35.0k WarHawk95 Comments

  • SimpleCheats - a slightly comprehensive guide 4.8 years ago

    @WNP78 @EternalDarkness could you guys update this document ? I don't remember seeing all the new properties of the 1.8, 1.9 and 1.9.205 updates...
    Seriously that would be a lot more practical to have ALL SP's XML options in one reference document...

  • Thomas The Thermo-nuclear bomber 5.0 years ago

    It was time for Thomas to leave. He had seen everything.


    Guys... Seriously... I know Bogdan and he's far less childish than you. I talked a lot of times with him and he clearly don't care about points.
    I don't see why he would react weirdly.

  • The entire SP Community will probably hate me for this, but... 4.5 years ago

    It may have changed since, but I'm pretty sure he made quantity matter more than quality. He uploaded an average of 1+ build per day, that seemed to be quickly made. On one of his posts he said something like "it's my best plane yet, I spent 3h on it".
    I do think he should pay more attention to build slowly and improve the level of detail.
    Also, I think he said he knows a lot of users here and that's why he has a lot of upvotes on low quality builds, because his friends are "very supportive".
    Also not gonna lie, I think some users can find it weird he got almost 16K in two months when I, for example, got 13K in just three years.

  • Was clearing out the attic, found this 5.5 years ago

    I'll copy this an put it in my toilets.
    I need to be happy when I poop.

  • Mouse Control 4.3 years ago

    Well boys, we did it. SimplePlanes became War Thunder.

  • BogdanX ? 4.0 years ago

    Wholesome moment hehe
    Excellent builder, interesting guy to talk with.
    Sometimes a bit grumpy maybe, but except that, nice guy :)

  • Prepare for Cringe 3.3 years ago


  • People on discord are mean 4.2 years ago

    I mean, your pfp is a furry...

  • I'm starting to HATE THIS PLACE!! 4.5 years ago

    I'm pretty sure yelling "I HATE THIS PLACE" isn't a solution at all. It will only make things worse. If people make constructive criticism, listen to them, it can be good. If they're just mean, ignore that. As I said, people have opinions, they have the right to disagree with you on some subjects. Relax, take your time, nobody absolutely hates you, there's no reason to run away from this place.

  • Clone trooper (Phase II armor DC-15S) 4.6 years ago

    "just like the simulations"

  • KMS Bismarck battleship 2.7 years ago

    "often carried out "crossing operations" in the North Atlantic"
    literally sunk on her maiden journey

  • Waving Bi Flag on a Pole 2.8 years ago

    F!ck it, I can't even enjoy my birthday properly, pride month is already there to ruin everything

  • What mods should made it into the game? 4.0 years ago

    Laser Designator.

  • Super Tiny Beta (v1.10.105) 4.4 years ago

    @AndrewGarrison question, does the thickness of the wing affect its physics, like, for example, will a thin wing be more practical for supersonic planes ?
    Or is it just a visual effect like the x axis of the "scale" XML property ?

  • Turret control 5.6 years ago

    Well, we did it boys. SP became War Thunder.

  • A YF-23, an F-22, and an F-16 walk into a bar...[TEASER] 2.8 years ago

    ...and have sex together ?

  • Trans Flag Prop w/ Bendable Flag Post (1:1) 2.9 years ago

    Man let's be honest you just dropped a bomb on this website that's impossible to defuse lmao

  • Tetris test play 3.1 years ago

    NASA just called, they're offering you an intership

  • Tutorial on how to be hypocritical: 4.3 years ago

    I can't say I hate forum spammers but I honestly find that a bit annoying and useless. If you guys just wanna talk casually, either use Discord or make only one big forum to talk.

  • MiG-21F-13 Fishbed-C 4.3 years ago

    Thank you for creditting my AIM-9Bs.
    That was very cash money of you.

  • LEAVING TIME. 4.5 years ago

    Can we take a moment to point out how toxic and mocking this comment section is ?
    Things here are kinda simple.
    When a white, bronze or silver user leaves with a forum, everybody here will insult them for making a useless forum.
    But when a platinum user leaves without any explanations like RU or Bogdan did in the past, the whole website will mourn them and cry because they have no clue why they left.
    Come on, SP community, don't be so hypocritical.

  • No update video 4.5 years ago

    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

  • Potted Tree 4.5 years ago

    why the f#ck did he bother himself making every leaf
    he said while replicating every detail of a freaking jet fighter

  • I'm starting to HATE THIS PLACE!! 4.5 years ago

    I mean, people have their opinion, you know. I personally find weird the fact you do not seem to take a lot of time on some of your builds but eh, who knows, you'll get better at the game with time ! Why do you seem to try to make a drama rise when it's not even born ?

  • Not everything on the website is a plane 4.6 years ago

    Or just "Builds', as preety much everybody call them

  • Customizable Rims? 5.1 years ago

    I can confirm. This MUST be an in-game feature.

  • Room Romp 5.1 years ago

    How the hell did you know the rug in the fourth screenshot ? This thing is my whole childhood


    They want us to fail NNN

  • Trans Flag Prop w/ Bendable Flag Post (1:1) 2.9 years ago

    Didn't know the US flag changed colors

  • ERROR 3.2 years ago

    Garry's Mod, right ?

  • Why the cri-cri is a better plane than the Rafale 3.7 years ago

    At this point it's just useless drama. Can a moderator end all this ?
    @EternalDarkness please

  • POLIKARPOV VS DASSAULT 3.7 years ago

    Let me just remind you a Rafale has virtually shot down a F-22 during an exercise with the USAF. Plus it virtually shot down 7 EF2000s for only ONE "loss".

  • The hell... 4.1 years ago

    Who summoned the French that I am

  • My First Forum Post 4.2 years ago

    The Return of the King

  • l e a v e 4.2 years ago

    Told you guys to follow the rules to the letter.

  • [SUGGESTION] Ball Joint Rotators. SP NEEDS these! 4.3 years ago

    It would also be sooo useful to make control sticks and other commands. But that would require an option to disable their rotation on each axis, mostly the Y axis (Y with the reference of the designer)

  • [TEASER] My first paneled cockpit! 4.4 years ago

    I still think, once again, that you should put even more effort in your builds, and you really must use DesignerSuite or the in-game blueprints tool to make your builds, if not 1:1 scaled, at least blueprint accurate.
    I already see some details you could make better, such as giving an angle to the tail hook (the real F-4 has its hook "glued" to it's tail) or nudging the cockpit a lot more in front of the aircraft.
    It seems that you either didn't read or ignored my last comment. I don't really care, but I just want to share you some tips to really improve your builds.
    If you continue the current way, I will not be able to enjoy your builds, and other users too.

  • How do you use funky trees? 4.5 years ago

    Step 1: buy a potted tree.
    Step 2: plant the tree.
    Step 3: water the tree every day.
    Step 4: watch the tree grow for a few weeks.
    Step 5: After a few weeks, water it with water mixed with a few ounces of LSD.
    Step 6: watch it go funky !

  • Doctors Sausage (Kolobasa) 4.7 years ago

    Life of Boris intensifies

  • Simple Girl 4.9 years ago

    Let's see how long it takes to all the weebs to come here

  • Need Help to Identify This Aircraft???? 4.9 years ago

    Totally fictional, maybe an alternate universe sh#t.
    Looks like a mix between a stuka/He.112 for the wings + fuselage, a Fw.190 for the canopy, something like a Mc.202 for the engine and a spitfire for the gears.
    Look at the roundels, they're fictional too
    Please don't try to replicate this in SP we don't need to gather all the weebs

  • I completed SimplePlanes. 5.0 years ago

    One question though, why does "Ace of Aces" require 352 victories ?
    Because of E. Hartmann ?

  • Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor v4.0 5.0 years ago

    The only problem when you're SpiritusRaptor is that nobody can spotlight your builds
    DJ Khaled : Suffering from Success

  • Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II 5.0 years ago

    They had us in the first half not gonna lie

  • Vietnam Veteran AMA 5.4 years ago

    Wow. Never heard of him or his book... I'm gonna buy it.
    By the way I didn't know you were a Iraq veteran @AndrewGarrison !
    And is this because of your dad that you named the "grippen" Pigpen ?

  • I suffered a tragic event 5.5 years ago

    Everyone at the spider's funerals :
    Press [F] to pay respects

  • Future updates to the Google Play version of SimplePlanes will no longer support mods 5.7 years ago


  • What is the origin of the name pigpen? 2.8 years ago

    @BeastHunter @Diloph none.
    Actually, Andrew's father, Mark Garrison, was a UH-1C Gunship chopper pilot in Vietnam.
    His callsign was "Pigpen".
    By the way, he wrote a book about it, go read it, it's fascinating.
    Andrew simply gave one of his plane the callsign of his dad, maybe because it ressembles "Grippen", but mostly as a tribute.

  • How to change Profile Pic. (All Steps) 2.8 years ago

    Instructions unclear, I accidentally modified the nuclear launch codes
