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Der Trisländische Taifun: Part 2 [Teaser]

29.0k TWDDerSharkmarine  3.1 years ago

Introducing: RF-10 D-9 R3/2 JaBo "Herz einer Melodie"

"My Weapon are my Instrument, Every Battle is a Song, Every War is a Symphony, and the Cries of the Fallen harmonizes Perfectly with Every Note, what do i call it?"

"Herz einer Melodie"

"Explosions of my SG50's are the Drums of the war, the Thumps of my Cannons are the Tempo, the Rattling of my Machine Guns are the Main Rythm, and the Explosions of my SG250 are the Climax in the whole Symphony that is the Herz einer Melodie, Heart Of The Melody"

"Call me whatever you like, be it sick, poetic, crazy, madman or whatever, but my Desert Crimson that is Herz Einer Melodie shall keep flying, that Ace of Spade will be the last thing my opponents will see, and the engine of my aircraft will keep filling the air with the Melody Of The Taifuns"

- Heinz Ruhr, Schwarze 1 of the II/JG 17 JaBo Div.