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Ideas for 1.9 and up

6,852 Jim1the1Squid  5.6 years ago

Torpedo- depth setting
Flares- more options
New Islands
Improved current islands
Gear control ratios, torque, and oil consumption for car engines
Gun options, like color, sound, etc.
Radar detection range up to 15 miles
logic gates/parameters (X is activated if Y is released)
More missile options (Warhead size, explosion diameter, etc.)
GPS guided missiles
Russian-themed AI fleet
Engine nozzle modification
Volumetric clouds
Engine overhaul
Variable-detection-range RADAR
FLIR (Forward-Looking-Infra-Red)
Landing gear sizes

Any other ideas?

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    H E A D - U P D I S P L A Y

    4.0 years ago
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    133k Kennneth

    Well that was a lie....

    5.1 years ago
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    1,783 BlackZero

    @Sm10684 more types of suspension (wishbone, leaf springs, etc.)

    5.6 years ago
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    1,783 BlackZero

    A cpu unit that can be programmed to certain parts to act on its own when activated (as long as it's only connected to whatever part(s) you assign it to)

    Tracks to make tanks

    Artillery guns that can be mounted anywhere

    5.6 years ago
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    2,962 FaLLin1

    And a helicopter engine that allow you to taxing

    5.6 years ago
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    2,962 FaLLin1

    Light that allow to search in dark and procedural gear like SR2 and doors for helicopter

    5.6 years ago
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    Lights that allow you to see in the dark, maybe call them “landing light” or something.

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    @Jim1the1Squid probably me expecting too much then

    5.6 years ago
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    @Dale200101 believe me, the defaults do. No the Cleaver, though. That's a cruise missiles.

    5.6 years ago
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    Faster missiles, pretty sure they don't hit 1000mph even though they do in real life

    5.6 years ago
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    6,698 Natedoge

    Compressible springs
    Better physics
    Mold blocks so you can carve out specific shapes

    5.6 years ago
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    6,698 Natedoge

    Compressible springs
    Better physics
    Mold blocks so you can carve out specific shapes

    5.6 years ago
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    Lock on intervals for missiles (I.e. a missile can lock from 0°-45° from the nose, as well as 135°-180° from the nose)

    5.6 years ago
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    26.7k FishMiner

    I would like all off these with a nice big slab of optimizations.

    Seriously this game runs at like 20 fps
    These optimizations could also pave the way for multiplayer in the future

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    13.2k CruzerBlade
    1. F O L I A G E S
    2. tire prints and burnout smoke
    3. replace wright mountains with buildings and towers and the trenches as city roads
    4. some actually real weather effects
    5. remove fog and replace with view distance setting
    6. natural events/disasters, tornado, tsunami etc
    7. better graphics
    +6 5.6 years ago
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    48.7k Sm10684

    For 1.9 I want real exhaust turbos a superchargers a v8 i6 etc option real looking wheels and different options for it real glass and BUG FIXES ON THE XYZ axis more car races comment what you want and I’ll add it Jim1the squid said depth setting for the torpedoes robloxweponco wants Aquatic fixes asteroidbook345 wants costomizeable engines

    5.6 years ago
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    Maybe a muzzle flash for the WWII destroyers when they fire flak for aesthetic purposes.

    Configurable muzzle flash size for guns.

    Missiles can still guide themselves to targets even if they run out of fuel. (Boost phases for most missiles aren’t all the way to impact)

    Fix issue where structural wings xml edited to have control surfaces don’t completely cease function (including lift) when any part of the plane is destroyed by a gun.

    Activation group windows.

    Zooming in cameras and cockpits.

    Tracer glow visibility at longer distances.

    Boss fight capital ships (Battleship or Battlecruiser).

    Surface ship AI difficulty:
    Easy: Current System.
    Medium: More accurate targeting with guns and flak, faster and smarter missiles.
    Difficult: Phalanx guns added to modern destroyers (Engage both planes and missiles shot at it), main guns switch to proximity fused rounds (flak), smarter Missiles. WWII destroyers fire off more accurate rounds.

    +5 5.6 years ago
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    Just thought if another idea, it'd be nice to be able to take screenshots for aircraft in flight when uploading them instead of in the "hangar" so to speak.

    +1 5.6 years ago
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    71.5k MintLynx

    With WNP87 on the dev team, I think he should implement the XML options for his Nukes mod into the default explosive weapons (bombs, rockets, even missiles!). A section known as 'Warhead' where numbers for explosive radius and power can be adjusted. Maybe even add a 'Mushroom Cloud: False/True' or a similar option for those that wanna make nukes.

    +2 5.6 years ago
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    7,047 Frenchyfry

    @Saber89 logic gates would be great

    5.6 years ago
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    12.6k HNL47
    • Procedural jet engine
    • Procedural missile (with Electronic warfare ability)
    • Procedural car engine
    • Procedural Track (integrate the track mod in it)
    • Procedural Cockpit display part : with radar, speed, throttle, altitude, transparence( so we can make holographic cockpit) weapons input, weapons inventory,and so on...
    +3 5.6 years ago
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    @Dale200101 Changed it, and turbofan radius is part of engine overhaul.

    5.6 years ago
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    I was thinking maybe changing characteristics of turbofans such as the fan radius/diameter although I don't know if that's partly what you meant by engine overhaul.
    Also need the option to change the size of landing gear

    5.6 years ago
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    5.6 years ago
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    5.6 years ago
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