@Gestour 8 had the file but it didn't work due to it saying sp-mod.androi instead of saying sp-mod.android
@JamesBoA hmm
@JamesBoA it says the name of the song
@Gestour ok
@Brields95 weaponsmith deleted his account I think
@Gestour can you bring back the mod due to a number of planes I have saved that use the mod
@MegaFox I just saw the pun within the description now I want to commit toaster in bath
@Jim1the1Squid there is nothing that they can do about it
@Jim1the1Squid it's not the dev's fault they said it had something to do with unity. I think
@Maxwing1 do you have then name of the first aircraft posted
Creeper aw man
@MegaFox ok
@Jim1the1Squid stop with the damn wings
@Jim1the1Squid boi
@Nickk np
And increase wing width
Maybe add more gyroscopes to it
That looks awesome
Is this the plane from turboprop flight simulator
@Roswell without making the bomb bigger
It doesn't move
@edensk why
@belugasub @SodiumChloride @X4JB @Strucker why did you all send me the same thing
@Natedog120705 turns out my phone can run sp on high graphics now with very little lag
@PositivePlanes I wish
@randomusername nope on an android
@randomusername android
@BagelPlane the under water camera doesnt make my game crash
@TheFantasticTyphoon it would be good if you put a link to the persons pagr
@Stormfur what about mobile users who have simpleplanes but cant afford simplerockets or Sr 2
@RailfanEthan lunar or mars rover
Looks like the dragon capsule
@ZHUAREVONI looks kinda like one
@Jim1the1Squid it's for the motherland comrade
Looks good
@An225Maria I have a bus that may be a type d
@randomusername ok
@CrashFighter05 I use android so the max is about 400 -500 parts
@CrashFighter05 I can make an rv with out interior
@randomusername ok I'll see what I can do if I can even build a submarine
@randomusername how dank on a scale of 1 to 420
@Jim1the1Squid what is the ship modled after
@Jim1the1Squid ok hopefully that works better
@Jim1the1Squid reactivate the mod then repost the ship with the cannons
@Jim1the1Squid you put in the description requires 16lb cannon mod but the ship doesn't have the cannons on it
@Gestour 8 had the file but it didn't work due to it saying sp-mod.androi instead of saying sp-mod.android
@JamesBoA hmm
@JamesBoA it says the name of the song
@Gestour ok
+1@Brields95 weaponsmith deleted his account I think
+1@Gestour can you bring back the mod due to a number of planes I have saved that use the mod
@MegaFox I just saw the pun within the description now I want to commit toaster in bath
@Jim1the1Squid there is nothing that they can do about it
@Jim1the1Squid it's not the dev's fault they said it had something to do with unity. I think
+1@Maxwing1 do you have then name of the first aircraft posted
+1Creeper aw man
@MegaFox ok
@Jim1the1Squid stop with the damn wings
@Jim1the1Squid boi
@Nickk np
And increase wing width
Maybe add more gyroscopes to it
That looks awesome
Is this the plane from turboprop flight simulator
+2@Roswell without making the bomb bigger
It doesn't move
@edensk why
@belugasub @SodiumChloride @X4JB @Strucker why did you all send me the same thing
@Natedog120705 turns out my phone can run sp on high graphics now with very little lag
@PositivePlanes I wish
@randomusername nope on an android
@randomusername android
@BagelPlane the under water camera doesnt make my game crash
@TheFantasticTyphoon it would be good if you put a link to the persons pagr
@Stormfur what about mobile users who have simpleplanes but cant afford simplerockets or Sr 2
@RailfanEthan lunar or mars rover
Looks like the dragon capsule
@ZHUAREVONI looks kinda like one
+1@Jim1the1Squid it's for the motherland comrade
Looks good
@An225Maria I have a bus that may be a type d
@randomusername ok
+1@CrashFighter05 I use android so the max is about 400 -500 parts
@CrashFighter05 I can make an rv with out interior
@randomusername ok I'll see what I can do if I can even build a submarine
+1@randomusername how dank on a scale of 1 to 420
@Jim1the1Squid what is the ship modled after
@Jim1the1Squid ok hopefully that works better
@Jim1the1Squid reactivate the mod then repost the ship with the cannons
@Jim1the1Squid you put in the description requires 16lb cannon mod but the ship doesn't have the cannons on it