My Industries [SPMRP, but not really SPMRP]
These are the fictional corporations that I, MTakach, have been operating under.
1: SkyTECH

SkyTECH Aeronautical Engineering Corp. Has been the powerhouse Behind all of my aircraft builds. it was something I thought up of whenever I joined the SP community.
Created in 1968 "Sky Technologies and Aeronautical Engineering Corp.", or , "SkyTECH", for short, was (and still is) the Primary aircraft company for the ConegsReich Republic. SkyTECH has been responsible for every aircraft in the ConegsReich military. SkyTECH also cooperates with DANTON Ws. to create the most advanced fighting machines

GSurfaceTECH Ground Weapons Inc. Has been the powerhouse Behind all of my vehicle builds. it was also something I thought up of whenever I joined the SP community.
Created in 1971 "Ground Surface Technologies and Ground Weapons Inc.", or, "GSurfaceTECH", for short, was (and still is) the Primary vehicle company for the ConegsReich Republic. GSurfaceTECH has been responsible for every Tank, APC, ASV, etc. in the ConegsReich military. GSurfaceTECH also cooperates with DANTON Ws. to create the most advanced fighting machines as well.
3:BANTON weapons systems

BANTON weapons systems Inc. Has been the Weapons Producer of all of my builds. This company however I thought up about 2 days ago.
BANTON weapons Systems has been around since the ConegsReich was created in 1967. This company has been the powerhouse behind all of the Weapons on all of the aircraft that I have built.

SOLARIS A.A.W.S Inc. is the top developer in advanced Technology! SOLARIS is responsible for many things including the very Famous, PSA-124 "Fallen Angel". (PSA-Plasma, Sheild-array) The PSA-124 is and indestructible plasma field that nothing can get through! SOLARIS is also famous for the EIS-12, or, Equippable, Invisibility, Shield. This bends light in Spoopy ways!
SOLARIS A.A.W.S. Was created in 1969 with the Idea, which is their Slogan "A bright Today! A Brighter Tomorrow".SOLARIS has been the Technology Geeks for all of my builds!
@MTakach okie dokie off to bedie(?)
Updated the SOLARIS desc
I have to use said post because I blocked that other guy (hey kept annoying me despite my warnings) I wasn’t gonna fight him anyway, it was a deterrent
@MTakach ah ok
Via Google Drawings
Hey uhh, you might seem a bit busy right now but....
How do I join SPMRP?
@MTakach how do you do the logos?
Good, Takach, good! Build it, build it now.
@MTakach logos look sweet
@CrashFighter05 thanks!
Good logos! Same for my company.
@Strikefighter04 thanks