We just released version 1.0.8 of Juno: New Origins on all platforms! This means that the Career Mode update is now available on iOS and Android and to celebrate we are offering a discount today on those stores! Although you may have already explored the new features on the Steam version, you can now enjoy them on-the-go with your mobile device.
We've done our best to maintain solid runtime performance throughout this update. Just for fun, we decided to stress test Juno: New Origins today at the office. Here it is running a 224 part craft at 59fps on an iPhone 7 from 2016.
But that's not all – we're also offering a discount on for another game that you may have heard of called SimplePlanes, on mobile today as well. So if you're a fan of that game or have been curious about it, now is the perfect time to try it out.
We hope you enjoy the new stuff! Thanks for playing!
Here are the release notes for 1.0.8.
@Michiganstatepolice @john89788798 htyhvhh vugy
We all want to keep it fun and fair, so please follow these rules.
No sexually suggestive content or foul language
You are not the first person to make a penis-shaped airplane. The joke is old and boring now.
We are not going to moderate every curse word, but please try to keep it clean.
Don't abuse the voting system
Don't tell someone: 'If you upvote my stuff, then I'll upvote your stuff.'
Don't make alternate accounts to upvote your own stuff.
Don't beg other users to upvote your stuff.
Don't cancel challenges that have successor points.
Regarding Posts
Don't post the same thing multiple times.
No more than 3 public airplane submissions per day. No more than 10 unlisted submissions per day.
No sympathy posts or memorial posts. Move those discussions to the forums.
We allow a wide variety of uploads that are not actually airplanes. However, we do reserve the right to remove posts if they are too far off-topic.
Don't spam other players' posts with links to your stuff.
Don't advertise Discord servers in posts or comments. Please refer to the Discord Server List for how to apply for a spot on the list.
Don't use offensive symbols, unless they are necessary for historical accuracy (ie - Swastikas should only be used on things like a WW2 German Bomber).
While we allow photoshoped thumbnails, post with misleading thumbnails will be removed.
Don't abuse the post reporting system.
Politics and Religion
Please, remember that this is a game about airplanes. While we do allow off-topic conversations in the forums, if you talk about religion or politics then there is a good chance that your post will be removed. Especially if we feel that it is likely to stir up debate.
Be kind
Be friendly to new players!
If you are continually telling people their airplanes suck, then maybe you suck.
No hate speech. You will be banned immediately.
If we find out that you are harassing a moderator on a 3rd party site (such as Discord) for their actions on this site then you will likely face consequences on this site in the form of a strike or a ban.
Please, just be courteous.
Blocking players is okay
It is every player’s right to block whomever they wish for whatever reasons they wish.
Being blocked by a user in no way hampers your ability to enjoy the game or this website. If someone blocks you, be a better person and simply move on.
If you retaliate in response to being blocked, then you will be banned. Do not post or comment about a player who blocked you, about a specific player who blocked a friend of yours, or about a specific incident about specific people involved in blocking one another.
Tweaking airplanes is okay
It is okay to download someone else's airplane, make some tweaks, and re-upload a new variation.
In fact, the original designer may even receive bonus points.
However, if your variation does not offer any improvements over the existing airplane, then it may be removed.
If you are circumventing the predecessor/successor system, then you will be banned. Never upload a successor as an original design; give credit to the designer of its predecessor.
Naming your airplanes
Don't name your airplanes for a YouTuber. Instead, give it a cool name and use the tag system. It looks less spammy and the tag system makes it easier for YouTubers to find cool planes.
Example of a bad name: JELLY CHECK THIS PLANE OUT!
No Tags
Example of a good name: F55 Super Dasher
Be courteous if you find a violation of this rule. New players may not be aware, so just link them to the rules and tag a moderator.
Please Update a Mod function for sp pleaaaase
@imannoyedonly25words IT IS PINNED
@UnidentfiedOneUser XDDDDDDDD
@Foxeli @Parehare Andrew said he was gonna focus on simpleplanes this year!
@imannoyedonly25words yeah that happens
Update sp please 🙏
Update sp
@UnidentfiedOneUser It is pinned
@Planebuilder2123 no
@FirstFish83828 yes
@Planebuilder2123 the “you got that info from me” one?
@FirstFish83828 the one I said to you
@Planebuilder2123 Which comment again?
@FirstFish83828 hoping
@FirstFish83828 ohhh, and my comment to you was mostly a joke
@Planebuilder2123 I did not, I saw the original comment