52.9k RocCrafter101

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joined 7.5 years ago

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Player Biography  

Hi! I no longer actively upload anymore. I haven't found much of the time or motivation to continue here. Thanks for all the memories and fun I guess... Feel free to check out some of my builds and stuff.

This account is currently managed by PyrusEnderHunter, Apfel33, and MysteryTimeTraveler who I have entrusted to take care of business concerning it.


Who Was I...?

My name is IreneImperii or Roc.

I build whatever, I have no idea what I like anymore but a few examples of what I do is that I build ground vehicles, air defense platforms, a multitude of aircraft (Helicopters, AWACS, Electronic Warfare, Fighters, Cargo, Gunships, etc.) and my favorite... ships. Bring back the Battleship 2030!

Current Roleplay Server

Hi! I'm probably not going to be active on the website much anymore but you can find me here on this discord server!


NOTE: I don't often upload updated versions of ships for public, I make them unlisted but provide a link in the comments to it. Look for the word "UPDATE:"