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AI weirdness

36 Fellout  5.2 years ago

I've noticed that the AI can't use vtol aircraft without crashing instantly, and they like to ram instead of shoot at close range/fly non-stop loops if I spawn one in build and fly mode, and at range they just kind of wave back and forth with no attempts of actually hitting me with all the shots, anyone know why this happens?

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    1,422 THEOKPILOT

    Wait. This issue happened 5 years ago and still isnt fixed?

    4 months ago
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    1,422 THEOKPILOT

    This happened to me too. One of my crap planes chased me for like 20 mins, doing lops and barrel rools around me like he was in an episode of Dogfight. Then the rammed me from below. After that, i noticed 2 planes looping around each other.

    4 months ago
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    They don't even use yaw they only rely on pitch and roll though

    5.2 years ago
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    ai has the throttle set to 100% always, they just use pitch yaw roll

    +2 5.2 years ago
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    3,804 Mmdben

    @Fellout you have two approaches around that problem:
    1. You can be lazy and make a super agile plane that can turn inside any loop,and there is a lot of them around this site.
    2. Or you can add airbrakes to planes which is activated by pitch and roll if you want to prevent the Ai from doing infinite loops at close ranges, but when I did so it led to the Ai going into a flat spin if you kept around them for too long (using the default jets which is kick fish,wasp and girpen)........

    5.2 years ago
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    36 Fellout

    @Mmdben Yep, the flying in loops is really annoying when trying to dogfight, it needs serious improvement overall.

    5.2 years ago
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    3,804 Mmdben

    The Ai is bad, it can't control a VTOl or a helicopter unless it was built by a Veteran who knows too much about the game, most planes doesn't stall even when going vertical leading to infinite loops at close ranges, the Ai will just try to hit you with one bullet instead of putting a wall of bullets infront of you like a player will try to do, thus minimizing the chance of actually hitting you.

    +2 5.2 years ago