55.6k Freerider2142

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joined 8.1 years ago

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Player Biography  

I'm From Israel.
Just like to design Cool stuff,
I have IRL experience with helicopter flying on Robinson R-22 and R-44.

taking inspiration from games and real life physics.
I fly on DCS, IL-2 BOS and IL-2 1946

I use:
Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog Joystick+Throttle
These affect the control scheme of my builds.
Thrusmaster Hotas Warthog
Thrustmaster TPR Pedals
Thrustmaster TPR peddals

I like designing with mods, but to push towards realism.
I also like to design "twitchy" controls so you need to get a feel for the machine to fly it better.

-I also have a tendency to Re-edit almost Everything i post....-

If I design something that can be made without mods, I will probably Upload a version of it NO MODS and also Mobile Friendly (MB)

And all parts on my creations are public free use on Community builds :)

Plans for now:
-Command & Conquer 95 & C&C3 TW/KW Arsenal with a bit more realism..