35.0k WarHawk95

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joined 7.5 years ago

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Player Biography  

“Make the dream devour your life, so that life does not devour your dream."

  • Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."

  • Norman Vincent Peale, The Power of Positive Thinking

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

  • George Santayana, The Life of Reason

“Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country."

  • John F. Kennedy, Inaugural address, Jan. 20, 1961

“The best laid schemes of mice and men

Often go awry."

  • Robert Burns, To a Mouse

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."

  • John 15:13

Facts about me :

Personal milestones :

- 268th Master user of the site. Currently 201st best user (on 04/04/22) in terms of points.
- Owner of the SimplePlanes' French-speaking community Discord server
- Proud first ever SimplePlanes user who found his real life house in the game (thanks to NumbersNumbersTheMan and his GIS maps) (second one is @SilverStar)
- Only user to make missiles with functional fins (well maybe not anymore since that madlad made a fully detailed AIM-9X)
- Inventor of the "overheating" missiles with the help of @MethaManAerospace
- Inventor of the first working aircraft carrier sling
- Only user in SP to make replicas by taking measurements with a tape measure, a caliper and a bathroom scale
- Discovered how to replace the ugly and useless default "new airplane"
- Completed all the Steam achievements
- Inventor of the first ever (to my knowledge) working saw in SP
- Former admin on The SimplePlanes Mafia Discord server

(before they turned out to be assholes)

- Former Moderator and co-owner of the SP Gunsmith Community Discord server

(Before WiiMini and Default deleted it)

- Former Moderator on the Researcher's Workdesk Discord server

Random facts :

- Perfectionist and real maniac about the subjects I'm into (particularly the French equipment from the late 30s to the 80s), now you're warned (so, don't be surprised if I make a complete review of your Vautours or Mirages)
- Hates drama. Please don't make a new GC or another stupid build aiming for upvotes, that's useless and will only cause a new civil war on this website and nobody wants that
- Hates French bashing.
- Hates "le baguette hon hon du fromage" clichés
- Absolutely hates "French surrender" memes.

(None of those are funny anymore and that's a fact)

My account's history :

Account creation : 9/11/2017 ~4-5pm UTC+2
Bought the game for PC : 9/19/2017
Bought the game for Android : Oct. 10th, 2017
Achieved Gold : Feb. 14th, 2019 ~2:30PM
Achieved 10k : May 9th, 2020
Achieved 15k : Nov. 15th, 2020 ~7:20 PM
Achieved 20k : Feb. 16th, 2021 ~11:35 AM
Achieved 25,000 : Mar. 8th, 2021 ~10:00 AM
Achieved MASTER : Mar. 8th, 2021 12PM

Non personally identifiable information :

I'm french.
I'm 19.
I have a twin brother who also plays SP (but only rarely), @Koengerays.
I live in Lyon, France.
(The red Dot on the map)

My friends IRL who play SP :

My non-IRL SP friends :

  • Pretty much all the other members of my Discord (among them, who I'm on first-name terms with ) :

    • @MisterT, one of the best french builders out here

    • @ollielebananiaCFSP, the other best french builders out here

    • @Gontar, amazing belgian car guy

    • @GlargiBoo, belgian too, a bit too much fan of German tanks but eh

    • @Mouette, awesome guy, gifted in Stormworks and SP

  • @colonelkiller, a bit shy but good WT and H&G player too

    • @FuzioN, friendly but shy, too bad he never publishes
    • @kyomunosekai, awesome Ukrainian guy. Hope he's doing good...
  • @BogdanX, the God of SP himself.

  • EternalDarkness (well in fact Idk if I'm his friend tho, he's the darkness after all)
  • ChiChiWerx (not sure we're officially friends, but he's an awesome and wise guy, helped me pass reservists' bootcamp)

I am also the proud co-founder and current President of the C.F.S.P. (Community of the French speakers of SimplePlanes)

Upcoming projects :

Currently in progress :
  • A. M. Dassault Super-Mystère B.2
  • SNCASE S.E. 535 "Mistral"
  • SNCASO S.O. 4050 "Vautour" IIN
Planned projects :
  • N.A.A. T-28A/B "Fennec"
In the future, maybe :
  • F8F-1B "Bearcat"
  • SNCASO S.O. 4060 "Super Vautour"
  • Piasecki/Vertol H-21C "Workhorse"
  • Douglas AD-4NA & A-1H "Skyraider"
Paused projects :
  • SNCASO S.O. 1221 "Djinn"
  • SNCASO "Déver"
Shelved projects :
  • Max Holste 1521 'Broussard' (with 1 passenger and a flare gun) Desperate situation
  • Caudron C460 "Rafale" Almost inexistant
  • Douglas XB-42 "Mixmaster", second prototype

Finally, some touching words from a Ukrainian friend (24/02/2022)