@ethanplanes I can't my tablet will crash if I add too much detail...
Then your device won't run with that okay.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
@MaxToTheVolt Okay lang ako..
@Vedi17273 Thanks....
@squideater56 I made another version of that, I meant a PHALANX Gun system replica...
PHALANX Gun system.
@ethanplanes I can't my tablet will crash if I add too much detail...
Then your device won't run with that okay.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................
@ethanplanes The hotel would be enough large but would be smaller than the Kaiser Wilhelm Hotels due to so many test..
And copyright laws.
@ethanplanes Okay
@ethanplanes okay fine I'll make large.
@ethanplanes Do you want a hotel.
Large--Expensive but also takes too long.
Medium--fine price also takes a long time.
U mean the burglers van....😑
P-38's intercept G4M's
@AceOfSpade The successor looks good.
@AceOfSpade check it's new successor.
@AceOfSpade I just asked for someone's screenshot for it.
@AceOfSpade Yeah
@AceOfSpade okay
Uy kasali ako dito okay,
Translated: I'm joining this.
Is that a Bf-110 E2 or the Bf-110 C4 or maybe the Bf-110 C7.
Wow I really appreciate this aircraft.
Bro nice work.
I like this.
@ACEPILOT109 I followed you already okay.
@ACEPILOT109 Fine I'll follow you.
Guys I made this free for everyone for you guys to Chill.
@AdlerSteiner Yes
@ACEPILOT109 Alright I understand you all
@ACEPILOT109 tyx
Wat a city nice.....
I like your creation.
Wait this is familiar from another game.
@Minecraftpoweer You can if you want.
This should be used to fight and also for emergency rescue operations.
The last gunfighter.
F8 Crusader and A7 Corsair II
@Newplanewhodis Okay.
@Newplanewhodis I would like to.
@AdlerSteiner Oo
Ang galing may zero na rin atlas.
@Newplanewhodis For our army to advance.
@KaiserWilhelm plz reply to him https://www.simpleplanes.com/a/KcYL14/Nazi-Germany-Battle-Flag-Reichskriegsflagge
My biplane can land at 50 or 45 mph
@Deadly8Nightshade Get ready for more aircrafts coming soon.
Also I'll add a new helicopter everyone wants.
@BoeyingOfficial Asking permission to land on Runway 92.
@exosuit Wait which country did you came from.
@Newplanewhodis OH YEAH.
Plz read the rules.
Wow is this really Armored.
@ThePilotDude Okay I will install in my pc.
@BootlegAircraft Kaya nga.
Nice man I also have a P-51D-30 but I'll try this.