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Mobile Beta v1.4

Dev AndrewGarrison  8.7 years ago

The 1.4 update for mobile is ready for Google Play and iOS.

Major Features

  • AI aircraft traffic in Sandbox mode, adjustable in the Game Settings. See your own saved airplanes fly alongside you! AI planes will become hostile if engaged.
  • Sinkable ships. Drop a bomb, launch a missile, and the ship will smoke, slowly sinking into the ocean.
  • 2 new destroyer ships! Be warned. These warships will retaliate with extreme prejudice, aka their arsenal.
  • Snowstone Island with hidden base with laser defense system.
  • Sky Park City is a fun place to drive around
  • Four new races
  • 2 new songs
  • Added discoverable locations
  • Made the locations dialog awesome
  • Added elevator trim
  • Replaced some training levels with an interactive tutorial
  • Added search filters to the load aircraft and subassemblies panels
  • Performance improvements

New Parts

  • Resizable Wheels - Because why not make this game SimpleCars too?
  • Car Engine - So you can power those new wheels!
  • Beacon Light - Light up the skies.
  • Shock - Since you'll be building cars now, you'll need these.
  • Piston - Sometimes you just need to push parts away from each other.
  • Hinge Rotator - Finally, right?
  • Small Rotator - It's a slimmer version of the current rotator.
  • Extra Large Jet Engine - For all you airliner lovers.

Designer Enhancements

  • Airplane Properties panel added, accessible from the menu.
  • Create sub-assemblies in a simple drag & drop action.
  • New mirror buttons added, including input bindings for mirroring left/right and opening the mirror tool.
  • Visual improvements to the wing tool.
  • Some parts now base their starting orientation on the current view when dragged out from the parts menu.

Minor Features

  • Added a heading indicator
  • Added a new stock aircraft (dune buggy)
  • Added damper and spring settings for new wheels and also existing landing gear. You can tweak these values if you notice you still have too much bounce (or if you want more bounce)
  • The fuselage part can now be resized by 0.25 increments
  • Jet engine sound now changes pitch with throttle.
  • Improved flyout menu in flight scene
  • Game engine upgrade (Unity 5.1.4 -> Unity 5.3.4)
  • Added Circular fuselage corner type
  • Updated the ModTools

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with flying through race rings at high speed registering as a miss.
  • Fixed an issue with detachers firing in incorrect directions when connected to activation group 8.
  • Fixed an issue with clicking through the flyout panel's title/back button.
  • Fixed an issue with designer button panels not being hidden when dragging parts.
  • Fixed an issue with designer button panels opening on top of each other.
  • Fixed an issue with wing properties flyout not being hidden when dragging parts.
  • Fixed some issues with nudged propellers exploding.
  • Fixed an issue or two with planes behaving incorrectly on the very first frame.
  • Fixed some issues with mirroring aircraft.
  • Fixed an issue with the wing tool gizmos jumping around when clicking on them.
  • Fixed an issue where air density for wing simulations was being tracked globally rather than per aircraft.
  • Fixed an issue with part rotations getting messed up when creating a sub-assembly
  • Fixed a bug with the color tool where it was hard to color parts in cramped places
  • Fixed a bug with fuselage blocks where their connection points were not accurate while flying. This will only take effect on new fuselage blocks pulled out from the part list so as to not impact existing designs.
  • Fixed an issue where the props of destroyed AI planes don't despawn when the AI Plane despawns.
  • Fixed some issues with tree collisions on Krakabloa.
  • Updated the mod tools to fix a bug with cloning parts (not cloning the 'Shares Rigid Body' setting).
  • Fixed a scrolling issue in the parts panels after a part description was opened.
  • Fixed rounding issue for the 250lbs bomb
  • Fixed an issue where connected fuselage pieces could not be sized down to 0.25 units
  • Fixed gaps in the headers on menu pages
  • Fixed misspelling in Wright Isles discoverable locations
  • Fixed brake spelling errors in controls dialog
  • Fixed an issue where level progress might not be saved in some scenarios.
  • Fixed some display glitches with various particle systems
  • Fixed an error log spam issue in the SAM Evasion challenge which could result in low framerate
  • Fixed a memory leak related to the music
  • Fixed a targeting box color issue with AI traffic in sandbox mode.
  • Fixed an issue where guns with low fire rates could not fire
  • Terrain tweaks
  • Fixed AA tanks flipping upside down on missions
  • Fixed a bug with islands not being unloaded in some situtations

XML modding additions

  • Jet engines now have a power multiplier that is XML mod-able
  • Added scale XML attribute to parts, so now with XML modding you can scale them by any amount. This has not been tested on every part, so use at your own risk!
  • Added massScale XML attribute to parts, so you can scale mass of a part via XML.
  • Added support for disabling part to aircraft collisions via XML-modding (disableAircraftCollisions="true")
  • Jet engines' and VTOL ports' exhaust colors are XML-moddable.
  • Control surfaces can now be bound to VTOL and Trim inputs through XML only.
  • Added LandingGear, FireGuns, and FireWeapons as options for input controllers via XML modding
  • Added XML property to prevent pistons from breaking (preventBreaking="true")
  • Added slip settings for wheels in the XML for advanced XML modders
  • Added disableBaseMesh attribute to JointRotators XML so you can disable that mesh,
  • Bullet tracer color is now XML mod-able
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  • Profile image

    @andrewgarrison hey i ahve some thing to confess... i downloaded simple planes on apk.. you can see why on my profile. i promise.

    8 months ago
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    321 Sparks365

    @EpicAerodynamics005 try going to settings and click on physics option set to low not a big deal but helps a lot with lag

    8.0 years ago
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    321 Sparks365

    @XthehungrymigetX i know that feel bro xdd

    8.0 years ago
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    i just spent 3 hours trying to find Maywar island and its not even on mobile

    8.3 years ago
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    1,480 ITSTOODANK

    Dude thanks@Wildblueyonder578

    8.6 years ago
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    It's sooooo laggy

    8.6 years ago
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    @ITSTOODANK I'm finnaly able to find it. Take off from Yeager and set your heading to 342 untill you see the island. Be careful. Once you go over the base, you will get a SAM lock.

    8.6 years ago
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    Why isn't maywar island on the mobile update please put it on I'm bored of snowstone island and sky park city already I want some fun @AndrewGarrison

    +1 8.6 years ago
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    1,156 ManBoe

    I just gor more crashes. now it is more often when I am editing wings (or just did so) and activate the Centers overview. as soon as i do this, crash. if i do the centers first and then the wings, after two-three seconds, crash. can someone please help me with this? still air 2, ios 9.3.2.

    8.6 years ago
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    1,480 ITSTOODANK

    Where is it?@Wildblueyonder578

    8.6 years ago
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    Does anyone know if MayWar island (aka) the desert island is coming to simple planes mobiles soon? If so please reply!

    8.6 years ago
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    138k BaconEggs

    Probably the most upvoted forum post..

    8.6 years ago
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    @ThunderstormAerospaceIndustries that is what I want 2 know

    8.6 years ago
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    Go to Wright airport, takeoff and do a u-turn it's about a 30-40 second flight with the p-50 with a turbo prop@Aerobako

    8.6 years ago
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    Where is snowstorm island I can't seem to find it, sky Park city was easy to find but snow islands another story :'D

    8.6 years ago
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    501 Aerobako

    May someone give me instructions?

    8.6 years ago
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    501 Aerobako

    Andrew,where is the sky city?

    8.6 years ago
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    8.6 years ago
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    I can't seem to get to snow stone island without crashing. No matter how small my aircraft is,my game will crash no matter how laggy it is. PLEASE FIX THIS I JUST WANT TO SEE SNOWSTORM ISLAND!

    8.6 years ago
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    @ThunderstormAerospaceIndustries on the store it says it updated but it didn't

    8.6 years ago
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    1,156 ManBoe

    @ManBoe also, it happens most when I am editing the wheels, mostly in this when I change the steering input...

    8.6 years ago
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    1,156 ManBoe

    I seem to be having a problem where my game crashes every few minutes, or even seconds, if im trying to build ANYTHING.. I do not have have this issue while flying ( or driving, whatever ). I have a feeling this is related to the bug where there is a memory loss with music, although this was fixed. my game does the same thing if the sound is off. if it opis any help: I have an ipad air 2 with iOS 9.3.1. does anyone know what this is and how to fix it?

    8.6 years ago
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    52 ALDRICH

    @BroPlanes it is not only for beta im updating it right now May 6, 2016 on my asus (android tablet). im happy.

    8.6 years ago
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    279 TOMMY

    Y can't I have the update :(

    8.6 years ago
  • Profile image
    279 TOMMY

    I want the update

    8.6 years ago
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