@WarHawk95 Okay, it’s actually been a few months, my tree made me time travel, it demands cocaine now, I can’t stop it, I’ve been feeding him 34 tons worth of that cocaine and lsd and water mixture for a few months, it kinda has a spasm every hour but other than that it kinda looks like a “&” He’s also taken me hostage, feeding me what seems to be the totally illegal mixture I fed him a few days before, he currently has a chair made of sharp vine thingies that has grown out of him, it wouldn’t hurt to just sit on it right?
Step 1: buy a potted tree.
Step 2: plant the tree.
Step 3: water the tree every day.
Step 4: watch the tree grow for a few weeks.
Step 5: After a few weeks, water it with water mixed with a few ounces of LSD.
Step 6: watch it go funky !
@WarHawk95 Thanks, he calmed down.
@Learpot I hope Michael Jordan can help you.
@WarHawk95 Okay, it’s actually been a few months, my tree made me time travel, it demands cocaine now, I can’t stop it, I’ve been feeding him 34 tons worth of that cocaine and lsd and water mixture for a few months, it kinda has a spasm every hour but other than that it kinda looks like a “&” He’s also taken me hostage, feeding me what seems to be the totally illegal mixture I fed him a few days before, he currently has a chair made of sharp vine thingies that has grown out of him, it wouldn’t hurt to just sit on it right?
@WarHawk95 I see, Thanks!
@WhyAreUGeh mdrr je fais que dire la vérité cachée au sujet des FT
@WarHawk95 mdr arrête de troller
Step 1: buy a potted tree.
Step 2: plant the tree.
Step 3: water the tree every day.
Step 4: watch the tree grow for a few weeks.
Step 5: After a few weeks, water it with water mixed with a few ounces of LSD.
Step 6: watch it go funky !
@Dakl np!
@Gluck Thanks, that really helped!
Here. I find that I can typically solve most of my problems with this. Also, try taking a look at some other users' codes.