101k Wallaby

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joined 9.5 years ago

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Player Biography  

Stop Signs do nothing to

actually stop the car


I made This Nice List of Actual Pilots among us, feel free to submit an entry.

Some tidbits about ME

•I like planes
•Former Civil Air Patrol, C/CMsgt

My Discord


Q: Will you spotlight me?
A: No. If you ask I see that as a red flag that you are desperate and greedy for upvotes. Don't ask and maybe you'll get lucky if you work hard.

Q: How about an upvote?
A: Same answer. NO.

Q: When will you post another replica?
A: Not for a very long time.

Q: You are bad.
A: You don't know how to ask a question.

Future Projects:

Updating old Posts to new standards

Previously known as ForeverPie