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V-280 Valor, Cool aircraft

55.6k Freerider2142  5.4 years ago

This is a smaller and more advanced than the V-22.
I Thought some of you might like it, or use it for inspiration...
What do you think?

Bell V-280 Video

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    @SimpleBoii tentu saja ada :v

    5.4 years ago
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    @SimpleBoii I Know, Im Just Kinda Confused For A Sec

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    I Thought You Making Forums About @SimpleBoii Whole Company

    5.4 years ago
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    @11qazxc Did you know that all Helicopter Rotors have a twist to their Cord line?
    the Tip of the rotor blade is moving Faster compared to the at Center of the rotor (tip covers more distance than center), That's why most rotors and propellers have a twist towards the center.
    V-22 Osprey has a higher rotor disk loading and lower hover efficiency than Helicopters, But those big wings Do create enough lift to Glide on power loss.
    (with engines rotated 45°-60° on landing)
    the V-280 has lower disk loading, with Autorotation capabilities as demonstrated by the AW609.
    The V-280 also has a driveshaft running through the straight wing, allowing both prop rotors to be driven by a single engine in the event of engine loss.
    (unlike the V-22)

    I didn't understand your "Shoot-off propeller" point.
    Shooting off propellers is a WWI problem...

    +1 5.4 years ago
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    6,577 11qazxc

    Nice heli, but
    Will there be a possibility of shoot-off propeller in flight?
    (with twisted blades autorotation is impossible, and it cannot land in airplane mode because propellers too big.)
    Will they close electronics module and propeller shaft when it is flying in helicopter mode?

    5.4 years ago
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    3,804 Mmdben

    Make it!

    +1 5.4 years ago