@ZeroWithSlashedO I know SMTD can't own a gun because of its mechanical structure.But I want it to have a gun, so it has.After all, it's just a game. Nothing is impossible
My English is not good. I hope you can understand what I said
Put missile and cannon/bomb together and let them have the same name. Input -1 into the Armed Group of cannon/bomb. Input -FireWeapons into the Armed Group of missile.Set the missile's lockTime to 0. Set the missile's max TargetingAngle to 360.And you'll also have to test it yourself a few times based on your weapon, and adjust it based on the results. For example, increase or decrease the weight of the weapon.
The link to the bomb is here. You can study this method based on it
@BlackWidowSquadron thank you.But I don't know if I can take part in the challenge. I don't know whether the plane meets the regulations. If this plane is OK, I'd like to participate.
@Titaninfernal1 @TRD6932 @DDVC
@Titaninfernal1 @TRD6932 @DDVC
+1@X99STRIKER @TheCommentaryGuy @xNotDumb
@Rjenteissussy @BeastHunter @Aviator01
+1@X99STRIKER @TheCommentaryGuy @xNotDumb
@Rjenteissussy @BeastHunter @Aviator01
+1@Titaninfernal1 I don't know. My friend took pictures for me
+1@Rjenteissussy @BeastHunter @Aviator01 @X99STRIKER @TheCommentaryGuy @xNotDumb @Winterfield @DDVC
Sorry, guys.
@ZeroWithSlashedO I know SMTD can't own a gun because of its mechanical structure.But I want it to have a gun, so it has.After all, it's just a game. Nothing is impossible
@ZeroWithSlashedO Near the canard wing
@bilibiliQCWL up了
"From the mist a shape,a ship is taking form.
+1And the silence of the sea is about to drift into a storm。"——《Bismarck》(Sabaton)
@BeastHunter @Aviator01 @Winterfield @KDnotSpy
+2@Winterfield 老哥你的歼20整的挺不错的
@Anastvats I appreciate that you allow me to use your parts
+2@GhostVNVD I am glad to have your appreciation. The next work will be an F18
+1@GhostVNVD Clearing the icon for the list of hidden parts looks like an eye
+2@GhostVNVD There should be no problem with this plane. If you can't see some parts, click Clear hidden parts list
+1@YourWeaponsGuy My pleasure
+1@YourWeaponsGuy https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/uTW39A/Lockheed-Martin-AGM-158-JASSM-cruise-missile
+1I learned from it
My English is not good. I hope you can understand what I said
Put missile and cannon/bomb together and let them have the same name. Input -1 into the Armed Group of cannon/bomb. Input -FireWeapons into the Armed Group of missile.Set the missile's lockTime to 0. Set the missile's max TargetingAngle to 360.And you'll also have to test it yourself a few times based on your weapon, and adjust it based on the results. For example, increase or decrease the weight of the weapon.
The link to the bomb is here. You can study this method based on it
Here you are.
+1@416 It's still yours. Without you, there wouldn't be this work today
+3@Jauntyccmbr Thank you, I am glad to have your appreciation
+1@BlackWidowSquadron Ok, I got it.
+1@BlackWidowSquadron thank you.But I don't know if I can take part in the challenge. I don't know whether the plane meets the regulations. If this plane is OK, I'd like to participate.
+24@Suubk27 (≧▽≦)/
+1@Suubk27 挺不错的,赞
+1@yzp41 行,我明天研究研究这个mod
@yzp41 贴吧的活人几乎都跑这个qq群里了。有近一百九十的人数。这个群还是挺活跃的比贴吧要好的多
+1@yzp41 这个mod只能在电脑上用对吗?
@yzp41 话说你在这个qq群里面吗?群号907715882。中文的简飞大佬基本上都在这个群里面
@yzp41 话说你知道怎么在官网发布的时可以滑动的那三张图是怎么弄的吗?我不太清楚
@yzp41 从Google,pinterest网站,一些3D建模网站,百度,百度贴吧和微博大佬的图片找到的细节图片。
+1@yzp41 还按照现实加了机炮位置的金属蒙皮,把机炮炮口角度改成了现实中的角度,在驾驶舱按照毛子现实中的习惯加了一个红底黄字的“装填完成”告示牌。在机身加了些标语
@yzp41 我自己按照自己的习惯稍微改造了一下。把导弹改成了锁定制导。换了机炮,改了弹射,改了座舱的玻璃,改了下涂装颜色。在机身内部加了一个引擎用ag2和推力来控制,让平飞速度更快。(把高度调节到一半,推力拉满可以平稳飞行,不会掉高度)按照现实加了些灯,机尾编号,机腹红星等等https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/WP3A48/ka-52-block19
@yzp41 哦,好的,谢谢。我去找找
@yzp41 话说,这次的ka52除了导弹和机顶上的有驾驶舱零件以外,还有哪里有?我发现没办法一次性移动整个机身
@yzp41 其实用不着数据,我直接把旧的52上的机炮拆下来装新的上面就行了,不过有新数据,我也去试试看这个数据的效果怎么样。
@yzp41 这次的ka52挺好的,点了up。但我还是喜欢之前的自瞄机炮(我太懒了,不想自己瞄),我待会自己把机炮改一改
@Brendorkus China has risen again and again in the five thousand years.
+4@Brendorkus History tells us that it is possible.Time will tell us the answer.
+4@Suubk27 挺期待的,简飞做su33的人挺少的。
+1@Suubk27 老哥你还记得你之前说要重置Su33吗?
+1(  ̄▽ ̄)σ