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Eternistan Federation

18.2k DeidaraEnterprises  5.8 years ago


Eternistan Federation
Formed in: 1991
Economy Ideology: Capitalism
Government: Federal Monarchy
Population: 7,662,020
GDP: $4.72 Trillion
Location: Israel
Alliance: Private Mutual Defense Agreement with Federal Republic of Halcyon
Active Duty: 1,932,100
Reserve Duty: 2,018,200
Ground Forces:
924 MBT
1.221 IFV and APC
2.121 Artillery Gun
671 SPG and SPH
450 Rocket artillery and TEL systems
3.000 Utility Vehicles
Air Force:
700 Fighters
320 Bombers
1.250 Utility, Observation and Transport helicopter
800 Attack and assault Helicopter

430 Missile Boats
210 Corvettes
73 Frigates
21 Destroyers
7 Cruisers
2 Fleet Carriers
3 Medium Carriers
7 LHDs

Military History:
Military Victory(s)
Pressed Halcyon to sign a Peace Treaty and reformation government during the 1994 Halcyon-Eternistan War
Total Victory over Arabian Guerilla Company during operation Desert Worm, 1998
Victory over Relaria during Halcyon-Relarian (And their Alliance) war
Victory over PSP during Halcyon-Relarian (And their Alliance) war
Victory over Germany during Halcyon-Relarian (And their Alliance) war