23.9k FirstLandFish83828

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joined 3.0 years ago

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Player Biography  

Welcome to my bio stranger!

Please read this it took a while
Age: x3+y3+z3=k
SP occupation: test pilot
Status: semi-active
Silver: idk
Gold: December 5th 2022
Current location: I’m a fish (with hands) what do you think?
Pets: a fish crow named Twix, a cat named Finn, and a puppy that has yet to be named.
Birthday: November 24
Species of fish: Tiktaalik
Goal: to get to 25k
Favorite shoe brand: This will start controversy I know it. Cough adidas cough cough
Sports: soccer, and swimming.
Special talent: violin, can bite a lemon like an apple
Languages: Latin,Italian,English, and all languages on google translate.
Martial arts: Maui Thai, and Jiu-Jitsu.
👍: 👍
Part limit :1800
Title: “The challenge man”
Favorite planes: Me-262, B-36, Su-47, A-10, YF-23
From: Italy
In love?: With the YF-23 🤤
Favorite song: Man Without Love by Engelbert Humperdinck (yes that’s a real name)


@Joethehoe6969 is probably a plant.

@Testuser3745 is indeed real

@yghxhxdjh looooonnngggg

@h4h4l0ng4nthepl4neguy is a chill guy

@Aikopim makes nice stuff

@PilotRyder chair 👍

@420IsMyGod makes world ending things

@arav he makes good stuff

@JJsimple water 😩

@F1Fan8910 mmmm cars

@DatRoadTrainGuy19 Is generally funny

@Rocketguy2079 how do I see him everywhere?

@Wibbley likes birds, I like birds

@MrNoobTR “You are goddamn right”

@MrCOPTY s w i m

@Tohu makes interesting things.

@WinsWings a kind person

@Zaineman same as the last one

@Spacejunkee8 is always there

@Minichiisan stunning planes

@Chaseplane2012 is probably young

@PatDefenceIndustries he is fun to talk to

@MAPA and @Imvicktor are the same people to me (they know what that means).

@Dathcha not a human

@mahardika super underrated

@Panzerwaifu69 is one of the nicest SimplePlanes players of all time

Go follow them.
You. Yes, you 🫵 have a nice a day
pssssttttt click here


Previously known as Fish83828, FirstFish83828