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126k AWESOMENESS360  5.4 years ago
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    3,776 stig27

    Before reading: what did they find? A AR-15 and a SIG Sauer?
    After looking at the chopper images: HOLY YEEEHAW

    +2 5.4 years ago
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    @Gameboi14 actually don't push me, I have a push to Platinum build planned already.

    5.4 years ago
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    26.7k Gameboi17


    5.4 years ago
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    5.4 years ago
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    @AWESOMENESS360 People own tanks with live ammunition. It’s not too hard to believe that a man could have mortars, though the bomb is very unlikely it was armed. We’ll have to see. I do hope the veteran doesn’t get any unfair treatment, though.

    5.4 years ago
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    274 Orbit

    oh hey look another reason i never visit this site anymore

    5.4 years ago
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    11.3k DOX

    I could imagine him adding those bombs on a cessna and just carpet bombing the neighbourhood XD

    5.4 years ago
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    28.1k Armyguy1534

    @AWESOMENESS360 it also looked like those were old rifles and not any assault rifles

    5.4 years ago
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    @Thelegitpilot13 I'm 99% sure those bombs and mortars were just hollow models, I highly doubt that a collection of live bombs and mortars and explosives alike would go unnoticed for this long. I do agree on the fact that his guns shouldn't have been taken away, while yes, he did have 50+ rifles, it's not like he was planning on killing anybody with them, but rather collecting them instead. Although that doesn't explain why he had dozens of ammo-boxes with like thousands of rounds of ammunition. Maybe it would've been more justified to take all but a few of the rifles, so he could atleast keep some, and only a fraction of ammunition. Idk, it's always best to see it from both sides.

    5.4 years ago
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    @randomusername Sorry, I submitted it far earlier than I wanted to, so I’m still adding to it. And as of right now, I’m going off of the presumption this has not been disarmed, though it very likely is. I am also focusing on the biggest bombs in that arsenal, not smaller mortars (which can cause extreme damage on their own) or guns.
    And basing his reasonability on the fact alone he had a bomb (which, at this moment we are unable to know that it is/was armed or not) and chose not to blow it up is a very dangerous game.

    5.4 years ago
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    @Strikefighter04 @randomusername I understand where you’re coming from. I’ll just add my own little chip of information onto it.
    From what I got from this video, he’s a Viet-Nam veteran (which, as we all know, was not a war that was looked upon lightly when they came back, which could have caused his anti-social tendencies). While collecting weapons I see no issue with, something I do see an issue with is the explosives that were brought out. While as a weapons collector, that would make sense, but him having a bomb that very clearly could cause a crater in the ground is something that is very unsafe, unless if it was disarmed. From what I could tell, it looked like a Mk-118 or similar type of bomb, which has a warhead weight of 1,975 American pounds. 1975 pounds of pure explosives! That could blow up his house, his neighbors’ houses, and the one across the gosh-darn street!
    On a trip I went to Europe, I went to Ponte du Huoc, which used to be a point on the Atlantic Wall where the Germans had put a ton of forces to defend. I have seen personally the damage done by relatively simple 500-1000 pound bombs. The place was littered with craters, some tens of feet deep! While I’m sure he wouldn’t intentionally detonate that, imagine if it did, anyways. There are plenty of stories of people dying to old WWI and II munitions in areas affected by them (I.e. France, Germany, and a lot of Pacific Islands, like Palau) so having a bomb go off for no reason is by no means not a possibility!
    The mortars also fall under a little worry of me, but not nearly as much as the bombs. While they can certainly cause damage, the explosion would likely only cause severe damage to his house, considering only one of those went off.
    The guns I have no issue with, as the damage they cause is mainly penetration damage.
    TL;DR, this is a fairly dangerous scenario, but not the most dangerous scenario that could happen. At least, from what I can presume, is that he complied with police forces.
    Okay, I’m done. That’s my chip of info. Continue on with your day/night.

    +3 5.4 years ago
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    13.1k CruzerBlade

    ha, welcome to america

    5.4 years ago
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    That liberal bullcrap. If he had a license for that stuff, then why in the heck would they take it away? And the neighbors! "Very scary. Now I have a little bit more anxiety, to be honest with you. Thank God they're getting all that out of the house" You've got to be kidding me.

    +3 5.4 years ago
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    26.7k Gameboi17

    Nothing compared to the three mass shootings in the US

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    6,368 KDS


    5.4 years ago
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    5.4 years ago
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    Yeah, this is happening right now. I'm sorry, what?

    5.4 years ago