72.8k Strikefighter04
Player Biography
The Best Truck Builder on SimplePlanes
"Dear God above bless this truck I drive
And help me keep someone alive
Be my mortal sight this day
On the street where little children play
Bless my helper fast asleep
When the night is long and deep
And keep my cargo safe and sound
Through the hours big and round
Make my judgment sound as steel
And be my hands upon the wheel
Bless the traveler going past
And teach them not to go so fast
Give me strength for every trip
So I may care for what they ship
And make me mindful every mile
That life is just a little while....Amen"
- Retired from SimplePlanes, I may return, but not likely
- My pfp is the best singer of all time, Jerry Reed
- Let's Go Brandon!
- blindbaby
- ChallengerHellcat
- Tabris
- CrashFighter05
- Flightsimulator
- Jim1the1Squid (RIP 10-11-19)
- MTakach
- MyMessage
- Sm10684
- Spikerya
- Strikefighter05 My alt
- thefalkenreich (RIP)
- Typhoon_
Helpful Stuff
- How to build custom weapons
- SimpleCheats, A Guide to XML
- MP Public Online Server:
If You Read my Bio, Click HERE
Previously known as