@GuestJeremy basically the way this was made is uh
the 3d model for sky part city was in the modkit.
i imported the model into roblox.
and then added a few stuff, and made the thing diamond plate
because I got the tray table down
and the seat reclined in the wrong position
and I got the tray table down
and the seat reclined in the wrong position
so I crawled from the twisted burning wreckage
I crawled on my hands and knees for 3 full days
you FRICKING stole my idea!!!!!!!!!!!
@HowlingMaster stop moaning, you freak
@Guh what the fuck does "guh" mean
is it some kind of moan
you freak
I would rather uhhhhhh
@AmethystAircraft no shut up I'm dead
@Koolguyshades those who throw
@CatdogAerospace uh
@GuestJeremy basically the way this was made is uh
the 3d model for sky part city was in the modkit.
i imported the model into roblox.
and then added a few stuff, and made the thing diamond plate
because I got the tray table down
and the seat reclined in the wrong position
and I got the tray table down
and the seat reclined in the wrong position
so I crawled from the twisted burning wreckage
I crawled on my hands and knees for 3 full days
I feel so jolly already!
+2@jeniss is this supposed to be every link there is on the internet
@CAS6041 shut up
it was made by the same developers as simplerockets 2
desert with cactus
ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψ ψψψ ψ
my 3ds internet browser was left right here.
what the hell is this test crisis
please inform me about the latest simpleplanes news only for me to tell you to shut up, nerd.
You need bait.
put the bait on a rope
put the rope on a stick
attach the stick to your car
watch as the ai tries to get the bait.
@Boeing727200F instead of just turning off the radio, listen to him.
@Guh i will interpret "guh" as a moan and you can't stop me
on the notification it said moder, i will make a moder plane.
@Guh "guh" sounds like a moan.
@YarisSedan no that's obviously drake from jrake and dosh
do you know this person, i saw him right as i joined plane crazy.
he is still in the server, i'm gonna fling him if i see him.
@LunarEclipseSP probably because i or someone else spotlighted it
+1first you gotta lertus the baffler untin times until it will do a funny little dance allowing you to get upvotes.
+1what the actual hell does guh even mean
whoa is that drake from Drake and josh
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@AirCanadaA330 your only enemy is pompomflights.
themouse, I hope you don't end up being used for organ growing.
give me 0.2371225 upvotes
@SPsidearm me too.
3 AM, what a spooky time to be hacked.
the brain eating bacteria ate it all, sorry.
@Halcyon215 i did stop, i stopped one year ago.
who the hell is catdogareospace and why does he look like loganaviation
@AirCanadaA330 The red tailed hawks of Utah.
@SPsidearm it has been 1.3 years, and this has doubled in downloads.
@Graingy it has been 1.1 years.
@overlord5453 last time I made a sphere that big it wouldn't let me fly the plane or save it.
+1red tailed hawks of utah
this is not a colab, i said no.
okay basically you have to qurdoop the argustus cherta times until it yeadoofas and then you can ferfa and post more than three screenshots
+1boo hoo 😭
+1@AirCanadaA330 no
@LoganAviation dis you?