Any funky trees experts here? I need your help [solved] [problem identified, solution yet to be found]
15.4k OverlordPrime
4 months ago
deltaangle(ha, TargetHeading) /35
is the heading of the flight computer on the bomb. 35
is the max deflection angle of the control surfaces. It works fine as long as the main cockpit is still attached to the bomb or the flight computer (the brain of the bomb) is the main cockpit. Doesdeltaangle
function depend on the main cockpit somehow despite not using any data from it?
You need to use auto-aim code for that.
Set names for Latitude, Longitude, Altitude, Pitch and Roll angles (you already have heading angle; set them with sometthing short like Zbomb - Latitude, Xbomb - Longtude, Ybomb - Altitude and so on) in variable output of bomb-mounted computer.
Then you set variables
And the last one:
Should work.
Never mind,
is the problem. It depends on the main cockpit's position. Now I have to find a solution. I have target coordinates and bomb coordinates. I have to use these to get a bearing to target. Thanks for stopping by by the way.@Grob0s0VBRa
finally, thank you :D
Already had target position. But again, thanks.
@Graingy [insert gibberish here]
I like your funny words magic man