I just pushed a new update to the website that includes a new feature that I worked on over the break. You can now subscribe to other player's posts using the new button at the top right of posts:
If you subscribe to a post you will receive a notification when it receives a new comment. You are automatically subscribed to your own posts, but this now gives you the option to unsubscribe from your own posts if you don't want comment notifications.
I also redesigned the headers on the details pages to (hopefully) improve their look a bit. This required me to remove the add-to-favorites star on airplane posts, so if you are wondering how to do that now you can find it under the drop-down menu:
It's a small thing, but I hope you enjoy the new update.
@Redstonekade how did you upvote this?
Are you making a 1.8 I am sooo excited for it
@MailboxIsMyGender yes.
Sadly I am now scarred for life :(
@GeneralOliverVonBismarck that might be possible if it's not gonna cause frames to drop like a rock lol
@ForeverPie ok then
@GylbarD It's under the "Airplanes" tab.
exactly what i want :)
@GylbarD there already is one!
hi,I love this new change quite,and I am able to follow one easily now.my qq email is full of messages every day!!!
But I’d recommend you to add a “search button”,that will make your web more convenient and popular I believe!
@lliamlegoguy sometime this year ETA not yet known to to devs
@MailboxIsMyGender oh god you're bringing back memories of 4Chan!
We are all doomed
@AndrewGarrison Any plans for sr2 mobile?
@AndrewGarrison i got a problem, when i recive a notification on a new plane, it dosen't show up...
Ok ok @Deiaa do you know what is wrong with that camera @AndrewGarrison
hmmmm helpful :D
So now I won't have to get barraged by comments on a possible successful build, cool :'-)
@Thebossrevolution101 Ahh. I see. Dunno how it can be solved in this case.
@JediWolf that would be awesome
@Gameboi14 2099 is a long ways from now (we might have a simple planes 10 by then) and spaceships capable of insane FTL speeds!
@JediWolf I'm even expecting Apple to modernize by 2099
@Gameboi14 screw Apple (No offense intended) fml if I offended anyone........
@TheChosenOne Darn this IPad 3 I have
And I mean STUPID. @Redstonekade
Nah, Apple's just stupid @Redstonekade