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Vietnam Veteran AMA

Dev AndrewGarrison  5.1 years ago

I doubt anyone knows this around here, but my dad is a veteran of the Vietnam war. He actually wrote a book about his experience that became a best seller for a few months on Amazon. There is even an audio recording of one of his missions in 1969 where he was nearly shot down. You can listen to that here. His callsign is Pigpen.

Today he's doing an AMA on reddit here. If you are interested, feel free to swing by and ask a question.

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    1,602 LUNARlabsinc

    so thats where andrew got the name "pigpen" for one of the pre built planes

    +1 2.9 years ago
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    @Fox00One when ever I look at this post I feel very patriotic.

    +3 3.4 years ago
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    41.4k Phox

    @AndrewGarrison my uncle was in Vietnam and he worked on C-2s on the USS Midway so that's pretty cool too

    +1 3.4 years ago
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    164 Memeremem

    @Subnerdica a helicopter I think a huey

    4.2 years ago
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    164 Memeremem


    4.2 years ago
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    3,300 Subnerdica

    if you don't mind my asking, what did he fly?

    4.3 years ago
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    3,300 Subnerdica

    well that explains where you got the name "pigpen" from

    +1 4.3 years ago
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    Is the Pigpen plane in game named after your father's callsign? @AndrewGarrison

    +1 4.9 years ago
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    @WarHawk95 I believe Amazon is the only place to buy it. There's also an audio version on Audible and a kindle version available. No, it was never translated to French.

    5.0 years ago
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    34.9k WarHawk95

    @AndrewGarrison I'm sorry to bother you but I have a question for you and your dad. I really want to buy his book but I live in France. You'll say, 'you can find it on amazon !' and yes I saw it. But due to Amazon's behavior about recycling and wasting, I prefer not to buy it on their website.
    What are you and your dad's point of view about it ?
    Do you know if I can find it in France ? Was it translated in French ?
    Should I still buy it on Amazon ?

    5.0 years ago
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    @Nerfenthusiast Sure, he would appreciate that. :)

    5.0 years ago
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    I really enjoy anything that I can learn about history and specifically war (I like learning about WWII the most) and his videos do just that. Also can you thank him for his service for me? @AndrewGarrison

    5.0 years ago
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    @Nerfenthusiast Thank you. He is an interesting guy.

    5.0 years ago
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    I watched some of your fathers videos and now I can’t stop watching them they are so interesting @AndrewGarrison

    5.0 years ago
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    35.1k AdlerSteiner

    I haven't been to this post before, until now.
    I Thank him for his service. His bravery and courage will remind us that we should respect the elderly, I wouldn't forgive myself for making fun of it just for laughs...

    5.0 years ago
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    21.8k Brendorkus

    Oh, so that’s where the Pigpen plane comes from...

    +2 5.1 years ago
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    9,361 Zanedavid

    I’ve seen this book before somewhere, I’ll have to go check it out.

    5.1 years ago
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    I'll be sure to check it on youtube, i like AMA series on youtube and apparently this were turning into r/AMA

    5.1 years ago
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    14.7k Viper3000ad

    Congratulations. I am sure your father had very good storys to tell . You must be proud. Let's hope that humanity will learn at some point from the horrors of war and we will focus on scientific progress .

    5.1 years ago
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    5.1 years ago
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    Wow thats amazing! I don't know if your dad would be interested, but we usually have a day talking about the Vietnam war at Planes of Fame in Chino, California. I don't know when it would be, but next year I believe we might have a Huey fly in. Probably can't come out, but we'll definitely be flying our A-1 Skyraider and have many different planes from the Vietnam war out on display including a MiG-21, Bird dog F-104, ect. But it's in California, so probably not going to happen

    +1 5.1 years ago
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    yeah, its a pitty he died a few years before I was born @AndrewGarrison

    5.1 years ago
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    @Zippy6 That is quite a coincidence!

    5.1 years ago
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    @thefalkenreich Some veterans don't like to talk about their service, so it can be difficult to approach, but I'm sure your grandfather has an amazing story.

    5.1 years ago
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    @Brields95 He has, but not much. He's less interested in building and generally prefers more realistic flight sims, such as DCS, X-Plane and MS Flight Simulator.

    +1 5.1 years ago
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