - The Flying Wing Triplane 5.5 years ago

    @GeneralOliverVonBismarck Thanks, lemme know what you think!

  • Stadium Truck v8 6.0 years ago

    I like the design, and the long travel suspension is pretty neat. The front suspension could use a bit of tuning though; the top arm is longer than the bottom, and it causes the wheel to camber

  • Hot Rod (faster than it looks) 6.0 years ago

    I love it. The details are good yet not computer-laggingly good, the handling is fine and the car is pretty quick. I just wish SimplePlanes supported gearboxes instead of the generic SimplePlanes CVT

    On the topic of suspensions, you might want to check out the trophy truck Model AA I have; extremely potent off road

  • 1928 Ford Model A (Realism Series) 6.1 years ago

    @Captbadass Go ahead! I only used basic wheel suspensions for this one

    Just keep in mind that the weight distribution is quite a bit to the rear; rear suspension should be stiffer than the front

  • Realism Series: Fw 190A-8 6.1 years ago

    @X4JB The miniguns represent 20mm cannons

  • Model 1 truck body 6.3 years ago

    I love it! Could I make a pickup bed for this? I might also make more variants of the Drof like a roadster or something

  • AIM-9X Sidewinder (Realism Series) 6.6 years ago

    @Frenchyfry Try setting up a Dogfight scenario with it! It's pretty fun controlling the missile and trying to hit enemy planes.

  • Adidas mobile 6.6 years ago


  • Trident Motorsport Challenge Series - Unique cars rewarded to top 3 winners 6.7 years ago

    @CoBros2 I suppose I could do it for you. Send me a link to the vehicle, or post it if you want to.

  • Trident Motorsport Challenge Series - Unique cars rewarded to top 3 winners 6.7 years ago


    Holy hell you hit 500+ mph

    I dunno how you did that, because even my dragster which I worked on for hours to get the balance right, only hits 450

    Good job yo

  • Trident Motorsport Challenge Series - Unique cars rewarded to top 3 winners 6.7 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 Stagger drive is an odd powertrain where you power two staggered wheels; the front-left wheel and the rear-right wheel, or the front-right wheel and rear-left wheel. It could be useful for oval racing, where asymmetry is important, but for normal cars it's practically useless.

    Good luck on your builds!

  • Trident Motorsport Challenge Series - Unique cars rewarded to top 3 winners 6.7 years ago

    @DPSAircraftManufacturer Aha! My first victim!

    Which challenge(s) will you take on?

  • Drift AE86 6.7 years ago

    @Deadly8Nightshade Go ahead yo, do what you like. It's based on a Toyota Corrola AE86

  • Gotha Go 229 V3 (Realism Series) 6.8 years ago


    Edited the title for clarity. I always knew the plane as the Ho 229; didn't realize that its' designation was ought to be Gotha.

    But wouldn't they name the plane after the designer? For example the Ta 152 and Ta 154, named after Kurt Tank, rather than the Focke-Wulf company that built them.

  • Wright Flier III (Realism Series) 6.8 years ago

    @ThePilotDude Nice to know! I built the Flyer III mostly because it was the only one i could get an HD 3-view of, and with stats.

    As a side note, all of my Realism Series aircraft are within 10% of the real aircraft in terms of thrust, mass, dimensions, wing loading, et cetera. If you're interested in checking them out, go ahead! The only specification that is very unrealistic is drag; most aircraft tend to have too little drag in simpleplanes, and it's quite hard to measure accurately both in real life and in SP

  • Panther Tank 7.0 years ago

    Pretty cool, personally I thought the Uberpanzer looked more like a Panzer III, but this one really fits as a Panther.

  • Realism Series: Fairey Swordfish Mk.I 7.0 years ago

    @Flameslinger The Swordfish was used as a carrier-borne torpedo bomber, and yes, it was horribly obsolete when it was first fielded, but it was used anyways because there were no proper replacements for it.

    The Fairey Albacore was the original replacement for the Swordfish, but it was eventually replaced by later marks of the Swordfish because it was too sluggish and took a lot of effort to maneuver.

    After the Albacore's failure, the Swordfish was back on the ships, and it wasn't until the much more modern Fairey Barracuda and Grumman Avenger (British-built TBF) became available that the Swordfish began being replaced. But there just weren't enough Avengers and Barracudas to replace all the Swordfishes.

  • F-4 Phantom (Realism Series) 7.0 years ago

    @BroWassup That's how fast a real fighter jet of the era would go. SimplePlanes lets players create planes with stupidly high power-to-weight ratios, meaning almost every plane you see in the workshop is far too fast.

    This F-4 has a realistic weight, wing area, engine power, and size, meaning it should perform just like the real thing. It takes a high altitude and a long amount of acceleration to break Mach 1, let alone Mach 2.

  • Leviathan Heavy Bomber 7.9 years ago

    Yikes! The tailwheel is unsteerable! It's an easy fix to make, simple right-click it and click 'Yes' on the menu.

    Happy bombing!

  • Realism Series: Me 410/U4 7.9 years ago

    The /U4 series designated anti-bomber aircraft; that's what the huge gun was for. There's also the /U2 version with two four 20mm and two 7.92mm, and a standard (/U1?) version capable of equipping bombs.

  • A quick question for all of you 8.1 years ago

    An asymmetrical airplane. 'Nuff said.

    I once made a bomber with three engines, the leftmost engine pod extended into a tail section, whereas the cockpit pod was between engine 2 and 3. It's called the "Trident Heavy Bomber", I challenge you to try building something more ambitious!

  • Realism Series: P/F-80 Shooting Star 8.1 years ago

    ...and look at that; screwed up the nose gear. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realign it, so go do your thing, people.

  • Comet Mk.III - Mach 3, realistically! 8.1 years ago

    What I meant by the "realistically" tag is that this plane flies as if it were a real mach-3 aircraft. SimplePlanes allows for the creation of aircraft with INSANE power-weight ratios with no consequence such as fragility. A real life mach-3 plane would need to be quite strong, and thus heavy, in order to survive the hostile environment of those speeds.

  • Trident Heavy Bomber 8.2 years ago

    @septicfoot Because why not?

  • Proper Helicopter 8.2 years ago

    @MemeKingIndustriesAndMegaCorporation Go ahead! No need to ask.

  • Proper Helicopter 8.2 years ago

    @MechWARRIOR57 Yes, I did. The swashplate, I did NOT make. But the rest of the helicopter, I did.

  • Proper Quadcopter (No VTOL!!!) 8.2 years ago

    This is the "rhombus" quadcopter.

    Get the new "square" proper quadcopter here!:


  • Little Willie 8.2 years ago

    @mustafanaveed Because it's not a Bv 141.

    I might start work on a Realism Series Bv 141 though... Might.

  • Gyro Stabilization Pod 8.2 years ago

    Amazing! I completely destabilized one of my previous planes (The Gemeni) by having the CoM behind the CoL.

    With this attached, it still flew perfectly! Gyros are amazing, huh?

  • Gyro Stabilization Pod 8.2 years ago

    Gonna try this out on my quadcopter serues.... let's see if it works!

  • Little Willie 8.2 years ago

    @EliteIndustries1 Lol. I got it from the name of a little gyrocopter from GTA VCS.

  • Realism Series: Bf 109 8.2 years ago

    @TheGuyYouMightKnow Actually, I left them as miniguns as an excuse to add more drag to the thing. If you've noticed, the airfoils in SP are very thin and have very little drag compared to the real Bf 109's aerofoil.

    The realism Series focuses on performance, not appearance.

  • SimpleTrainTracks- Switch 8.3 years ago

    Any locomotives out there compatible with these rails?

  • Fokker E-IV 8.3 years ago

    Do you mind if I alter thismodel a bit to create a more realistic-flying variant? I'll credit you.

  • Realism Series: B5N2 Kate (working torpedo!) 8.4 years ago

    Anything specific you'd like me to do?

    I've really got no idea what to try next.

  • Realism Series: Fw 190A-8 UPDATED 8.4 years ago

    I try and keep the Realism Series realistic, with realistic weight, engine power, wings, etc., however, there is one thing I just cannot make realistic; drag. Drag is not properly simulated because I have yet to find out exactly HOW to measure the drag of the real airplane. Apart from drag, the series is about 90-95% realistic.

  • Realism Series: P/F-82 Twin Mustang 8.4 years ago

    Speaking of multi-engined aircraft...

  • Realism Series: F6F Hellcat 8.4 years ago

    @TheRussianBrothers69 Sure, I'll try those, especially the B-25. I actually have an Me 262 ready, but it's going through a few problems (too much thrust).

    One thing I've always wanted to do, however, is an A-6 Intruder... with one-ton bombs.

  • Modded Gun Collection - From .30 to 30mm and beyond 8.4 years ago

    Not to mention this thing makes a great mobile AA gun...

  • Realism Series: A6M Zero 8.4 years ago

    @TheRussianBrothers69 Sure, should be easy enough since they basically shape like cylinders.

  • Dodo (GTA III) 8.4 years ago

    @mallthus Yes... Many modded parts...

  • Realism Series: Bf 109 8.4 years ago

    @Fishbowl1121 The miniguns are XML edited to mimic 20mm cannon. (Much) lower rate of fire, heavier bullets, larger caliber, etc. Trust me, it's realistic. You might even want to save the 20mm cannon into your subassemblies... You can see it in slow-motion mode (press L), the .303 guns (yes, also edited) shoot much faster than the 20mm miniguns-turned-cannon.

  • Even more realistic: BF-110 8.4 years ago

    @TheRussianBrothers69 https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/XgJu6p/Gemeni-with-gun-turret

    That's my hideous gun plane I was talking about... actually, the unarmed version is the very first plane I ever made; it was asymmetrical because I totally forgot about mirroring aircraft!

  • Even more realistic: BF-110 8.4 years ago

    I actually had a "Night fighter" variant of the Bf 110, with a similar paintjob... I didn't upload it because I assumed an all-black paintjob seemed too boring.

    Nice gunner mechanism, though. I didn't know it would work with small rotators! Last time I tried a gunner plane, it ended up hideous!

  • Realism Series: Bf 110 8.4 years ago

    @TheRussianBrothers69 I saw it, thank you very much for the parts! I'm not too experienced with XML modding, so I couldn't have done it myself!

  • For SkyEyeMCCIX 8.4 years ago

    Thank you! I'll be sure to update my aircraft with these parts... By the way, the next Realism Series is gonna be a Ju 87G with 40mm!