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MAC Airplanes lost [FIX]

46.5k Minecraftpoweer  6.0 years ago

SI have seen a lot of people having problems with it and here is the solution Just follow what the guy said and it should be fixed, it seems that there is a new folder on mac, just move your designs over there since you still have them just that they are in thw wrong folder.

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    This should be fixed now. Let us know if you are still having any issues. @Shockin

    +1 6.0 years ago
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    @Shockin I'm glad to hear you got it working. Thank you so much for providing answers to my questions. That is very helpful!

    +1 6.0 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison I found and fixed the problem for both my brother and my game! You were very helpful. To answer your questions:

    We found our missing planes at ~/Library/Application Support/unity.Jundroo.SimplePlanes

    The new location was ~/Library/Containers/com.jundroo.SimplePlanesOSX

    We are using macOS Mojave

    We both have and bought simple planes through steam and I have no idea if we have cloud sync enabled!

    Thanks Again!!!

    +1 6.0 years ago
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    @AndrewGarrison Good, now people know how to fix it, I don't play on mac so I don't have that problem. I Think looking in the outputlog should help (location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\SimplePlanes\SimplePlanesData on windows) In there it shows the Aircraft Designs Folder

    +1 6.0 years ago
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    That appears to be correct, SimplePlanes is looking in the wrong place for them.

    Your missing AircraftDesigns folder should be at one of the following places:

    • ~/Library/Application Support/unity.Jundroo.SimplePlanes
    • ~/Library/Application Support/Jundroo/SimplePlanes/AircraftDesigns
    • ~/Library/Containers/com.jundroo.SimplePlanesOSX/Data/Library/Application Support/com.jundroo.SimplePlanesOSX/AircraftDesigns
    • ~/Library/Application Support/Jundroo, LLC

    We also need to find out where SimplePlanes is looking for the new AircraftDesigns. It should also be one of those locations listed above, and it should have the new stock craft "Gator 2.xml". If you copy your AircraftDesigns into the new folder, they should show up in SimplePlanes.

    If you are having this issue, I have a few questions:

    1. What location did you find your missing airplanes?
    2. What location was SimplePlanes looking for the new airplanes?
    3. What version of macOS are you using?
    4. Where did you originally get SimplePlanes? Steam, Mac App Store, or Gumroad?
    5. Do you currently play SimplePlanes through Steam or the Mac App Store?
    6. If you are using Steam, do you have Steam Cloud Sync enabled?
    +4 6.0 years ago