A map plugin that turns the ocean between Wright Isles and Krakabloa into a Minecraft coral reef populated by various 2-dimensional tropical fish.
The reef has high emission with multiple lights to create a nice effect at night. The fish are also high emission. Only the cubes underneath the coral fans and branches have collision. The fish don't have collision. The fish have a 2 minute long lifespan and a high speed so even though they originate from the reef they can often be found zooming by Wright and Krakabloa. I couldn't find a 3d mesh of a Minecraft tropical fish so I had to use 2d particles. I couldn't get the fish to point in the direction they are moving so some of them will look like they are going backwards. Under the reef is a large platform of clay.
@Hiiamhere mods can have as many screenshots as you want. Also my laptop is broken so I can't make anything right now
@PPLLAANNEE How did you make so many screen shots??. But anyway, that's one amazing build. Keep it going!!!..
Minecraft Creeper when
Bro noice
Figured it might be good for screenshots. Ill get to work on refining it
@Griffon1 I would love to see it, tag me when it's posted
I built a minecraft styled plane because of mods like this, I might post it. We'll see.