Player Biography
This is me. You're probably wondering how i ended up here.
I own the Simple Planes Aerospace company and make planes for RepublicofWrightIsles(one of my allies) and also sell them for export. i am also the.. well kinda like the secretary of defense for the Wright Isles. My planes are usually Military, but in the future, i will make more civilian planes. (suggestions would be great!) Something cool I have been doing recently was making vintage computers. I hope with SP2, we will get functional screens. Until then, i need to find a good coder....
If you want to use of my planes(either modification or use on a build) pls ask first.
I mostly make carrier based bombers(mostly torpedo bombers), but i do make a good number of large, land based bombers.
I would greatly appreciate giving me suggestions! The more suggestions i get, the more experience i will get building, so i can make better quality plane for you! So please, Add some suggestions!
EDIT: As of Oct 1, 2024, I have reached the Rank of Silver! Yes!
sorry if my replies take forever i am always quite busy so if i take a couple days sorry