Welcome to the XML Weekly, where you can find a list of users that need things to be made for them.
This list dates back to 7 days ago. These items may not be needed anymore.
- Aarons123
Engine scaled 1.5x1.5x1.5
Missile 360D lock, 1S lock time, 2X maneuverability
That's all for now! Happy Modding!
- The Squid
I like this 👌
Nice! I might use this
Inspired by the SPW, made by Awsomur and sometimes myself.
@Jim1the1Squid hey you spammer.
@Jim1the1Squid Cheers my friend
@Noname918181 then he shouldn't imitate other reddit posts
@BuiltBionixInd10 then he gets banned from Reddit due to spam
@Being ah at last he's now gonna use reddit rather than Simpleplanes forums
@Being at last he's now gonna use credit rather than simpleplanes
@MrPorg137 Yes, a banned user who was banned for a mistake he tried to amend, having an account that was older than his main one, and for being a schoolboy with a Chromebook and too much time with not a lot to do.
And this post is made by a banned user
@Being that’s your opinion. Though, many others like myself find it has use. Agree to disagree.
@Thelegitpilot13 If people do not see your post, what will make them see Jim’s? I honestly feel like Jim is just pumping out as many forums as he can at this point, most of which are useless.
@Being it makes it more accessible. I’ve had XML requests not be completed because they simply weren’t seen, even with the forum post.
@Thelegitpilot13 Can you not make your own forum posts? I don’t mean to be rude or anything, but I just find it silly that he has to post requests for other people.
I’ve noticed change @CptJacobson
why does this need to exist
Though this would be useful to have mine and other peoples Xml requests posted on this as it helps more people see the post
I mean I have both of those done for me now but, thanks for the publicity? I should probably delete those posts now as I can’t be bothered to tell people that I already have the parts
Great idea !!!
@BlackhattAircraft well im different now dude you may not notice right away but I am
I don’t hate you, but I can’t help but think of what you’ve done. I believe in second chances, but when I gave you that second chance I couldn’t back what you were saying and doing. I don’t care about the suite thing, but the stealing incidents and how you responded was not something I could back @CptJacobson
@Being I say this can be useful, especially to people like me that can’t XML modify things because iOS be like that.
@BlackhattAircraft you still hate me?
@Nickr What are you even talking about?!