A really long time ago, (I was 5 at the time) I took a tour in the only in the only flying B-29 in the world, "FIFI". I can't really remember it that well, but I do remember being amazed by the complex structure and amazing design the bomber had. Then a quite a few years later, "Doc" became the second flying B-29 in the world, and yesterday, I finally got to take a tour in it when it came to Planes of Fame (The museum I'm a part of). For $10, I got to take a tour inside it and it was incredible! I started having memories of when I got to take a tour of FIFI all those years ago.
So now I can say I've been inside both flying B-29's in the world :D
Also I got to see the museums Corsair take off which was cool
@BoganBoganTheMan I have pics on Beluga's discord, but I have no idea how to get them on to SimplePlanes.com
That’s really cool! I thought Joe’s was the only one. Never knew that!@BlackhattAircraft
That’s a shame, luckily I know there’s a few Ov-1’s flying rn @Cobrahuey
No, I just like his performance. I never got to see him though, which makes me really sad :(@BlackhattAircraft
Oh that’s so sad. I had no idea, are you apart of Mohawk air shows? @Cobrahuey
He was the owner of Mohawk Airshows.@BlackhattAircraft
No, what is it? @Cobrahuey
You know about the Dr. Massesa’s crash right?@BlackhattAircraft
I know I’ve seen 1 Ov-1, but I may have seen 2 at one point @Cobrahuey
I know that all of them were given to museums, and then the museums couldn’t pay for them so they handed they to pilots. I have only seen one Mohawk, which is at McMinnville, Oregon @BlackhattAircraft
Alright, idk how many are even left in the world @Cobrahuey
The B-24 I saw had an American Flag on the nose of it. It flew over the Airport once, but that’s all I saw of it. And of course I’ve been inside WitchCraft. And if you ever hear news about an Ov-1 for sale, tell me!@BlackhattAircraft
Cool! I hope I get to see a Catalina some day! I’ve been fortunate to see a B-24 (most definitely the same one as you) fly over my house a few times. @Cobrahuey Also nice OV-1 picture, the air museum I work is restoring one to flight!
I know this comment is very late. I took a tour inside Doc at Oshkosh 2019. I also saw FIFI parked at Appleton Airport. There was a T-6, B-24, and a Catalina.
@SubXTribe Thanks
@BlackhattAircraft to show a pic in your forum, type

To do that, upload the pic to Discord, grab it's link and type the thing above.
@BlackhattAircraft There is a option to copy an image link in the discord
@JamesBleriot I have a video of a coursair taking off on the same day I saw Doc
I posted a vid the other day of a B-25 takeoff. Didn’t realize the quality was so poor when I posted it so I apologize in advance if you watch it. @BlackhattAircraft
@JamesBleriot cool
I was in Worcester the other day to see the Wings of Freedom tour. @BlackhattAircraft
I’ve been in fife as well a few years back
@belugasub I know how to do it! I don't know how to get it from my phone onto the site though!
@ThePilotDude Oh! That's awesome! Planes of Fame has a B-25 that's in flying condition, but they don't do tour's, there is, however, a member supported flight and sometimes they have people go in the B-25, but It's all a matter of chance because it's a raffle.