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RC TOG II* Cad drawing

94.3k winterro  1.7 years ago

So, this might not be realy simpleplanesey, but i am proud to let everyone know that this progress here is all beause of simpleplanes.

Simpleplanes introduced me to (sub) Cad drawing, and am currently studying becoming a CAD drawer. It might even become my job and future, because i already had a head start.

Enough chirping, lets give you what you came for.

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This is my 1/16 scale TOG II*
It's built with acurate measurements
(however not accurate amount of wheels due to the track)

everything exept the gearbox is already done, and i'll start printing soon.

Where is the track?

I already have them. its made with leftover pieces off a conveyor belt, i built the TOG around it becouse the belt was a straight rippoff from the original tog track. Not having to print the track prevented a lot of torture.

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    1.7 years ago
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    9,499 Tookan

    Ah, yes, the only tank large enough where the commander can say "oh good heavens the tank is on fire, fire control teams please report to the engine deck."

    +2 1.7 years ago
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    14.0k Guh

    T update me

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    17.4k Kangy


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