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Bug thread for v1.12.128 (current version)

Dev PhilipTarpley  3.2 years ago

This is the place for people to report bugs/issues related to the following main updates, and subsequent hotfix updates (bringing it up to the current version of v1.12.128):

Most relevant release notes:
v1.12.123, v1.12.120/121

Next Release Timing: TBD (info regarding expected release frequency)


  1. We won't respond to most reports, but that doesn't mean it has gone unnoticed. Every report will be seen, even if it doesn't have a direct response.
  2. It is extremely helpful to us if you could upload a simplified version of a craft which shows off the issue that you're having, as well as describing the bug in relative detail to help us track it down/fix it faster.
  3. We may remove comments which are not directly related to bugs/feedback/etc. (including our own). It isn't because they're breaking any rules, or anything. It would just be to help keep this thread more organized, which also helps us investigate the issues more efficiently.

Thanks for helping us make SimplePlanes better :)

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    0 flbmyx


    2 days ago
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    the issue persists, I still cannot view posts older than one year in tags

    19 days ago
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    I put a rotator in my plane and it simply doesnt work. I have good enough experience to know its a prob with the game rather than a problem by me. I checked and there are no misconnections. Its being used for a wing-sweep mechanism. in both sides they dont work. here:

    24 days ago
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    i am trying to download a plane from the creator made ones on the website to play on spvr but the download just isnt working

    29 days ago
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    When ever I download a build it just says to verify my internet. And yes I did disconnect and reconnect

    one month ago
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    i have left the link to my plane,
    for some reason after going into editor on this plane to get some details done, the entire game freezes every 20 seconds and wont come back for a few seconds, i have reset my cpu, updated my graphics card, uninstalled the game COMPLETELY, (including removing the local files) and disabling the steam save data to cloud option and yet still no luck, i figured it might be a mod i had while creating it but, indeed it was not, i dont know what to do from here but the game becomes virtually unplayable after a few hours

    one month ago
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    I have problems whether I spawn my aircraft as AI in a determined land location (i.e. Wright Airport), it spawns half underground and immediately explodes when the game is unpaused. This effect only affects 999+ part count aircraft. I noticed this problem when I picked this game again 3 moths ago. This problems didn't happens when I still played this game 2 years ago.
    For reference and screenshot, I post it in this forum. I hope dev fix this bug, thank you very much

    one month ago
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    78.0k Snargles

    the new lever and switch types dont appear in spvr for me on quest 2

    one month ago
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    one month ago
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    one month ago
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    1,353 mitsuki

    The Switch part is bugged it collides with my cockpit hatch whenever I open it even though both switches, fuselage, and hollow glass parts have disabled parts collision and have no collision response

    one month ago
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    tracer rounds won't work, the trace won't show

    2 months ago
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    In tags we can’t view posts older than 1 year

    +1 2 months ago
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    6,283 JBPAviation

    Anyone else have this minor problem?

    In the designer one can not see a glass part behind/through another glass part.

    2 months ago
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    @YourAdversary can you contact us at with more information about what you are seeing?

    2 months ago
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    For some reason when I was online it said that it needs a code for my account, when I registered, it said that I never did it, BECAUSE I PHYSICALLY CANNOT

    2 months ago
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    My safe don't jave the airplanes that I saved it for but when I search the plane the name will show

    2 months ago
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    @YarisSedan oh oops

    2 months ago
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    29.9k YarisSedan

    @CatMasterLuke you can turn it on via the settings, more specifically the "image effects" button

    2 months ago
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    Can you give a mobile addon that allows more islands and transparent water? Some phones(such as mine) can process most of the PC planes and ships and newer phones should be able to render all the items that a PC can. Please add some advanced setting or smth to mobile


    +3 3 months ago
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    The sun flare/lens flare or whatever it’s called has been missing for a while on mobile. The sun is currently just a big white ball. I think It also doesn’t show up on pc when viewed through glass but I’m not sure.

    +1 3 months ago
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    @IndeedtheStig Moreover, the empty drawing positions in the editor cannot be cleared, and the drawing column is already filled with drawing slots that cannot be distinguished. This has caused me a lot of trouble in making new airplanes, and the work is almost impossible to carry out. If anyone has a solution, please reply to me as soon as possible

    3 months ago
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    There is an issue with the drawing editor. When I select a drawing, the drawing does not appear but instead a pop-up window appears asking me to choose an image. This situation repeats several times, leaving the editing box filled with empty drawings. When I want to exit the drawing editing, a trail like residue appears in the editing box and freezes the entire game. Only restarting can solve the problem

    3 months ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @cosman the NACAPROP airfoil is not designed to be used on a wing, it exists for the propellor engines and it can only be used on a wing by overload/XML editing. So it's not going to be realistic

    3 months ago
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    7,754 cosman

    Hi Devs, I was hoping the NACAPROP airfoil lift curve could be fixed because at -179.9 to 179.9 (basically backwards) lift jumps from -90% to +90% of max values. I extrapolated the curve is a sine curve with Lift = sin(AoA90/55) zero lift at 0,110, peak lift at 55, peak downforce at 165. If the equation was Lift=sin(AoA90/45), the curve would return to zero lift at 180/-180 degrees and no dramatic jumps from -179.9 to 179.9

    3 months ago
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    @126 yeah I don’t think it changes anything. It’s kind of cool though

    +1 5 months ago
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    29.9k YarisSedan

    @crazyplaness damn, well i mean... as long as it's purely visual... eh.

    5 months ago
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    @126 it doesn’t seem to be fixed.
    I have a video of it here

    6 months ago
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    29.9k YarisSedan

    @crazyplaness what causes that when you changed the size of the sphere? and is it like finally fixed?

    6 months ago
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    29.9k YarisSedan

    @PhilipTarpley for some reason any part connected to winches doesn't have collision, atleast on my end, also, i wanted to see a mild ai revamp/bugfix like what I've said here, it shouldn't be too hard, atleast i hope, prove me wrong though.

    6 months ago
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    There's no sound on version 1.12.203, my old one has

    6 months ago
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    36.4k Icey21


    No idea why the HuD is goofy. I'd put this in the variables bug section. Attitude indicator is broken. Convo of me and Zaineman puts more depth into situation.

    6 months ago
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    In the help section of the website it doesn’t show you as logged in

    6 months ago
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    2,414 Rayquaza4590

    When you do the carrier landing chalange and go into the catapult the catapult just breaks

    6 months ago
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    NPCs don't appear, the sky is empty, dead and boring

    6 months ago
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    My plane names did disappear

    7 months ago
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    225 TaPePolic

    Please fix a bug
    when you get blow up, it flies 100000000000000000000 kilometers away!!!

    8 months ago
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    I tried to load my aircraft, but the menu "There was an error loading the aircraft design" appeared

    8 months ago
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    so fix the heli rotor pieces

    8 months ago
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    all they do is spin the heli

    8 months ago
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    heli rotors dont work

    8 months ago
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    no bugs just i want u add city on islands its way better that way oo and also inside of buildings like airport and translucent glass also u can break buildings with crash landings

    8 months ago
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    41.4k Phox

    uhh i ripped a fat one and my website crashed

    8 months ago
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    So the issue is with the website itself when you just quit it just won't let you can't play anything VER 1.12 203

    8 months ago
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    112 Echon

    Hitting both USS Beast escorts with custom missles at the same time will sometimes cause all the ui to become unfunctional on Android, only restarting the game fixes it. Here's the missles and an aircraft that it happens with -

    9 months ago
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    The aircraft near Wright need to be change.The elevator on it has a wrong decision mechanism,which is different from the real aircraft.Elevators on real aircrafts allow planes being carried with their tail stretching across the
    edge of the ship,but in the game that is not available.This make it difficult to get the planes into the garage.

    9 months ago
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    615 LJBaysa

    Even though i already have an ancount it still says i dont have one.

    9 months ago
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    9 months ago
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    105 Arendos10

    if i put in my planes those special looking levers, they will dissapear in spvr.
    this is realy annoying as some planes realy need those levers

    9 months ago
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    255 Bigman249

    All my planes names have dissappeared when i go to load plane in sandbox all the names dont show up until i search a plane

    +1 10 months ago
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    When I change the size of a sphere and hit play all blocks will appear disconnected. However if I quit and go back in it fixes the issue until I change the size if the sphere again.

    10 months ago
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    @Acornkingofcats do you use android 14 ver of it
    Broke this

    11 months ago
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    The big blue download button isn’t on the black plane header. Where did it go and how do I download planes?
    It was there yesterday and I don’t know what happened!

    11 months ago
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    Final Approach Never works, Planes wonder off somewhere else instead of landing, Weird thing is It Used to Work.

    +2 11 months ago
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    62.2k TheMouse
    11 months ago
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    321 theboys

    We cannot load textures from certain mods, and objects are just pink:

    We are on two different macOS computers and find that certain mods load the default Unity pink color. The most recent mod to trigger this was Minecraft Lush Cave 1. Do let us know if there is any workaround.

    11 months ago
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    208 enuie

    Map goes black

    The map just goes black when clicking a single key before the map loads.

    11 months ago
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    4,038 Venvar

    Prop engine bug
    The bug is when im trying to make the propeller gone and just leave the engine when i starting the plane my screen just freeze and can't touch anything

    11 months ago
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    Button interactions

    There's a bug I have to look I have to look into more, but working on my Weka has become a pain in the assbecause every time I fiddle with the suspension which uses conyrol bases, all of my buttons and levers become uninteractable, and the only way to fix it is scrap all the buttons (of which there are dozens) and redo them. It's preventing me from testing any of the mechanisms on my build. And apparently I'm not the only one getting this problem.
    I'll see if I can find the specific causes later.

    +1 11 months ago
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    Please can use korean and chinese character in game... it's too uncomfortable

    one year ago
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    The engine prop 2 and 1 when I put it in the cockpit,it deletes the plane

    one year ago
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    when i spawn an Ai plane to Wright final approach,the Ai spawned at the wrong site and not landing to the run way

    one year ago
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    33.2k Sakorsky

    When i make custom missiles and I switch to chase camera of the missile, I cannot interact with the UI nor move the camera when the missile explodes on target

    one year ago
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    0 iluvsp

    When i press next i takes like a few seconds

    one year ago
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    When I am going to search a plane it doesn't let me search it

    +1 one year ago
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    Regarding the sound effect of helicopter propellers: When the blades get stuck during the initial acceleration stage, the full throttle sound effect will turn into idle sound effect; When the throttle is reduced, it will become full throttle sound again, and the throttle state is exactly opposite to the engine sound.

    one year ago
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    4,570 Solent

    I made a Swingwing Airplane, and this has always been an issue with it: Of course it's designed to sweep the wings backwards when going at high speeds, but if you haven't done it after reaching about 630 km/h (about 340 knots), the wings will start shaking up and down really quickly. On one hand it's a visual bug, as the wings seem to get separated from the roots but are still attached, and on the other hand, it somehow accelerates the plane A LOT, even with the engines turned off. This also happens when you spawn in the air, as in on a final approach, where the speed is nowhere near high enough to cause the glitch otherwise. If you pull the wings back before the black loading screen is gone, the plane will accelerate just the same, but it's totally uncontrollable and sometimes does infinite loops, bug forward at a 90 degree AOA, just fly sideways... it's all happened before. if our wings aren't swept above about 50 km/h in water (where I end up embarrassingly often), the same thing occurs... (The plane I'm referring to is the S-160 btw) I guess it's some kind of feedback loop between drag slowing one wing a tiny bit more than the other, causing the other one to go forwards even more, and so on... I'm no coder si this is all just speculation.
    Just to have said this, I play on windows, if it's somehow platform specific

    one year ago
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    When the ‘lifetime’ value of an XML modded gun is over a certain value, it crashes the game. Value can vary depending on part count of aircraft it’s in. Happens on iOS only.

    one year ago
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    Why when I made a plane called ''blue airways commercial flight''
    When I crash the plane in water& in land,the game automatically crashes and also when I crash the airplane in water, the screen turns black

    1.1 years ago
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    6,283 JBPAviation

    Why do I lose my viewpoints on a specific aircraft?
    This is hard to explain with text but whenever I try to fly one of my airplanes, I can literally see how the chase view, fly by view and orbit view disconnect from the aircraft and fall into the ocean (through anything).
    This only happens on one aircraft.
    Please tell me what's going on!

    1.1 years ago
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    62.2k TheMouse

    Thanks. I think that was probably what happened.

    1.2 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @Mousewithamachinegun123 you might be viewing the http version of the site, instead of https. When you try to login, the site redirects you to the secure https site to protect your login info. If you go back to the URL you were looking at before and it starts with http:// you will appear as logged out, because for security reasons your browser will not send authentication tokens unencrypted. Changing the url to have https:// might fix that. If you have a bookmark for the site or something, make sure it's to the https:// protocol to spare that bother

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    62.2k TheMouse

    Website glitch?
    Whenever I am on the simple planes website, and I am not signed in, you can scroll down and see the option “log in to comment”
    If you click this, and log in, then it will instantly take you to the main sp front page. It is impossible to get back to the plane without thr website automatically signing you out. Could you please make it so if you sign in, it will keep you on the post you are on?

    1.2 years ago
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    When torpedoes touch the water after being dropped they glitch out. Please fix this.

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    When I try to log into my simpleplanes account on my quest 3 it says the code doesn’t work even after trying multiple different codes it still wont work

    +1 1.2 years ago
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    @ab when I click on "Download" from the game menu, it opens the Steam UI with the Steam browser. Then if I close the Steam UI with either the "back to game" button or keyboard shortcut, the play buttons no longer work for any game mode, and I can't reopen the browser with the "Download" button. If I download anything from the browser, the game will work as normal.

    1.2 years ago
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    1,360 Kaapeli

    @Kaapeli My phone specs: Oneplus Nord 3 5G, with an android operating system

    1.2 years ago
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    1,360 Kaapeli

    On mobile, the button for the machine gun does not respond well. I have tested my phones screen and its working fine (i also have had this issue with my old phone)

    When you press and hold the button, it will on average take around 2-4 seconds before the gun starts firing. Sometimes (on rarer occasions) the button wont respond for more than 5 seconds or at all. This makes, for example, dogfighting difficult since the gun does not respond predictably. The other weapon buttons, like flares and missiles, work fine.

    Like i said before, ive tested my phones screen responsiveness, and my phones screen is working perfectly (no blind spots for touching) ((its also a new phone)) What could be causing this?

    1.2 years ago
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    580 ab

    @Megatrond you still have that steam ui open maybe, try clicking on download, note the button that is shown in the top right corner under "back to game" and then press that one next time it happens

    1.2 years ago
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    Game always freeze on android

    1.3 years ago
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    @Sense2 Ok

    1.3 years ago
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    @Sense2 Ok

    1.3 years ago
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    0 gg5577

    @WNP78 another another thing would it be possible to fully make it and change the model? And make it full custom comparable and everything? Please? I'd like if it was customizable and mainly available without XML.

    1.3 years ago
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    0 gg5577

    @WNP78 another thing is would it also be possible to add it back? I'd want it for Cessna-172 based builds. Your a dev (according to the tag next to your name) so would it be possible to contact the rest of the jundroo team to add it back in possible future updates? Why would it be deleted?

    1.3 years ago
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    0 gg5577

    @WNP78 Thank you, If possiblke why was it deleted? Is it possible to get it back fully?
    I tried adding normal proppeller properties into the XML, Nothing happened.

    1.3 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @gg5577 That's the old propeller engine part from before there were the configurable advanced propellors. It's just in there for compatibility with old builds that were made with it, it's been entirely superseded by the new ones that are fully customisable. As for what the input was set to, it was last touched well before funky trees was even a thing so I think you probably just had that set on the part before you changed the type and it carried over.

    1.3 years ago
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    0 gg5577

    Hidden propeller type when you replace any part type to "Engine-Prop-2" in XML editing/overload, it appears, it looks like a mix of the: T-1000 (Small prop), T2000 (WW2 prop) and the Lycoming IO-360-L2A (Cessna-172 Engine). This could be named the "Blade t500" seemingly while seeing the other props, (Blade T-1000, 2000, and 3000) have similar names to each other. The unknown prop, or I call it T-500 might be a discontinued engine in the middle of the game before updates or beta or alpha or in development, rather than a Easter egg as you can't modify prop amount, power, size, thickness or pitch. (Unlike all other Props.) Only the engine power(XML), Activation (Normal) exhaust (prob the prop size) (XML), And input(XML+Normal) although most engines use the input "throttle" it uses a funky one using "clamp (input variable?)" and 'throttle (deafault input)" I think it was 0.02 to 1 set in the clamp, Is it a Easter egg? Discontinued? Can it be added in future updates? I'd like to see it completed.

    1.3 years ago
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    When putting a parachute on the wrinch it will fly around and explode

    1.3 years ago
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    I was logging on to the game and my favorites couldnt load im so sad

    1.3 years ago
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    0 574hf

    Searching in the computer and mobile versions of the web does not work

    1.3 years ago
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    5,376 Aviator720

    @Samfpanzer If you have more than 1000 aircraft, the aircraft names will not appear.
    Hope it helpful :)

    1.3 years ago
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    Mod downloaded from official website can't be imported into mobile version, and even if it is imported, it is useless to display restart in the game.

    1.3 years ago
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    6,685 Samfpanzer

    The names of crafts I have saved don’t appear when I open the saved craft list I have to type something in to the search bar for them to appear idk why it’s happening

    +1 1.3 years ago
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    0 Gssev

    In sp vr on the pico neo3 (android) any starred planes do not stay in the starred list and is there a way to save downloaded planes on Android vr versions.

    1.3 years ago
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    5,376 Aviator720

    @PhilipTarpley @WNP78


    The game freezes every 15 minutes.
    I have re-installed the game, but not solved the problem.

    1.3 years ago
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    135 W22w1010

    2 different inputs put into xml folder for a detacher / pylon will make it go off at spawn

    1.3 years ago
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    Cockpit inside parts are bugged. the editor breaks if i use em

    1.4 years ago
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    1,314 PZLAgencies

    Mouse as joystick enables at random times (if this bug does not get fixed I can't fly anything in sandbox).

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    6,563 Sense2

    @jalavani dude. dont download my 777-200ers that dont have the part count cuz it got glitched

    1.4 years ago
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    Sometimes when i go to download a plane it wont download it even if i have a strong connection and sometimes when im flying the pigpen i always go in a flatspin

    1.4 years ago
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    29.9k YarisSedan


    For Some Reason When I Tried To Spawn An Aggresive Ai, Or At Least The Second And Third One, It Will Always Target The First One For Some Reason... Like... Can't We Just Have A Setting For Aggresive Ai? Like Idk, Maybe Choosing What Ai It Should Target? Or Maybe Add A More Complex Ai Setting Too!

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    5,376 Aviator720


    The torpedo propeller was not in place when launched.

    1.4 years ago
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    4,696 MIDNIGHT

    This keeps happening and it’s absolutely infuriating. On complicated builds, I wake up coming back to the game and find parts of my build in places they don’t belong. Moved slightly off the X axis, rotators reset. It’s unbelievable. It makes me want to stop playing.

    1.4 years ago
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    4,788 Hannyboy


    Can’t open sp after update

    notes: I just updated my sp to beta when the update was released in the App Store but never played it in 1 month

    +1 1.4 years ago
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    580 ab

    @GhostLover25 how about those or that one?

    1.4 years ago
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    You never fixed the bug regarding where if you click on a part(modifable), it sometimes never shows the screen to edit the part.

    1.4 years ago
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    @GhostLover25 this might be a me problem cause im on mobile but please add like 3 modern jet huds maybe wiht a little bit of customization options and ill be happy

    1.4 years ago
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    not a bug report, but i just want to ask are there ay courses or tutorials at least to like learn how to make huds with the text part cause the only way to not code modern huds is to add like 2 or three modern huds, like as gizmos or some thing.

    1.4 years ago
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    344 Whenp

    New aircraft that i post are stuck in the “publishing” stage forever i can also not see or download anyone else’s aircraft as for me the newest aircraft are almost a day old now (this is when i first noticed the problem)

    1.4 years ago
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    0 isael

    not really a bug report but i am trying to figure out how to put login code inside of simple planes vr could u help me with that it would mean alot for me

    1.5 years ago
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    Something I just encountered:
    When I clicked "Download" on the Play menu, and then closed the browser without downloading anything, no other buttons on the Play menu worked, except for the top bar. If I download a plane, everything works as normal.
    Playing on Steam, Windows 10, SimplePlanes version

    1.5 years ago
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    Some minor issues that still exist:
    1.When the input value of the speed brake is too large, press and release the speed brake, and the speed brake will fold in the opposite direction.
    2.The Windmill farm on the Maywar island sometimes does not generate a windmill during birth, and the windmill does not turn or rotate due to wind control.
    Aircraft using cannons in dogfight mode will fire and destroy themselves at birth.
    3.The anti-aircraft guns of a destroyer have no blind spots, and when the pilot vertically dives towards the destroyer from high altitude, the guns can still hit the aircraft.(If the game is designed like this, take it as if I didn't say it.)

    1.5 years ago
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    I installed the app and downloaded my planes and then I now turns left of right you need to fix it please 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @TrashpandaShinji That's great to hear! :)

    1.5 years ago
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    @PhilipTarpley I didn't even bother To do the Dev Console, as I realized that it was Indeed Permissions being denied. It's all fixed now, thank you! Now I can get back into this Great game!

    1.5 years ago
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    @TrashpandaShinji Is there any chance you declined the file access permissions at some point? It should've popped up a permission window at.

    It should probably be logging an error when you hit the blueprints "Open Image" button w/nothing happening. To see the error, you'll need to open the dev console. If you haven't done that before, start from the initial loading screen, go to settings and tap on the "Settings" header (at the top) five times in a row. "Settings" should change to "Dev Console Enabled". Once you've done this, you can open the dev console by doing a three-finger tap. Open the dev console after trying to insert a blueprint and see if there are any errors logged. Clicking on a log item will expand to show additional info.

    +1 1.5 years ago
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    @PhilipTarpley l am playing on a Samsung S23 Ultra on V1.12.202

    1.5 years ago
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    @TrashpandaShinji What version of the game are you using and what device?

    1.5 years ago
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    On android, I can't open any blueprints. When I click open images, there's no response.

    1.5 years ago
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    @KAIST There was an issue with one of the web jobs which has been fixed, so things should be working properly now. Thanks for letting us know.

    1.5 years ago
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    20.5k KAIST

    I can't publish my craft

    1.5 years ago
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    1.6 years ago
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    Some of my planes keep overrunning the airport how to fix 🤔

    1.6 years ago
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    41.1k Fyru

    Please fix fine tuner and transform part since my fusalage will go off centered when I load do some tweaks on my craft.

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    7,403 30

    Im not sure if this is a bug but if the devs fix it i think most people will be happy,when i hit or crash my car/plane the primary cockpit etc just fly away at a really high speed,and i have a realistic plane that's really fun to crash but i cant fly it anymore after it disconnects,so please fix it

    1.6 years ago
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    580 ab

    @Suproffi you made a bomb that contained 17 times the explosion power of the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima and wonder why it absolutely destroys everything in existance and yeets your plane at 5000000mph lol

    +1 1.6 years ago
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    Hello, today I was testing my bomb, which contained 250,000 tons of TNT. And after the explosion, my speed started to change very rapidly. The speed could have shown values such as 28,512 mph, 34,962 mph, 30,759 mph, 34,687 mph, 29,761 mph, etc. In one second, the value could change 15-20 times. The plane was a P-51. The main question is not why the speed was very high, but why the speed changed so quickly?

    I hope Chat GPT translated normally

    1.6 years ago
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    @Boeing727Fan1 how do you fix it tho🤔🤔

    1.6 years ago
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    I have bugs I whenever I try to share my plane it still says account acquired for somereason.

    1.6 years ago
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    4,696 MIDNIGHT

    Pretty fed up with SP rn. I’ve been playing for 7 whole years, and I know what I’m doing. Just put about a weeks worth of work into a super detailed dragon with a 500 foot wingspan. I tested the plane extensively over the course of the build & FINALLLLLLLYYYYYY got it to work without any part damage. I post the plane and come back to the game to find half of my hinge rotators disconnected RANDOMLY without my inputs. Ya know. I just spent DAYS making this thing perfect and bc of a bug it doesn’t function when I post it. U N B E L E V A B L E. and it’s not like I can remove the post or anything. Reconnected all the joints and reposted and now I have 2 of the same posts. Cmon simpleplanes make this easier on me snapping the prices in the right places should be the hardest part.

    1.6 years ago
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    4,874 Corn8

    When I am using Blueprints, and when i close the window, Thousands of the same Blueprint Window spam out in the same place, making my laptop laggy and I can't click anything.

    1.6 years ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    Also another bug I just remembered, if there is no camera set as the "cockpit view" camera (after fly-by view), then using the input to cycle through previous cameras doesn't work. If I try and go back, I can't go further than chase view. This is likely because the game is trying to find the cockpit view camera but can't because it doesn't exist.

    1.6 years ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    @WNP78 I've tagged you on a plane with simple recreation steps.

    1.6 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @PlaneFlightX could you specify which part you tested on? I'm not getting this bug with a wing or a rotator

    1.6 years ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    When any part outputting to a variable is destroyed it causes a null reference exception and all variables stop evaluating.

    1.6 years ago
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    549 TinyMaus

    When i play in VR at random times all controls become ungrabbable, forcing me to use joysticks on oculus controllers. this most often happens when i switch and manage weapons using the pop-up menu, or when the glass breaks on the cockpit.

    1.7 years ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    The cowling on WW2 prop engines is based on ground speed, not airspeed. If I have a headwind of 200 knots such that my airspeed is 200 knots and my groundspeed is 0 knots, (and throttle is full), the cowlings will be fully open.

    1.7 years ago
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    Trying to run SimplePlanes v. 1.11.105 on Mac OS Ventura 13.41, but get an error message: "Simple Planes can't be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software".

    1.7 years ago
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    903 pinkleaf

    Random glitch that makes my screen black if I crash into the ocean
    please fix it
    also my VC-25 just explodes while I land to the whight airport
    idk if it's a missile

    1.7 years ago
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    7,472 TheCaper

    Random glitch on iPhone

    The cursor glitches and only the move part option appears, meaning you can’t move your cursor at all. The only way to fix this is to restart SimplePlanes which is a hassle.

    Plz fix if you can

    1.7 years ago
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    Heli rotor wont be break when is clockwise rotate, when it hit something, it will continue stick on the craft

    1.7 years ago
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    7,935 Pilotgoose

    A bug I found: I went on the USS beast catapult with a big aircraft and it sent the carrier flying fast, whenI put a Bismarck on it it got launched far, also idk if it was just the big aircraft breaking the carrier but I have used Battleships on it before (on a smaller size and it didn’t do the same thing so please fix this bug

    1.7 years ago
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    12.7k JuanShot2Go

    Fuselage objects customised will Fill feature clash with ground and other objects regardless of disable collisions flags. Recreated Bug

    1.7 years ago
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    Whenever I lock on to a airplane/boat/car my fps drops to 1, but as soon as i turn off the targeting it goes back to 60

    Edit: i fixed it. one of my mods was messing it up

    1.7 years ago
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    @Dt9494dt in the designer, click the eye button, and press this icon

    1.7 years ago
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    @Cooldudecayd1234 works for me

    1.7 years ago
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    I don't know why, but with my Scut Weka I'm currently building, every time I upload it unlisted and redownload it to continue building it on my other computer, the buttons for the door handles stop being interactable, as in I can't click them with my mouse.
    I can't fix this with the XML. The only way I've discovered to fix this is to duplicate the part (somehow the duplicated part works completely fine without doing anything), remove the old part and replace it with the new one.
    Unfortunately currently I can only test this with these two devices so I don't know if this also happens on other devices, but if it does it'd be pretty stink if people can't use this creation like intended.
    This happens both with mods enabled and disabled.
    I'll DM you 2 versions, one uploaded on one computer with the door handles working, and the other one with the door handles broken, uploaded on my other computer, with only 1 unrelated part adjusted. I don't want to link them here since, well, 85% complete project that could easily be uploaded and exploited by anyone who sees this comment :p

    1.7 years ago
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    Not letting me search and login

    1.7 years ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    Some mods have a really weird experience in VR where they only render in the left eye, in particular these mods. Do you have any recommendations on Unity settings to change for the mod authors?

    +1 1.7 years ago
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    i cant download any planes from the webstite, i press download and nothing happens, i checked all my files to see if it downloaded but it doesnt, nothing happens, i created this account just to post this, if someone know why this happens, please tell me.

    1.7 years ago
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    7,754 cosman

    No matter the performance headroom, (12900k, 3080ti) there seems to be intermittent juddering in the motion. it varies depending on the refresh rate and gets bad at >100hz refresh rate on PC. I identified no dropped frames when it occurs, so I can only conclude its related to the physics updates that drop a refresh every few seconds. Can we manually tweak physics update rates to see if it can be improved?

    1.7 years ago
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    My vehicle I was making vanished I can spwan it in but I can't edit it

    1.7 years ago
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    1.8 years ago
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    +1 1.8 years ago
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    195 CCA7702

    I can't see my all the airplane in the website.

    1.8 years ago
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    Sometimes The Deseinger Camera Was Stuck......

    1.8 years ago
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    Turns out the option to create post tags works just fine for regular users if you can figure out how to get the menu to open.


    Might want to fix that one lol

    1.8 years ago
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    Sometimes The Sky Was Glitched And Change Color To Black

    1.8 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @Tanner0501 if the plane still loads in the game world but you can't see it in the designer, there's a chance that you've managed to accidentally place a part very far away from the plane so when the whole build is centred in the designer, the actual plane is moved far away from the platform in the centre. If you can't find the part yourself you could upload the design and have someone check through the XML to find the stray part.

    +2 1.8 years ago
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    1,224 Tanner0501

    Was building a plane and suddenly it vanished and haven't gotten it to re appear have restarted the app and my phone, it still loads when I click play but that is it

    +1 1.8 years ago
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    In the website, when you go to the Buy or VR pages, the site says Register / Log in even when you were logged in before, but after going to another page, it still shows your username and says you're logged in

    1.8 years ago
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    @WNP78 i don't have a PC, all i have is my phone. It's honestly kinda disappointing to hear that.

    +1 1.9 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @Palliumindustries I can't speak for the company, but I will say that you're not exactly the first person to mention that here. I personally think people that think we should just copy over or inspire features from flyout are missing a few key points, first of which being that making our game into another game that already exists is a terrible business strategy. The other thing I think that happens a lot is people make the false assumption that "if [game x] gains n users, [game y] will lose n users!" which isn't true at a scale like this. Playing a game isn't an exclusive contract and very few people just play one game all the time. If anything, increased interest in the genre is good for us, and the chance of Flyout "replacing" SP is approximately zero because it's a PC only game, which SP is not. This reasoning is backed up by the fact that the massively popular Kerbal Space Program and its AAA-backed successor KSP 2 has yet to kill Juno: New Origins. More people interested in engineering and aerospace? Cool. That's what we make games about. Also, this is the bug report post, not for suggestions. The forums are for those.

    +8 1.9 years ago
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    Not a bug report, just a suggestion from a user. I would strongly suggest looking at the new game called "Flyout" for ideas on new features to add to this game. Flyout is a lot more user friendly and has more features for the customization of fuselages, engines, and wings. As a member of this community, i strongly feel that if lessons are not learned from your competition, you will lose a drastic amount of users in a relatively short amount of time after the release of "Flyout".

    +2 1.9 years ago
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    15.4k UkrTehnoAir

    Я не можу завантажити літак хоть я и потвердил email,

    2.0 years ago
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    7,734 Bogey

    Bug: Orbit camera "Is Active" input doesn't work

    Steps to reproduce:
    1. put an orbit camera with "Is active" any variable you name it
    2. put a beacon light with "Is active" variable as input

    Expected result: light on when on that orbit camera
    Actual result: light still off, input not working

    2.0 years ago
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    7,123 BeeEngineer

    When I make a submarine and I put missiles in it where they are resistant to water meaning if the touch water they still work but even with that they disappear under a certain depth.

    2.1 years ago
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    5,712 Jengstrom

    This has been happening for a long time for me, usually i just ignore it but figured i should bring it up at some point. Occasionally when I spawn an aircraft it will spawn with throttle permanently raised to 100%, and if i decrease it with Brake it will run back up to 100 upon brake release. Also (but less often) sometimes i will spawn and be completely unable to raise the throttle. I've tested all various control platforms and it happens to all of them.

    2.1 years ago
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    Hi, i have a problem, i made a part invisible by making it's scale 0,0,0.but i forgot to connect it to a part, now im stuck failing every challenge by saying(you damaged your aircraft, your aircraft touched water) can someone please help me remove it?

    2.1 years ago
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    @Kiwiki That's likely a physics settings issue.
    Certain builds (especially builds that rely heavily on a certain physics setting) don't work well outside of their original physics quality.

    2.1 years ago
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    Hello! If I click in SimplePlanes the button 'Download Planes', it redirects me to your site. I uploaded a plane. I click 'Open with SimplePlanes' button from my PC, and the game opens. The problem is that the upload bar stays stuck at 0% uploaded. It won't upload the plane. I tried several times, with all sorts of planes, but it doesn't work at all. Can you do something about this? Thank you!

    2.1 years ago
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    Okay, here we go, I’ve never had to explain this to the devs because I thought that I could find ways around must bug problems but I guess this one is pretty out of my reach and oddly not very many people had this problem, although some do.

    For me this started happening somewhere after update 1.8 when the iOS control joystick for mainly pitch would act like I was no longer touching the screen and would go back to its resting position in the center of the circle. I did everything possible as a player to figure this out, I showed this to my step dad who has years of experience on electronics and he said it was most likely a glitch or bug in the game rather than my iPad in general, i have a forum about it where you can actually see the bug in progress, it’s made it nearly unplayable for me, hope someone can check this out.

    I had to delete the game and redownload it which didn’t do anything. I lost a lot of sun assemblies, now I don’t know what to do.

    I have a iPad Air 4th Generation by the way, brand new.

    2.1 years ago
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    Hello, I'm have a problem: The rotator hinge suddenly disconnected.

    Imma working on the turret of the tank and attaching the hinges to raise the barrel. initially connected, but when I went into gameplay, the VTOL slide suddenly disappeared and when I went to the designer, it turned out that the hinge was not engaged. I have connected it many times but have lost it many times, I've had that problem several times. So do us a favor.
    Some Image, hinge is suude separated in designer
    The tank

    We hope that issue gets resolved soon. As always, thanks for your attention.

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    78.0k Snargles

    Take this plane and fly it now get hit by the ww2 destroyers flak. If one part breaks or the glass breaks the plane loses all control

    +1 2.1 years ago
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    6,577 11qazxc

    PitchAngle becomes NaN near 90 degrees.
    png; craft

    2.2 years ago
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    Hey you know that patch you guys implemented to fix the report post exploit? It apparently also made the upvote button send you to the homepage when clicked.

    Might not be possible to fix (maybe both things use the same code?), but I thought the dev team should be made aware of that just in case it is.

    2.2 years ago
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    I would like to note some tracers from cannons glitch out

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    This bug has been around forever, but seriously it would be nice if it were fixed.

    When you unevenly scale parts, for some reason when you load the level, the part tried to reflect as if it was it's original shape, causing reflections to go all janky and ugly.

    How to copy:

    1. Grab a part (preferably one with a slant or curved surface, like a fuselage block or a sphere) and scale the width, height and length to different numbers (e.g 0.25,1,2)
    2. Load the level and rotate your camera. Note the ugly reflections.

    Note: Very occasionally, the reflections actually scale correctly, but about 90% of the time this bug happens.

    The fact this bug exists causes parts such as spheres/hemispheres, chaff dispensers and large rotators to be underutilised for part-efficient details.

    Forum post with pictures

    +2 2.2 years ago
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    1,314 PZLAgencies

    @ErmakSP it is your device.

    2.2 years ago
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    1,314 PZLAgencies

    I can go though terrain if I am at Mach 6 or higher.

    2.2 years ago
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    6,685 Samfpanzer

    Third times the charm the model of the torpedo body is becomes detached when dropping it from 20 Meters or more and it just the body of the torpedo the propeller stay where it should I’m starting to think this is something that’s only affecting me

    2.2 years ago
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    450 firstplus

    Can i submit bugs of the website here?

    2.3 years ago
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    Recently (at least 2 or 3 days ago), i improved the best and main plane of my collection; but when i came back to see it today, all improvements i added since like 1 month ago disappeared with the new one! Now, instead of a almost finished, super cool and advanced plane, i have the old and unstable version. I pray for help, because if i don't recover the actual version, i'll need to fix a test version i made from the one i lost, but anyway, i'll also be hard. PLZ HELP!!!

    2.3 years ago
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    210 amasoncik

    у меня возникла проблема, я случайно не доделал самолет и сделал пост его, пришлось удалить чтобы поставить доделанный самолет, но мне потом пишет что подлждите 24 часа! почему?

    2.3 years ago
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    A minor but exceedingly annoying thing:
    I've been working on this aircraft, and the rudder uses a hinge rotator for movement. Whenever I mirror Left-To-Right, the hinge rotator disappears and has to be replaced, re-rotated, re-positioned, and re-configured for the rudder control. Mirroring in the opposite direction creates a clone of the same part in the same position.
    I've checked the X-Position using both the nudge tool and Fine Tuner, and it's indicated to be precisely centered (though it sometimes appears as -0 but changing it to 0 doesn't fix the issue).

    This issue isn't exclusive to this aircraft and has happened on several other aircraft previously.
    I can provide a link if necessary, but I would prefer that the aircraft remain out of public access for now since it is nearly complete.

    2.3 years ago
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    If you ask the device its realme 6 pro (8GB RAM) and (oppo F9 4GB RAM) maybe effect for other android and both ios
    For build

    Parts that are more than 548 parts and weapon (explosion scale) more than 1000 bomb/missle/canon/partsexplosion either u crash or you launch it

    2.3 years ago
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    im in vr nid help how to put code

    2.3 years ago
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    15 SteveP

    The missles in SAM EVASION CHALLENGES sometimes would flying IN the mountains(I mean piercing die) then hit my aircraft.

    2.3 years ago
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    @Turbo18 Can you describe in more detailed steps how to reproduce the bug? Not sure I've seen that one before.

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    78.0k Snargles

    Fly this helicopter
    :MI-8TV try to break the main rotor. It wont break ittl just warp out of place. It only breaks if extremely hard force is applied to it.

    2.3 years ago
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    910 Jsjwi

    I beg you why can't I upload my aircraft?

    +1 2.3 years ago
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    630 GOOD1

    I have such a problem: rotators are stupidly hanging out, or simply put, they keep on snot, I tried to replace them with another one, but nothing changes, but everything is fine on other buildings, PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO FIX IT!

    2.3 years ago
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    What happenes when the Torpedo's body goes vertical, it yeets it in a different way, i use it as a bomb because i dont trust the torpedo's

    2.3 years ago
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    2,027 Ashdenpaw1

    Sometimes, if you are going really fast, you go through the ground, same with objects like bombs. They don’t explode when they go fast. They go through the ground, well for iOS

    +2 2.4 years ago
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    9,920 OUSSAMAD

    I want to ask you a question and please reply it:
    What you will add in next update!!🙏🙏🙏

    2.4 years ago
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    28.7k Dragoranos

    One gauge is connected to the other. I move one of them, and they stay connected. I hit the reconnect button and they stay connected completely ignoring the cockpit

    2.4 years ago
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    Sometimes when you're on bad wifi and uploading a plane unlisted, it'll reach 100% and it will say the aircraft failed to load and check your internet connection, then a few minutes later the aircraft will upload and it will have made its self public... 0-0
    This is a pretty terrifying bug when uploading and has happened to me twice now. Today it happened to me with someone else's plane.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    When using the smooth edge feature; I have noticed that sometimes there can be lighting errors In a connected part that don't go away until you turn off smooth edges. Also, making a part small enough (I have found it to be 0.3 0.1) will remove color on one or more sides. Additionally, I have noticed a bug with the gold Prix Race track, being that in certain areas there seems to be bumps in the track that will launch a car into the air violently.

    2.4 years ago
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    @SpaceJunkee008 Thanks for reporting. If you can, could you edit your first comment to combine all reports into one, with any relevant details about how to reproduce makes this post cleaner in the long term. I will go back and delete these meta comments after...if not, I will try to combine problems, just a clarity thing for this post.

    +1 2.4 years ago
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    @SpaceJunkee008 When/where is it freezing?

    2.4 years ago
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    6,685 Samfpanzer

    Sometimes a Visual glitch happens were a part stay hidden but the model of that part is there this has only seem to happen if you have a hidden part hit start then come back but it seems to be rare

    2.4 years ago
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    Aircraft Download Bug:

    Everytime I download a plane whether it has 100-200 parts, it gets stuck from 51% to 71% or whatever. I have a good internet connection and idk why this is happening

    2.4 years ago
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    After adding a aggressive ai plane, the enemy is getting destroyed for unkown reasons

    2.5 years ago
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    36.2k TheGliderGuy

    @ComeToBrazilInnit try to Dont press any keys before you are in the game i have the same glitch

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    Variable Setters Paint Menu Bug

    When the paint menu is open, and the variable setters menu is opened and closed, the paint menu seems to deactivate even though it is still open. Parts can be selected and interacted with normally. When a paint color is clicked on, painting resumes normally.

    2.5 years ago
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    26.7k Kendog84

    Camera's part variable bug
    When there's more than 1 camera with the same "Is Active" variable name (two cameras with "CameraA" in the "Is Active" field for example), that variable/funky codes using that specific variable stop working. (iOS)

    Gun parts - can't change zeroOnDeactivate
    I can't edit "zeroOnDeactivate" value of wing gun & gatling gun. I assume this is because these parts don't have the "InputController" menu (not in the Overload at least). Would be nice if you could change the value. (Tested with both "true" and "false")

    Below Solved

    -Turns out 'false' was the default for Roll and Pitch.
    Gyro & zeroOnDeactivate
    I cannot edit "zeroOnDeactivate" value of gyro's pitch and roll input for some reason, although I CAN edit it for Yaw input (ie set it to false). Would be nice to be able to change the value for pitch and yaw as well.

    2.5 years ago
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    i have an issue: everytime i try to fly a design, the scenery doesn't load. instead the loading screen just stays. the sound still plays normally and i can even control the plane, but all i see is a black screen with "loading..." written on the bottom-right. i tried looking it up but found nothing

    2.5 years ago
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    @PhilipTarpley This error seems to occur at random. I don't know when or on which plane the error will occur next time

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    @IndeedtheStig Can you reliably reproduce the bug with a specific aircraft, or does it seem to happen randomly?

    2.5 years ago
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    An error occurred in the throttle response. The accelerator will automatically increase to full throttle. The accelerator will decrease after stepping on the brake, but it will still return to full throttle after releasing the brake. The only way to solve the problem is to quit the game completely.

    2.5 years ago
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    7,734 Bogey

    Multiple cockpits mirror bug
    @PhillipTarpley I have trouble when mirroring with multiple cockpit parts, the centerline isn't in the main cockpit but between the 2 cockpits (haven't tried with more than 2 cockpits).

    Here's a simple test proof

    Fix please.

    2.5 years ago
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    27.9k Souplane

    The VR clipboard/map can collide with objects. I noticed this when I clipped the clipboard into a seat attached to a detacher and it moved, and eventually exploded when I fiddled with it enough (Using this craft, should be easily replicated). This bug may have also caused my plane to explode but I'm not too sure about that.

    2.5 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @BigAeroplane on windows, %APPDATA%\..\LocalLow\Jundroo\SimplePlanes

    +1 2.5 years ago
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    3,991 BigAeroblane

    I'd also like to add speakers (preferably to customize the sound), detectors (to check how parts are working), fire extinguishers, and more "activates" (preferably to modify the layout of the panel). In modifying the airplane save mode (folder storage, this change has to be slow) I don't care about the size of the game

    2.5 years ago
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    Dev WNP78

    @BigAeroplane this isn't a thread for suggestions, it is for issues. However, if you want to customise the units in the game, you can create a custom unit system by modifying the game's Settings.xml file. All the existing unit systems are in there so they should be self-explanatory.

    2.5 years ago
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    @THEREALPILOT123 Can you give a link to a craft which exhibits the issue, and which device you're using?

    2.6 years ago
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    For mobile sometimes you download big airplane with a bomb/nuke with explosivescale up to 10-25 (example) then u crashed it then you cant press EXIT button the way idk

    2.6 years ago
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    Turn Coordinator Indicator Glitch
    The Turn Coordinator gauge is glitchy. After spawning in an aircraft at Bandit, I sped up to take off. At 13 mph, the needle flipped around and stuck in a backwards position. It still functioned, but I believe the issue, after messing around in the debug section, is the AngleOfSlip variable. Hope this helps.

    Picture of the issue: link

    Note: I was testing it in a plane I have not yet uploaded, but was using the original TC code. Nothing was edited from this gauge.

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    @Nentox888 - "I have made some missiles with custom exterior and changed some values. They work fine reaching their target and exploding, but after that the touch inputs stop working completely and I have to restart the game."
    Could you upload a craft (can be unlisted) which exhibits this issue, and post a link to it here?

    2.6 years ago
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    @Lewandowski - "My simpleplanes app keeps on showing me a black screen when I try to load into sandbox mode (build and fly)"
    Does this only happen after loading a craft from the craft designer into the flight scene? Does it happen every time?

    2.6 years ago
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    @a7ecorsair - "tanker spawns without fuselage or wings"
    @Wings1008 - "Craft Instruction lock up: I can't save my plane, or start, even can't go back to the main menu."
    @Planeman1 - "There is a glitch where my bomb won’t drop than just explodes."
    @JacksEpicGamingYT - "There’s a glitch that when I go up to <200,000ft, my plane breaks and/or the map floods/dries up"
    @Maxihamberg - "1. 3rd came offset to the center and I don't know why it happened I checked the whole area nothing is there im getting frustrated"
    @cxw0704 - "Why can't the missiles fire at a low elevation?"
    @DwiAngkasaAeronautics - "Piston cannot attach, it will always disconnect when running sandbox"
    Could you add any additional relevant info regarding ways to reproduce, the conditions surrounding it, the frequency of seeing the problem, and/or your settings (and whether you've tried different settings)...or anything else which may help us pinpoint when/where/why the issue occurs. Also, see note #2 above, to help us out. Thanks

    2.6 years ago
  • Profile image

    Mobility Glitch
    When using the orbit cam of locked-on missile into targets

    such as the cleaver locked into the USS Beast with the cleaver is being viewed by the player through its built-in camera for example. When changing location, such as going to the wright airport while the missile is flying and locked

    After you unpause your screen goes totally black, alt is still connected to the primary craft but you cant switch to other cams, open menu, act groups and pause/close.
    This thing is pretty bad since im really kinda sometimes forgor to switch cams from the missile to the primary craft

    This bug appears on the v1.11 build

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    Yeager Airport East Runway Bug
    There's an invisible bump on the entry of the NE/SW pointing access road of the east runway at Yeager Airport. In Airstrip Drag, on the second runway crossover, when you take the inside line on the entry of the access road, your car can suddenly flip, but the bug happens in any mode.

    +1 2.6 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist
    1. When you click "select engine" on a wheel's settings, the transparency effect doesn't go away when you close that menu.

    2. If you enable X-ray mode and hide a part, if you unhide that part it won't be transparent anymore.

      In both cases, the bug goes away if you enable then disable X-ray mode.
    +1 2.6 years ago
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    1. Fuselage block bug
      When the length of a fuselage block is 0.04 or less (in the example post it’s 0.01) and rise and/or run is applied, the area between the two ends of the fuselage will “glow” a bright white in the designer and in the world. Personally it’s annoying at best and immersion breaking at worst. This bug has been around for a while but has never been fixed. Example

    2. Torpedo bug
      When a torpedo is launched, the propellor on the torpedo will remain perfectly upright regardless of the up or down angle of the rest of the torpedo.

    Device is an iPod Touch 7th Generation running iOS 15.6

    +1 2.6 years ago
  • Profile image
    26.7k Kendog84

    1)Parachute 'floor smooth/& argument' bug
    Parachute with this code causes a bug where the plane spawns below sea level and game crashes. I suspect the presence of & argument or the two arguments within the activation part + parachute quirks/bugs is what's causing the glitch.

    floor(smooth(SelectedWeapon="R61" & ammo("R61")=0)<1,1/1))

    I tried another code with the '&' argument part as a custom variable (using clamp01), but the result was the same.

    2)Gauge 'hide option' bug
    In designer, if you set a gauge's "hide base" property to true and hide and unhide the part (with the general designer option), base shows up again (stays hidden in flight mode).

    3)Beacon light activation group bug(?)
    Neither the Beacon Light or Formation Light part accept FT for its activation group.

    Aug 5 Update

    4)Small Pylon
    Top attachment point of Small Pylon cannot be attached to a fuselage block, weapons, or another small pylon (unlike its larger counter part), and probably many other. I suspect it can't be attached to anything but wing parts.
    I find this rather inconvenient.

    Playing on iPhone (1.12.128)

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    By Ctrl+clicking on the Armed Group in the CountermeasuresDispenser, you can open the FT input screen and set the FT. However, when I go out to the map, the code I entered in that area is erased.

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    38.2k V

    It wasn't SP, Tinkercad had a stroke when importing the model

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    Pretty simple thing I just noticed:

    When the mouse is held over the "Craft Instructions" button in the menu panel, the tooltip is the same as for the "3D Print / Export" button (Export a 3D model of your design.), instead of having its own tooltip.

    +1 2.7 years ago
  • Profile image
    26.7k Kendog84

    Listing order of planes in Race Against Opponent and Dogfight mode menu seems to totally be random, and it makes it very hard to find a specific plane when you have more than a few dozen on your game, let alone a few hundred. I think it's in dire need of a comprehensible numerical+alphabetical listing order, and also a search feature (like in build mode or in-flight AI spawner) would be highly appreciated.

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    this is maybe not a bug report, but can you change on how we open dev console in mobile while it is enabled. currently it is using three finger tap, which makes us accidentally open it when flying, or when we tap the screen once or twice in the game's frozen state. It would be better if it can be opened via three finger swipe or an alternative way of opening dev console, like a button in the pause menu, while in the flight and/or in the designer menu, or a floating button or something.

    also, can we have a better torpedo model? the current model of the torpedo kinda doesn't look like a real one, also it is shorter than what a torpedo should be.

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    6,577 11qazxc


    Parts rotation bug(?)

    If i understood correctly it's gimbal lock and it isn't a bug.

    Sorry for off-topic message.

    +3 2.7 years ago
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    26.7k Kendog84

    Got another one.
    FT related bug
    iOS - Perfectly good FT stops working under certain circumstances. Might be an issue specific to certain type of parts (so far experienced this with rotators and gyro).

    Haven't gotten a pin on the cause of this, but I suspect that it may have something to do with the amount and complexity of FT present in a given build. Gyro/rotators with FT that work on its own (with performance cost of the build being below 1500), when brought as a subassembly to a larger build with more stuff (higher performance cost--about 2000 to 2800), it no longer works.

    FT that stops working is something like this: "clamp01(rotator current angle)) + clamp01(Activation Group) = X." Pretty simple. Or, even something simpler like "LandingGear=1."
    I was using these to activate/deactivate rotators and gyros. 1 assembly of these, works fine (with 9 rotators and 3 gyros).
    2x this, still fine. But when I bring this assembly to a larger group of assemblies (as a unit disconnected from the cockpit, since that's crucial to what I'm trying to do) with another 18 gyros and 39 rotators (3 gyro/9 rotators per unit, and each unit has performance cost of about 380, and only one unit is connected to the primary cockpit, rest disconnected), it suddenly stops working. It only uses part variable setter, and these variables take over when the unit is saved as sub assembly.

    I'd like to submit an example of this, but the build is a WIP and I don't want to publish it yet, so this might not help much.
    I'll probably submit an example once the project is published.

    Also, I'll list some other things that might be related to this.
    -Number of aircrafts (more than 800)
    -Number of sub assemblies (more than 600)
    -Available storage space on device (8GB out of about 260gb)

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    38.2k V

    Attaching a label directly to the detaching end of a detacher renders said detacher inoperable until the label is removed.
    Not sure why this happens but it's been infuriating me for the past hour as I'm making cockpit directions that dissappear once they are followed

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    26.7k Kendog84

    1. Camera related bug
    When a camera or primary cockpit goes into the ocean, regardless of whether it's floating or sunk, game forcibly "Auto Orients" camera, and and skips some of the remaining cameras that are not touching the water seemingly at random.
    This does not happen when a bomb or missile with camera enabled touches and or sinks in the water. Although there is a workaround in the form of aforementioned bomb/missile camera, I still find this troublesome as it limits the utility of camera parts especially for custom missiles or bombs with camera on it.

    2. Parts rotation bug(?)
    This might be an old bug, or even a feature, but I've noticed that Y-axis Parts Rotation does not account for the current X or Z axis rotation of the part. What I mean is that whatever the X-axis rotation value, changing the Y-axis rotation value always rotates the part perpendicular to the floor of the build screen. This causes (pretty often, especially with labels) a quite annoying situation where changing either Y rotation or Z rotation doing the same thing, and you are unable to rotate the part in Y-axis perpendicular to the part itself.

    @11qazxc mentioned that (thanks!) it's a gimbal lock and not a bug. That would explain it, but I'd still like there to be a feature where you can toggle between this mode and rotation based on part orientation. It would be great if we can have two modes for all 3 axis.

    3.Camera enabled Bomb/missile bug
    When a camera enabled bomb or missile explodes or breaks, camera doesn't get disabled, and the bomb or missile (their models) remains intact. Sorry, don't have a working example at the moment. May be more likely to happen with bomb/missile with low explosion scale?

    Forgot to mention, but these are issues I've encountered on iOS. Can't speak for other platforms.

    +2 2.7 years ago
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    I don't know if this is a bug or not but I made a cockpit that has a lot of buttons and switches and for some reason if I add more stuff the I cannot interact with the buttons and switches this is the craft that had the problems I had to remove a few stuff for it to work in this cockpit I can still interact with the switches and buttons but if I change something I then cannot interact with it
    this version is where I cannot interact with anything except joystick and other levers, it has been tested by PlaneFlightX and he told me that he as well was not able to interact with buttons/switches except for joystick
    Also my previous bug report has been solved by WIZARD2017 although I haven't tested it yet

    +1 2.7 years ago
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    2,792 OrderlyHippo

    I think I found a super annoying bug with detachers. Details in description of my unlisted post here:

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    The gauge part, when hide face is set to true and you hide the part, once you clear all the hidden parts the face will show up

    +2 2.8 years ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    Let's say you have a part outputting to a variable. This part is the only source of that variable. If that part is destroyed, every single line of code using ANY variable breaks. A constant nullreferenceexception is also in the debug console.

    For example, if that type of part breaks, then I have an engine stuck at full power even if I turn off AG 1, which should stop the engine.

    +1 2.8 years ago
  • Profile image
    38.2k V

    Time for a shotgun round!

    When you race against custom opponents in car races, the opponent will be disqualified apon race start
    Example image

    Parachutes do not work with FT, unlike detachers which function similarly

    Bombs phase through the floor for whatever reason, so do inferno and interceptor missiles.

    The fuel tank property of a fuselage cannot be changed via overload

    Glass will break in an explosion no matter how high its health is set.

    Glass with adjacent parts broken off will not have its sides reappear, meaning that it will appear to be 100% transparent on one or both sides when a part is broken off

    +2 2.8 years ago
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    If im not wrong, if you made a new location in the USS beast, the location will be "tied" to USS Beast. But now It didn't. So it will spawn, it didn't tied with the carrier and sometimes it will be in the middle of the ocean.

    +1 2.8 years ago
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    11.1k FHCMD

    Hi Hi Hi Snowmountain ice base hole bug report: Link (ps: any rewards lmao)

    +2 2.8 years ago
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    19.2k klm747klm747

    Hello- The USS Best catapult blast shield doesn't stay down anymore for longer planes. Link to forum post

    +4 2.9 years ago
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    The "angle" feature for fuselage blocks does not play nice with fuselages with a non-zero "Rise" value:
    When an angle is applied to a non-zero Rise value, the center around which this angle is applied, is not located at the end of the beam itself. Instead, this "center of angling" is located at the same height (in the direction perpendicular to the rear face of the fuselage) as the center of the beam. This means that when an angle is applied to a beam with a non-zero Rise, this does not only change the angle of the front face, but also affects the effective length of the beam. A visualisation (consisting of a beam with non-zero "Rise", and a turnable needle attached to a cylinder at this beams' "center of angling", showcasing how the face always aligns with this center) is present in the example craft linked below.
    This behaviour is inconsistent with how angles work when the beam has a non-zero "Run". In the case of a non-zero "Run" value, the effective length (the distance to the middle of the front face, A.K.A. the front node, measured perpendicularly to the rear plane) remains unchanged. This difference is once again visualised in the example craft linked below. This behaviour for "Run" is far easier to understand / more intuitive than what happens with "Rise".
    In other words: if you want to change the front face angle of a Risen part in your build, you will currently also have to change the length of the part to make sure it remains aligned with other parts in your build. This does not make any sense, since you seemingly didn't edit any parameters concerning the length.
    Suggested fix:
    Change the "Angle" implementation, such that the "center of angling" always coincides with the front node, at the center of the front face.
    Example Craft

    +3 2.9 years ago
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    "...I have an aircraft where if the fuselage gets damaged all moving parts such as custom cowl flaps, custom landing gear, even custom control surfaces suddenly don't work.."

    Can you give a link to the craft you're referring to and any additional info on what you're seeing/how to re-create the problem?


    "Missiles are strait up not working. On the cleaver for example, the wings will deploy but the engine just wont work."

    I'm not able to reproduce any problems with the missiles. What version are you running. Do they never work, or just under some circumstances?


    "The torpedo physical entity the actual torpedo will aim in random directions while still maintaining original course"

    Are you talking about the torpedo propeller? If so, that is a known issue.


    "The images on descreption can't show, please fix it", and "Sometimes, the other parts get auto bigger and the gear gets higher suspension and damper"

    How can I reproduce these problems to test 'em out?

    2.9 years ago
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    So I think this has been a bug for a while I have an aircraft where if the fuselage gets damaged all moving parts such as custom cowl flaps, custom landing gear, even custom control surfaces suddenly don't work even if they still work they just flip 90 or 180 degrees which is kind of annoying, please fix this in a future update, I have the aircraft with the problems although it has 2,200 parts (it has 2,200 parts for a custom damage models for like bullet holes)

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    Missiles are strait up not working. On the cleaver for example, the wings will deploy but the engine just wont work.

    2.9 years ago
  • Profile image

    It happens sometimes that when building and clicking on a part (i.e. heli engine) that all the values get set to max for no reason

    +1 2.9 years ago
  • Profile image
    446 EM2581

    AI aircraft may not show up or explode in the ground after spawning(Version:1.12.128)

    2.9 years ago
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    6,685 Samfpanzer

    The torpedo physical entity the actual torpedo will aim in random directions while still maintaining original course

    2.9 years ago
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    New bug:

    For some reason plane explosions are kinda op...

    Like when your plane hit the ground atleast 100 speed
    the explosion will send the cockpit 2000+ speed away
    please nerf the explosion. @PhilipTarpley

    2.9 years ago
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    Thanks for reporting the issue (@Alisuchanka)

    ...and @LonelyAustrianUhlan...we're discussing the issue here

    2.9 years ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    Apparently everyone should get a notification when someone follows them. I don't get such notifications.

    2.9 years ago
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    @PhilipTarpley I don't know if this has been addressed before, but when I use buttons and switches in the "Once" and "Continuous" modes, the output value doesn't return to 0. Only the "Toggle" mode allows me to turn off the button

    2.9 years ago
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    I experience soft lock when I try to edit or make craft instructions. More info here

    2.9 years ago
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    0 JustAI

    @DeveloperKorzalerke I'm just asking why now i know thx

    2.9 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    I'm not sure how big of a deal this is, but there's actually a way to edit curated post descriptions.

    2.9 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    @JustAI Bruh it's not their fault, blame google for requiring 64 bit support.

    2.9 years ago
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    0 JustAI

    Why the devs remove android support:( on mods now I can't download my favorite maps and mods on android phone

    2.9 years ago
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    After editing Craft instructions and saving them(pressing 'Okay'), Saving designs stops working (pressing save or save and then overwrite does nothing and the design doesn't get saved) only restarting the game lets you save planes again, until you have to edit craft instructions again...

    Edit 1: It also makes it that the game gets stuck on 10% when uploading apparently .

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    Feature Suggestion For Future Update

    The FOX-2 Missile
    Works in a similar way to the Rocket and Interceptor. Selecting the missile will display heat signatures as targets such as: the sun; active engine parts(on separate craft) and Missiles in flight. The Missile can be fired at any time(like the Rocket). After firing it will lock on to the nearest target(at time of launch) in the missile’s FoV
    On the target’s end the “LOCKED” would still be the same and lock can be broken only by flares. I do not know if all of my ideas for FOX-2 missile are possible but it could enable creators to make replicas not using mods better and more realistic finally having a complete selection of air-to-air ordinance to work with.

    2.9 years ago
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    912 Xi

    I found a bug can be found on multi edit
    After finishing Multi-editing theres
    A part duplication but glowing purple
    Color texture If you play Garry's Mod
    Theres a texture error just like this
    And infact does not Appear when not on
    Build menu

    2.9 years ago
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    Simple planes VR for quest needs a network connection. It really doesn't, so I'm calling it a bug.

    2.9 years ago
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    544 MexiMan

    It randomly happens, but sometimes when you kill an enemy, (Ai plane, convoy, or destroyer) my controls and everything will stop working, (as in unresponsive to touch) except zoom. (I play on mobile)

    2.9 years ago
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    36.4k Icey21

    @PhilipTarpley just a thing I noticed. Like, before the update, I could handle 3 or more planes whilst driving around a 700 part build, while now I can barely even handle a 200 pt. plane with an A.I plane.
    Though this is not exactly a big concern, I am quite curious.

    3.0 years ago
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    "Is the game being laggier than normal since the update a type of bug?"
    Just curious, is this just a general feeling, or have you went back to previous versions to compare frame-rates?

    3.0 years ago
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    36.4k Icey21

    Is the game being laggier than normal since the update a type of bug?

    3.0 years ago
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    2,303 Numbers2

    Device: Lenovo Tab M10 FDH Plus
    Version (Android) 10
    SP version
    Issue: Ai planes aren't generating properly as you'd have half a plane generated let's say 10500 and the other half 10600.

    3.0 years ago
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    67.3k SnoWFLakE0s

    This is the Steam version, latest public.

    3.0 years ago
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    @SnoWFLakE0s Is that on Steam, or the Mac App Store?

    3.0 years ago
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    67.3k SnoWFLakE0s

    There is a constant recurring issue with the use of arrow keys on macOS Catalina, v.10.15.7. When arrow keys are used to navigate the cursor within a text entry field, arrow keys do not move the cursor, instead adds a ghost character. This has been recurring across all SimplePlanes UIs (not on Unity-based UIs like Overload), and is a fairly large inconvinience.

    3.0 years ago
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    5,632 MrsKiwiexe

    I just lost a project that I was dedicating myself a lot, I was making a Liebherr LG 1750, when I simply saved the project so as not to lose the risk of losing it, my cell phone unfortunately it turned off, and when I got back into the game, I lost huge progress, and I'm discouraged to start over because it's something difficult to do especially in an airplane game.

    3.0 years ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX


    It's not really a bug, more like something a lot of builders need: The ability for fuselage blocks to allow inputs greater than 10 (or 5 for rise and run). I'm working on a wing and while I do scale things up a bit, I keep needing to change the scale, which messes up other things.

    In addition, I would like the ability to type numbers in (like 55.6432) to the fill sliders for the new fuselage slicing feature. I am always doing trial-and-error using Overload, and it gets annoying, especially when it gets laggier due to some cache, causing me to restart the game.

    These two small features (which I think should be quite simple to make) would greatly improve the building experience.

    +2 3.0 years ago
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    If you set an inferno-missile’s (I don’t know if this is on all missiles) explosion scale to zero and launching the missile onto USS Tiny (again, I haven’t tested with the other boats) will cause the game to not respond to any movements, like pulling the joystick or move the camera, but the game does still run

    3.0 years ago
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    4,381 Stanmich

    The HUD for missiles is locked in place as a camera zooms. it only updates after weapon is changed, not even when changing radar types. not sure if this is intentional, but it is a quirk of the new zoom.

    3.0 years ago
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    4,237 HazerzIsBack

    @PhilipTarpley Question again: so i was upvoting a new user that joined several days ago, and when i upvoted it the user got 30 points.

    So do newcomers gain ×2 points?

    3.0 years ago
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    15.8k Johnnyynf

    bug-ish report
    On mobile with mouse control, there's no scroll to zoom, right click to duplicate and no right click to drag camera in the designer
    and no right click to drag camer when paused in the world

    3.0 years ago
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    4,237 HazerzIsBack

    @PhilipTarpley Ah i see... ok then.

    3.0 years ago
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    "Question: Do i have to purchase the game in order to update because i got it using APK?"
    @FRIGGLES You have to purchase it to get proper updates, yes. We don't have it free anywhere, so I'm guessing you might be using an unauthorized ("pirated") version, even if you didn't realize that.
    Many apk websites appear to suggest that the apk is authorized in some way, but unless it's a paid version from either Google Play or Amazon (in the case of Android), it has not been authorized to be distributed on that website.
    We have been pretty lax about trying to combat piracy...not because we don't care at all, but because we don't want to impose the sort of DRM that makes things difficult for people who have legitimately bought the game, as well as taking up developer resources...resources we could be putting into the game itself. But, if someone enjoys SimplePlanes, we'd appreciate it if they purchase it from authorized stores if they can.

    +3 3.0 years ago
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    4,237 HazerzIsBack

    @PhilipTarpley Question: Do i have to purchase the game in order to update because i got it using APK?

    3.0 years ago
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    @PlaneFlightX The fix is now live for Steam (Windows/Mac). Thanks again for reporting it and giving repro really helps :) Update thread is here

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    @PlaneFlightX Thank you for reporting this. I've confirmed the bug, and I've got a fix in the works which will be rolling out today. Steam and Google Play will likely get the fix today, but iOS will need to go through their review process first, which has been pretty fast lately, though.

    +1 3.0 years ago
  • Profile image
    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    Massive Issue With Gauges

    Bug: RPM gauges automatically change to RotorRPM/600. I keep putting Engine1RPM/600 in (defined by the output of an engine), and I save and reload, and it changes.

    To replicate, grab a dial, change it to RPM, and then put any input in. It will change upon reload.

    Upon further testing, this affects ALL gauges with custom inputs. They will revert back to their default values.

    Upon yet more testing, this is because the gauge doesn't change to "custom", and custom gauges work fine. The bug occurs when just the FT input to a gauge is changed. The gauge doesn't automatically change to custom.

    +4 3.0 years ago
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    my planes just roll to the left (similar to flight MU5735). I don't know if it's just me or other people too

    3.0 years ago
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    6,577 11qazxc

    SP v1.12.125:
    mark tag of one label obscures text of other labels located nearby.
    gif, uploaded craft

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    Simple Planes Vr, Steam.
    As soon as I click play, it the game icon shows up for about a second then it crashes.

    3.0 years ago
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    Bug: After reloading the level a couple of times, adding new debug expressions causes no output to show up.

    3.0 years ago
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    Props have an insane amount of rotational inertia.
    It takes at least 5 seconds for propellers to spool up to RPM, regardless of the chord, prop diameter, or number of blades a prop has, and no amount of extra power is able to change this.
    It's silly seeing a propeller take longer to spool up to 2700 RPM than a car with the same amount of horsepower get to 100 kph. Props in this game take so long to speed up, they're actually dangerous when trying to go around.
    Not to mention the multiple other bugs and shortcomings with propeller engines.
    We seriously need new propeller engines in SP...

    +1 3.0 years ago
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    1,034 Cennix

    Theirs a bug or glitch that occurs on one of my builds. When using the ww2 engine and removing cowl flaps, the propeller would often bounce around and fly off when turning and taking off. Im not sure if this is a bug or its just my build.

    3.0 years ago
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    "I can not build a ship because the ship was built on the runway"


    You can switch starting locations. There ate starting locations that start in the water for boats.

    3.0 years ago
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    How can i add sendbox mod

    3.0 years ago
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    I can not build a ship because the ship was built on the runway

    3.0 years ago
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    @moncj What code are you referring to?

    3.0 years ago
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    0 moncj

    my question is where do i put in the code

    3.0 years ago
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    32.2k GrFrog

    On the website it won't let upload a video, it claims I have uploaded too much today despite not uploading anything

    3.0 years ago
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    The fuselage block went wrong,when I opened part properties I can't edit fuselage shape.

    3.0 years ago
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    11.7k JesusChrist

    @PhilipTarpley Oh, ok then.

    3.0 years ago
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    @Korzalerke It is intentional, actually. It's a website design choice to organize resource access. Unlisted planes can be found by randomly accessing them in that way, but we haven't seen any significant issues arise from it. Unlisted planes are not intended to be truly private. And, the odds of landing on any specific craft are pretty astronomical.

    +1 3.0 years ago
  • Profile image
    11.7k JesusChrist

    @PhilipTarpley For some reason, you can see the XML history of other people's airplanes by opening the link on one of yours and switching the 6 digit code at the end to one from someone else's. Since there's no button for doing it i believe it's not intentional, not sure how big of a problem this actually is but i thought you guys should know.

    3.0 years ago
  • Profile image
    11.7k JesusChrist

    Pasting this here because i apparently typed this in the wrong thread

    Every plane i try to spawn on the Wright Airport or the North Runway almost immediately explodes, this only seems to happen with ai planes. My guess is that maybe they're spawning lower than they should be, the version i'm playing in is 1.12.123 btw.

    3.1 years ago
  • Profile image
    5,672 DEADSHOT16

    @PhilipTarpley hey. One quick message of a certain bug. If you ram your creation into a island fast enough, the cockpit piece no-clips into the island

    3.1 years ago
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    33.6k DDVC

    Switch still collide even when the part that collide with it was set to
    Here is the craft example
    And Here is the video just in case it doesn't work when test it

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    4,899 Mikey101234

    When adding control bases for VR support, all parts of the creation no longer collide with each other even though the parts collision response is enabled. Don’t know if this is an old bug or not because I just started using the cockpit parts on a creation that interacts with itself

    3.1 years ago
  • Profile image

    My simpleplanes isn't update,The steam can't be used. what should i do?

    3.1 years ago
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    10.5k Kassap

    hi im pc player
    i cant download or upload any plane from the website or from the game its keep telling me check your internet connection please fix that

    3.1 years ago
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    10.1k 416

    Hello Philip, I'm a android player.
    I can't change the interaction type of button with XML. Everytime I press the 'tick' button after I changed the interaction type, nothing happened but the 'cross' button still working.

    3.1 years ago
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    "I don't know if it's just my crappy phone, but every one and a while, if I hover or try to modify a part with sider adjustments like wheels or Guages , it will automatically max out the sliders"

    Could you check what version number of the game you're running (in the about page) and report back?

    3.1 years ago
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    3,137 Fawkes

    I don't know if it's just my crappy phone, but every one and a while, if I hover or try to modify a part with sider adjustments like wheels or Guages , it will automatically max out the sliders.

    3.1 years ago
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    9,248 BigBushy

    I'm receiving a null reference error when I try to create a new mod with the 1,12 mod tools

    Jundroo.SimplePlanes.ModTools.Editor.ModBuilderWindowPlugin.UpdateXRRendering () (at <f13cd46d8efb4877904cc9c6331a5cb7>:0)

    3.1 years ago
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    15.8k Johnnyynf

    when loading into the world if I have any input it will go black screen with the game and overlay(pause menu) still working

    3.1 years ago
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    15.8k Johnnyynf

    Brakes on Wheels don't have FT input

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    Only 264 of the missing ones are there @PhilipTarpley

    3.1 years ago
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    Here is the glitch I was talking about :

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    @Suica Thanks for the picture to clarify the issue. I just reproduced the bug, and it will be looked into by someone soon.

    3.1 years ago
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    15.9k Suica

    Torpedoes have a bug since the last update where the screw and the main body are misaligned after transmission, is there a plan to fix this in the near future?
    Look at this symptom picture.

    3.1 years ago
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    "hey that reminds me of the Douglas TBD Torpedo bomber in ww2"

    I'm not really this in reference to a bug?

    3.1 years ago
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    hey that reminds me of the Douglas TBD Torpedo bomber in ww2

    3.1 years ago
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    1,970 Rakoval500k

    Greetings mr. Tarpley! All my cannons somehow lost their target reticles.
    I remember that the "cannon" part had it's own collimator-styled round reticle when in game, but now it doesn't. Is that a bug? CLICK TO THE FORUM POST WITH SCREENSHOTS

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    @MisterT Thanks. It's very possible it was a beta-related bug, which has since been fixed, but was still impacting that instance of the part, so pulling out a new one could've fixed it...just speculating, though.

    3.1 years ago
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    107k MisterT

    @PhilipTarpley Fixed ! For some reason I had to replace the broken button by the exact same one and now it works.

    3.1 years ago
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    @Almostbutnotquite No worries, there hasn't been a reason to look back there until now :)

    3.1 years ago
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    6,975 G2

    @PhilipTarpley sorry, never looked on the back of the clipboard.

    3.1 years ago
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    @Almostbutnotquite The kneeboard is what should automatically pop up and display craft instructions, if a craft has them. The map is on the back of that. Just reach out and grab it with the grip button, and then flip it over. If the kneeboard isn't showing, you can show it by opening the radial menu (B or Y buttons), and then going into the settings (gear cog), and then click on the clipboard icon to show/hide it.

    3.1 years ago
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    6,975 G2

    @PhillipTarpley I can’t seem to figure out how to call up the ‘knee board map’ on oculus.

    3.1 years ago
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    " I found a bug (v1.12.123) that when you download a plane and opened Simpleplanes, it wont download at all..."

    Hmm, there does seem to be an issue here, and is appears to predate this latest update. When you download a craft on Android it will open SimplePlanes into the menu screen instead of the designer. But, the first time you go into the designer, it should begin downloading the craft. That does appear to be a bug, though, so thanks a lot for reporting it.

    Note; It only appears to work improperly if SimplePlanes is not already running...if it's running, it will go into the designer and automatically begins loading the plane, as expected.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    "It's impossible to click on buttons attached or related to a joystick base."

    Can you link to a craft exhibiting the issue, and any related info on how to reproduce it?

    3.1 years ago
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    "Here’s a bug: whenever I launch a missile without locking on, the missile just passes straight through the terrain without hitting anything."

    @Suica Can you give more info regarding the bug, and/or a link to a craft exhibiting the issue?

    3.1 years ago
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    "Here’s a bug: whenever I launch a missile without locking on, the missile just passes straight through the terrain without hitting anything."

    Does this happen with all terrains, or just specific ones? We're aware of similar issues happening at SnowStone (icy terrain).

    3.1 years ago
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    @Brayden1981 Can you go into your Files app on your phone, and then On My iPhone->SimplePlanes->AircraftDesigns and see if the missing aircraft are in that folder somewhere?

    3.1 years ago
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    Theres a quite annoying bug where loading on custom maps either black screens the game or crashes the game completely

    3.1 years ago
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    15.9k Suica

    The bug with the torpedo screw collapsing when firing still persists...

    3.1 years ago
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    Here’s a bug: whenever I launch a missile without locking on, the missile just passes straight through the terrain without hitting anything.

    3.1 years ago
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    @PhilipTarpley I found a bug (v1.12.123) that when you download a plane and opened Simpleplanes, it wont download at all, it only showed the main menu, second [some] of the gauges are not accurate during in sandbox mode. That's all some bugs I found. Thanks :)

    3.1 years ago
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    @PhilipTarpley i found bug. When i move camera game looks strange i mean everything becomes streched and kind of distorted. Here is a link of video

    3.1 years ago
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    1,259 NakAk

    would it be possible to be able to assign a keybind to re-center the camera in cockpit or seat view for us keyboard and mouse gamers

    3.1 years ago
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    I replyed @PhilipTarpley

    3.1 years ago
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    I got the new version from the App Store I all ready had sp 24 hours later I got on and vice vesa 30 fps 60 usually buttons were small when I went to designer p-51 simple was selected when I went to the select plane none of the 500 planes were available

    3.1 years ago
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    @Brayden1981 Sorry about that...can you elaborate any more on what happened, or what you're seeing?

    Did you get any errors, roughly how many craft did you have, did you have the game installed before the update, did the update auto-install, or did you go to the app store...any additional info, even if it seems small could be of help.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    107k MisterT

    Another useful addition would be an editable key in controls panel to center the view.

    3.1 years ago
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    107k MisterT

    I don't know if it's hard to do, but some more inputs would be great : brakes in wheels, launch weapons, countermeasures, and maybe custom inputs for VTOL RCN nozzles.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    41.0k ALRX

    I found that sliced fuselages still retains it's original hit box of the unsliced fuselage.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    107k MisterT

    It's impossible to click on buttons attached or related to a joystick base.

    3.1 years ago
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    5,785 XiliamXD

    I found a bug with fusalague tht if u attach it on top of other fusalague and change the shape of the first one the other one also changes and this is very annoying when I was building crafts

    3.1 years ago
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    49.7k GuianLorenzo

    While just casually building I have encountered this bug
    Video Link
    I tried to recreate the bug again but I failed
    It might only have happened to me

    3.1 years ago
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    2,410 Destroyer08

    Is there any plans that the rims are resizable independent to tyres so we can create small rim with thick tyres or thin tyres with big rims...
    Also the rims can be changed to fit in other tyre models...

    Just an Idea...

    +2 3.1 years ago
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    15.8k Johnnyynf

    I wrote another post called this is not how tire grip works discuss the questionable tire model in SP
    and we believe it's a few tweaks away from workable tyre model

    and the stationary tire grip problem can be easily replicated by driving a normal-sized car with normal-scaled grip and trying to do a tight 3 point turn and the car will roll for some distance before doing the turn

    Still waiting for the news of brakes having FT input option

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    @jamesPLANESii I'm assuming you normally try VR in SimplePlanes (not SimplePlanes VR)? If so, could instead try SPVR and see if switching the VR render mode helps at all by using the experimental branch for SPVR?

    Your circumstances are different than his, but worth a shot I suppose.

    3.1 years ago
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    Right eye is still bunged in Quest when connected to my computer

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    @zAerospace That should be fixed now.  

    Just so you're aware; the experimental branch currently has undo support generally disabled to investigate lag-spikes in the designer.

    3.1 years ago
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    3,515 s89Aerospace

    The platform is steam, and it is the experimental beta. @NathanMikeska

    3.1 years ago
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    @zAerospace What store? And what branch/beta?

    3.1 years ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    Bug Report: Cylinder Grips cannot be interacted with at all. No highlight, nothing. Video of behaviour. Note the time it seemed to move with the cursor is when I throttled up normally.
    Craft for inspection.
    Device used.

    +2 3.1 years ago
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    3,515 s89Aerospace

    New Beta: Cannot start on Mac (OS Error 4294956470).

    3.1 years ago
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    Just wanted to give everyone an update on the next beta release.

    We were doing builds for the beta and found a handful of issues at the last minute. We're hoping to try again tomorrow after the issues are addressed, but it's possible it will take a bit longer.

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    15.9k Suica

    I mean the normal Wing parts, I think @xiaofootball's description is more qualified.

    The problem with this solution of sandwiching the gizmo parts between the main parts and the glass parts is that the position of the component parts can shift significantly when they are damaged.

    3.1 years ago
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    30.9k Nerfaddict
    3.1 years ago
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    @Nerfaddict It is in fact a bug, thanks for reporting it. Sorry about that, it should be fixed in the release next week.

    3.1 years ago
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    30.9k Nerfaddict

    Not sure if this is a bug or not, but the rims on the wheels aren't "paintable" On android (example). I have The rims set to be the same color as the vehicle body, but they take the color of the tyre instead

    +1 3.1 years ago
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    @POTETOZ "Is there a date for the release of these fixes yet?"

    We are planning on doing a release candidate final build early next week for all platforms, which will go live as soon as they're approved by their respective stores (ex: iOS App Store).

    3.2 years ago
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    15.8k Johnnyynf

    can in-game rotator spin limit count as a bug
    If it is, pls remove it like it do in LimitlessSpin mod and this in my opinion shouldn't be done by a mod

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    3.2 years ago
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    26.2k POTETOZ

    Is there a date for the release of these fixes yet?

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    @MrShenanigansSP I'm not sure, I figured it was on the front page for a while, at least.

    3.2 years ago
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    @PhilipTarpley oh I made a mistake with typing sorry about that what I was supposed to mean was
    "So this isn't actually a bug complain but I just have a question why was the beta 1.12.120 forum post not on the front page like when Andrew makes a forum post”

    3.2 years ago
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    15.8k Johnnyynf

    Kinda a bug that I've experienced for a while is when loading into the game if I have any input with my input the game will load with black screen with hud being normal

    3.2 years ago
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    I really appreciate all the feedback/discussion going on here

    I've read all the replies, and even if I don't reply soon after you post, I very well may come back later on with questions to help me better understand the situation.

    Thanks for everyone's help :)

    3.2 years ago
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    @xiaofootball That's a great point, I wonder if that's what Suica is referring to.

    3.2 years ago
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    "So this isn't actually a bug complain but I just have a question why was the beta 1.12.120 forum post on the front page like when Andrew makes a forum post?"

    @MrShenanigansSP I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to, but we have two main types of posts that we do..."Blog Posts", and regular forum posts. Blog posts have an image associated with them, and will be discoverable from the blog dropdown.

    I made these posts for v1.12.120/121 to be regular forum posts.

    3.2 years ago
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    1,793 xiaofootball

    @Suica There's a code that assumes your plane is critically damaged and it messed up lift, the artificial horizon, rotators, thrust... etc. It seems like breaking glass that's connected to major structural sections of your build most easily trigger this code. A workaround I've found is to isolate your glass sections by connecting it to a gizmo or a non-structural wing. A rigid Rotators works well for this purpose.

    +2 3.2 years ago
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    1,793 xiaofootball
    1. Since this visual glitch persisted since forever, I'm going to keep pushing it. The propeller blades on Blade T2000 becomes off-centered if you change the prop pitch to anything other than neutral. All you need to see this bug is plop one down and change the prop pitch manually. I don't know if this is just me, but it's been a bug that's been bothering me for a while.
    2. Cannon tracer glitch. Sometimes, the tracer of a cannon projectile will glitch out and render in a weird way. This best way to see this is to continuously fire a rapid firing cannon. I've prepared an unlisted plane if you don't wanna set the cannon up yourself:
    3. Change of mass affects the behavior of wheels, shocks, rotators. Basically, this bug makes it hard to taxi a plane with custom landing gears (especially in a tricycle configuration), after heavy ordnances are dropped or a significant part of its overall mass are lost. It's like the physics of these parts aren't updated to match with how the plane has changed. Planes built with only stock landing gears don't experience this glitch.
      These bugs aren't new bugs introduced in 1.12, but bugs that persisted in this game for a long time. I'm really hoping that they get fixed sometimes in the future.
    +3 3.2 years ago
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    @Johnnyynf Gotta admit, that is pretty annoying. I like how it was in Designer Suite. Much more clear and intuitive, and also showed exactly what connection the parts are connected to too

    3.2 years ago
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    15.8k Johnnyynf

    not exactly a bug but somewhat an annoyance is the arrow from the connection editor will not scale with the part. So when dealing with scaled-down(or just small fuselage) it becomes a ball of arrow and it's pretty difficult to select the side to connect to

    +2 3.2 years ago
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    15.8k Johnnyynf

    @jamesPLANESii I thought it was just me with weird PC problem
    I could have lag spikes with sub 500 parts build in game and in designer and I don't think my PC can't handle that
    Although I do have couple of mod enabled but it's some thing minor like control indicator and free cam

    3.2 years ago
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    15.8k Johnnyynf

    The main thing to fix/add for me is FT input for brakes in wheels, which should be added since the FT update of 1.9, and it's probably the only few functions that isn't accessible by FT input and can only be accessible via "Brake".
    Another thing to fix is the weird interaction between the ground and the tire when at relatively low or no speed. A lot of times on level ground while holding brake on GP island, it can still kinda float around without any input.
    Still another is to fix the problem for the spoke from rim "Performance" cannot be properly painted
    Finally fix the weird action of when enabling suspension on wheels, wheel grip decrease.

    And I wrote a forum post Nice update, but this has to be fixed with pictures to show the problem and some of my future whishes

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    Bug 3 of 3: (Not from beta but still a bug)
    The blue selection thing which appears when interacting with any of the new interactable parts (switches, buttons, levers, yokes, throttles etc.), it normally disappears. This is fine and is as intended.
    If I take damage, and show damage (F11 or the button in the menu), every single interactable part I click/hover on retains its blue selection thing until I hide damage. When I show damage again, all the things I touched are blue again (the selection thing).

    3.2 years ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    Bug 2 of 3: (Sorta fixed it but not really)
    A yoke has a tooltip, right? If I set a yoke's tooltip to something, say "Captain's Yoke", one side has that as the tooltip, but the other has a tooltip of "Pitch Roll". Upon further investigation I realized the yoke actually has two of these "Posed Grip" modules, and I was only giving one a tooltip. But the fact is, if a tooltip (at least on a yoke) is left empty, a tooltip called "Pitch Roll" takes its place.

    3.2 years ago
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    50.7k PlaneFlightX

    Bug 1 of 3:
    A problem with the new setup of interacting with the yoke, throttles, and control grips (and similar) introduced with the update is you can't actually move a control grip with the mouse cursor. I can't test this in VR (I don't have it), but I am pretty sure this works in VR, but not on PC.

    3.2 years ago
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    So this isn't actually a bug complain but I just have a question why was the beta 1.12.120 forum post on the front page like when Andrew makes a forum post?

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    @Suica I'm not totally following that description.

    Which glass parts, and which wings are you referring to?

    3.2 years ago
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    Okay I just disabled all of my mods, and yeah the lag spikes are still happening.
    Some planes where I get them, this is a moderately low part count build where I get them, ignore the fact that it's 2x scale and there's a picture of Andrew in the back, they seem to have no effect on the lag spikes since it was doing them before I did that stuff. And my Kitfox is probably my worst build for the lag spikes.

    +2 3.2 years ago
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    15.9k Suica

    I don't know if this is a bug or a specification, but if the glass parts connected to the fuselage of the aircraft are destroyed, the Wing loses lift and becomes uncontrollable.

    +3 3.2 years ago
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    @POTETOZ That certainly demonstrates the bug well, thank you.

    3.2 years ago
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    @Hedero Can you link to a craft which exhibits the issue, please? I'm sure its easy to replicate, but it's often simultaneously easy to mess up trying to replicate bugs as well. It would be a big help.


    3.2 years ago
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    106k Hedero

    This bug is super easy to replicate and doesn't really have anything to do with the new patch. But it's really annoying when creating wings. Basically if you scale a fuselage piece to 2x its current scale to increase the angle of the wing, a wierd shading issue appears on the fuselage and can sometimes be fixed by not having any connections to the fuselage piece, although most times it doesn't work. The shading only happens when you play the simulation btw. For vehicles like an Su-7 or anything with high wing sweeps this is very challenging to work around. Thank you.

    3.2 years ago
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    38.2k V

    Already sent my bugs off to andrew, but ill use this for any further ones i find

    3.2 years ago
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    @PapaKernels That will come to the final version for everyone, including mobile.

    +3 3.2 years ago
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    @PhilipTarpley Oh actually, that's a good point. I think I heard something about the MP mod causing lag spikes. I'll have to test when I get home

    +2 3.2 years ago
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    64.2k PapaKernels

    Ive seen that the new wheels have the rim color connected to the tire color for mobile, but i saw people with it on a computer have the rim as a separate color entity. Is this a bug or something that mobile people cant have?

    +2 3.2 years ago
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    @Default4 We're targeting early next week, but it also depends on how quickly the update gets approved by Apple.

    3.2 years ago
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    26.3k Default4

    When will the test flight update come out? @PhilipTarpley

    +1 3.2 years ago
  • Profile image


    Thanks for the info. It sounds pretty clear that it's related to part count, like you said, but would you mind sharing a particularly bad example? Some part types are worse than others, so it would be great if I have a craft which is particularly bad regarding lag spikes, to give us the best chance of reducing the problem, especially if it is exacerbated by any interplay between part types, or XML modding, etc.

    Also, unless you have checked that the problem is equally as bad w/o mods, if you wouldn't mind sharing which mods you have active, that would be great.

    Thanks for your help

    +1 3.2 years ago
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    I think it might be because I upgraded my PC recently and didn't quite do it right, causing the lag spikes to be far bigger than usual.
    Although, lag spikes in the designer are still there, even when my PCs are working just fine. They also happen on my phone and iPad. They often cause things like numbers not typing in correctly, or clicking on the wrong part or "dragging" stuff unintentionally. Usually it's when you're currently adjusting something or nudging that they happen. For me they usually start when my build has upwards of about 450 parts (very small lag spikes that happen every about 15 seconds) and gradually get worse until they're practically unbearable at about 2500, where they become about 4 seconds every about 10 seconds, and happen almost every time you adjust a part, and judging becomes painfully slow.

    The most annoying thing they cause is, when you hilight a part of a number, and replace it with another number, instead of just that number changing, a lag spikes happens the whole thing deletes and changes to the number you typed.

    +1 3.2 years ago
  • Profile image

    Regarding: your bug report

    Regarding: your bug report

    Regarding: your bug report

    Would you all be able to provide links to crafts exhibiting these issues? If possible, lower part-count crafts would be great, to simplify testing.
    Regarding: your bug report

    Are you still seeing this, or did it clear itself up by some miracle, perhaps? :)

    +5 3.2 years ago