@Armyguy1534 take your time issuing a reward. You don't have to issue all upvotes at once. If a winner doesn't have enough builds, you can upvote more when he posts. I discourage making of alt accounts as they take up usernames and unnecessarily load the server.
@EternalDarkness I know but let's say it's a 20 upvote reward then I use both accounts together so I only need to upvote 10 with both accounts and I can do it quicker
@EternalDarkness but what if say the winner doesn’t have enough builds, I mean this probably won’t happen but it’s a possibility. It’s also just faster and easier with two accounts
@BuiltBionixInd10 thats what i was saying
@Gameboi14 what if i put these comment in your forums
@BuiltBionixInd10 you mind "advertising" these images on the next forums i make? Some people will find it weird and odd by you doing that
@BuiltBionixInd10 PEW PEW
@Armyguy1534 take your time issuing a reward. You don't have to issue all upvotes at once. If a winner doesn't have enough builds, you can upvote more when he posts. I discourage making of alt accounts as they take up usernames and unnecessarily load the server.
@Gameboi14 water gun
@EternalDarkness I know but let's say it's a 20 upvote reward then I use both accounts together so I only need to upvote 10 with both accounts and I can do it quicker
@EternalDarkness but what if say the winner doesn’t have enough builds, I mean this probably won’t happen but it’s a possibility. It’s also just faster and easier with two accounts
@Aarons123 legaln'tn't
You're supposed to give challenge rewards by upvoting a number of winner's builds, not by upvoting the entry from multiple accounts.
@Tully2001 @EternalDarkness @MediocrePlanes
XD @CruzerBlade
@Gameboi14 @Strikefighter04 and @CrashFighter05: I L L E G A L
me, an intellectual:
Because then you can go back on this account and upvote again and that's like doubletapping
@Strikefighter04 @Gameboi14 :O
@Strikefighter04 K, but TFW its illegal
Alright, we know now everything is illegal. @Gameboi14 @PositivePlanes @CrashFighter05
@CrashFighter05 @Aarons123 being illegal is illegal
@Aarons123 saying illegal is illegal
@Gameboi14 Uno Reverse card
@Aarons123 NO U are illegal
@Gameboi14 your Illegal
@Aarons123 saying wait is illegal