1,156 ManBoe

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joined 9.2 years ago

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Welcome to my bio, and welcome to JP Labs.
We build many aircraft, cars, tanks (coming soon), amongst others.
Be warned: Many of our creations, specifically those from before 2016, are not that high in quality, as we were not as experienced back in those ‘olden days’.
Mind you, the Berbus B10 is still magnificent to us.
If you have something that needs building, just ask us.

As of the writing of this bio, we have constructed various aircrafts under the Berbus line (half unreleased), the Aeroliner line (same there), but have also taken on racing cars, tanks, walkers, boats, land-speed-record cars, nonsense machines, and have even gone as far as making a fully-fledged (and oversized) steam locomotive.

Over the course of.... eventually, all of the previously mentioned creations will be released.

And we might just remove a few.
Like that pickup truck thing.
And the PT-line of racing cars as they stand now.