55.6k Freerider2142 Comments

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 4.5 years ago

    Tired of Nukes in MP?

    Go to your Steam, Right click Simpleplanes -> Properties -> Betas, and select an Earlier version of the game: I.E. V1.9.250.0

    This will remove all added content like Glass from the recent Update, and make weapons react like they did before the update.

    No more nukes.

    It takes a minute or 2, but you can switch back to Current version by following the same steps and selecting: NONE - opt out of all beta programs
    you can switch back and forth as many times as you need.
    It sucks not to have Glass, But it Sucks more to get Nuked every 5 seconds.
    Please share this information with MP players in chat.
    If anybody can Pin this message, Please do so.

  • Gold Prix 0:00 2.5 years ago

    the literal "Blink and you'll miss it" vehicle ;)
    but you have to completely reprogram it for other racetracks right?

  • Idiots 7.0 years ago

    I remember going through a very similar thing in school...
    I bet they will have a heart attack if you get a pilots license, while they become the next Bleach drinkers ;)

  • Should SimplePlanes Have Multiplayer 5.0 years ago

    Not with how the game is shared in multiple platforms.
    I play MP constantly, but it's not for everybody.
    7 players online with 400 parts each, and you're already at 2800 parts.
    The problem is that most devices other than PC's cannot handle the amount.
    and a lot of PC's can't even handle 1500 parts.

    I wish there was Multiplayer built in, but part counts, Drag, and all physics will have to be managed by the Server itself instead of your own device, to make it work.

    Not to mention the amount of Trolls that are already on MP, making XML builds and bothering other players, or lagging the server with high part counts.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.8 years ago

    @PPLLAANNEE there's this one, not sure who runs it but it works pretty much 24/7...
    tho it's mostly empty

  • TrollShield 4.5 years ago

    From all of us MP players, Thank you very much for this mod!!!
    This is a must addition to the MP mod since the last update!

  • Help with multiplayer mod 5.2 years ago

    Use the MP join button in your designer only on the first time that you join!
    If you switch aircraft or return to the Editor AFTER logging in to MP, Use the REGULAR play button that you use in Singleplayer.
    Otherwise it will send you to a random channel...
    Another way is to type Diconnect, and reconnect again through the Designer...
    (this works sometimes..)

  • Should Politics Have a Place in SimplePlanes? 3 months ago

    So... no flags should be represented, as they can be offensive to someone...
    This is just dumb.
    I am Israeli, our flag has no offense to anybody, UNLESS you yourself choose to be offended by it!
    and that is Your problem!
    you don't see me complaining about people using the Swastika on fictional wwII German creations, because I choose not to be offended by it, even if my family lost members in the Holocaust!
    Because this is a GAME, and Politics have no room in it, because Someone Somewhere WILL ALWAYS BE OFFENDED BY SOMETHING POLITICAL!
    So get over yourself!

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 3.6 years ago

    Seems like the servers are down for a few days now.
    I hope it's not a problem with the provider, and it's just down for maintenance.

  • McChopper 4.8 years ago

    I love the design of this heli, makes me smile every time I load it up!
    I imagine a battlefield covered in red and yellow stripes, with bits of french-fries all over and broken happy meal toys... and a lot of confused ground targets.
    Kind'a like my room on a Friday :P

  • Throttleable rotator and differential torque for yaw demonstration on a coaxial helicopter prototype. 5.0 years ago

    cool idea!
    very cool Yaw control and pretty realistic.
    the throttle idea is not really needed in helicopters...
    turbine helicopters have a throttle thing that controls the rotation speed of the rotor automatically.
    the Collective should control the amount of lift generated.
    but this could be cool for a custom propeller or engine pylon like the Heli-craft from Avatar have.

  • Wright to Yeager in a Pain amount of minutes 2.5 years ago

    @ManManTheWeaponsMan but a Fun landing can usually be only done once ;)

  • the pain is real.. 2.5 years ago

    @ManManTheWeaponsMan Sweaty?!
    That was in the first run...
    I need to figure out a way to separate my bum from the seat cushion after all that clenching.

  • Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane replica, demo 2# 2.8 years ago

    That looks awesome!!

  • Husky HX-4 Firebird Mk.V 2.9 years ago

    Wow this thing is really cool!
    took me a bit to get around the starting procedure, but it flies really well and really fun :)

  • Humvee 2.9 years ago

    Simple, low partcount, drives pretty good, all the things for a good build :)
    I like it!

    Can I use this to make a Command and Conquer version?

    I want to modify a few things on it like an Auto-turret and gun instead of cannon, and few other changes to fit more with GDI.

    I've been searching for a good Humvee, and this is the best I've tested.

  • Four Mountain Map Pack (GIS) 2.9 years ago

    Is this closed to the public?
    it's requesting access, and it looks like I'm not the only one.

  • Textured Fuselage Block 3.9 years ago

    This should be included in the game, not as a mod ;)

  • TrollShield 4.5 years ago

    @WNP78 there's a bug when starting with Trollshield.
    You cannot target any players, you can only see ghosts of their builds.
    You can see chat, but no players.
    The way to fix it is:
    Disable the Trollshield mod -> exit simpleplanes -> Restart simpleplanes -> enable Trollshield.
    This happens constantly when starting the game.

  • First MP Formation practice... well sort of. 4.5 years ago

    @MTakach Thanks buddy :)
    The whole Covid thing, and stuff in my country kind'a got me depressed, so I took a break.
    Hopefully I'll be able to upload some new videos now that things are a bit more stable ;)

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 4.5 years ago

    With the latest update, making Map sized nukes is killing mp for good :(
    Too many trolls, too many players spawning in and killing everybody, or just crashing the game with nukes.
    Been seeing too many players rage-quit, or just get disconnected.

    I Don't recommend playing MP after this latest update.

  • RAH-42 Snowfox 4.9 years ago

    @Zanbradcr3per If you think I stole something from you, you're barking at the wrong tree.
    I never take ideas from people without thanking them for it, nor do I copy things that are not already uploaded.

    If you think I stole something from you, then you can either prove it, or understand that I didn't, It's up to you.

  • Should Politics Have a Place in SimplePlanes? 3 months ago

    @NanaPathan429 Any flag or symbol can be considered offensive to someone somewhere.
    by that logic, no flags or symbols should be used on any creation.
    that's just dumb.
    you think that if you remove a French flag from a Mirage-3 it will change anything?
    how about a Panzer IV tank, will removing the symbol make it less WWII German?
    same goes to fictional creations.
    if you are offended by a flag or symbol, it's your own choice to be offended!
    it's a game, if you are offended by politics in the game, that's because you bring your own politics views into it, and Choose to be offended!

  • CRUSADER TANK 11 months ago

    @ComradeComissar this is pretty cool!
    love that you made it more realistic than ingame
    highly recommend checking out command and conquer Ultimate collection on steam, if you want to check out other games in the series..
    I got it and been having a blast in Zero hour, tiberium sun and C&C3 after not playing them for a few years.

  • T08E3 Alakuneda Spider Tank 1.7 years ago

    now we just need the Major and Batou ;)

  • (Outdated) F-4S Phantom II 2.2 years ago

    very cool!

  • F-16C Viper 2.3 years ago

    Really wish I could spotlight this.
    Great job, you make the best F-16 flight model imo ;)
    I love taking the weapons off and just go flying it.
    I really like the realistic takeoff and landing characteristics.

  • Simple Gargantuan.. 2.4 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming lol "epic boss fight" XD
    00:00 Start fight
    00:01 NOM
    00:02 Gargantuan wins!

  • Gold Prix 0:00 2.5 years ago

    @PlanariaLab I had the thought that you could probably set entire courses to Activation groups...
    depending how much you like hurting your brain... :P

  • [NEW]DUCATI Panigale V2 2.5 years ago

    Very cool bike!
    drives good, looks good, and actually feels like a bike :)
    Great work.

    The only thing I changed in my downloaded one, is the Pitch for the gyro from AG3+Pitch to Trim to make it a bit more versatile.

  • SimplePlanes Multiplayer 2.7 years ago

    MP server is back on

  • GDI AC-42/A "Orca" VTOL 2.8 years ago

    @IceCraftGaming @HamV2 @Bryan5 Hope you enjoy her :)

  • TrollShield 4.5 years ago

    @WNP78 I tried reinstalling both mods, and I also noticed that this happened to everyone in MP who is using the mod.
    most players in MP just stopped using the TrollShield, as an attempt to fix the bug.
    I passed it on in chat, the fix I mentioned in my fist post, and that seems to be the only way it works atm, without disabling the mod completely.
    I'm not sure, But could this be related to how the MP mod was updated with the "Sync weapon explosions" check mark?

  • Observation Helicopter Challenge Results 4.9 years ago

    Wow this is Awesome!
    Thank you @TheFantasticTyphoon for making this challenge! Cheers!
    This was the first challenge I entered in SP with the aim to complete, it was really fun and challenging to design something with the time constraint and limitations.
    It was really awesome to see all the helicopters made for this challenge!
    (If you didn't notice, I'm a huge heli nerd...)
    Tbh I didn't expect to win... but I'm really happy I did, and I'm very proud of the helicopter that came out of it.
    I'm working on a Full gunship version with more missiles and rockets, which is a bit crazy with how much this little heli can carry...
    and a Civilian version for underslung cargo lifting, and sport flying. ;)

  • [Updated] Beware the Brown Pearl! 4.9 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon yup, or it spawns and runs in a random direction before you can see it.

  • [Updated] Beware the Brown Pearl! 4.9 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon I know... I'm just surprised so many players haven't found the Brown pearl yet, and some actually told me they don't believe it exists...

  • linu - ver - 1.1 5.0 years ago

    Saw it on Multiplayer as well, got a couple of pics you might like..
    Very cool creation!

  • Twin Turbo V8 5.1 years ago

    Very nice Engine!
    I might use it in the Baja version of my Jaguar.

  • RB15 2019 [#33 VER] 5.1 years ago

    Amazing detailing, drives really good

  • Douglas A-4F Skyhawk (U.S Navy) 5.3 years ago

    Good plane, Flies great!
    2 issues:
    1-Slats rotators need rescaling
    2-Landing gear needs A LOT of work...

  • Operation Chariot 5.4 years ago

    WWII had amazing heroics, and technological leaps...
    but it's important to remember that It was also one of the ugliest and bloodiest wars in history.
    This is a great video.
    The one about the Victoria Cross is amazing.

  • P-51D-30 Mustang 5.7 years ago

    @TheFantasticTyphoon @AWESOMENESS360 If your looking for a cameraman, count me in :)
    just let me know when you're planning the flight ;)

  • (I can’t believe I have to say this) Did you know that... 5.9 years ago

    It's a good point, and I agree that there's an over use of gyro's..
    however, a Lot of helicopters have an Autopilot that stabilizes the helicopter (not unlike gyros in Simpleplanes), and also have the ability to Autohover.
    some of these are: KA-50, SA342 Gazelle, UH-60 Blackhawk and many more.

    The problem is that players just stick a gyro in to control everything, instead of it being a Secondary control option.

  • Multiplayer May 5th 2019 part one. 5.9 years ago

    @Samman0175 @Dusty51104 , please link me to the creations your flying.
    so I can add them to the Youtube description

  • Radio calls, how to Communicate as a Pilot in command. 6.6 years ago

    @BoeyingOfficial XD, yup...

    Next subject:
    Airspaces, Controlled/Uncontrolled - and how to Communicate in Uncontrolled airspace (Simpleplanes Airspace).

  • Runway Numbers.... What How and why 7.0 years ago

    @GINGER01 I am a Private Helicopter Pilot FAA Licensed, trained on Robinson R-22 and R-44.
    I am doing my training at 702Helicopters Las Vegas. (check them out, great tour prices!)
    I am working on getting all the way to CFII (Certified Flight Instructor+Instruments)
    And basically build a career in Helicopters.

    I just love seeing so many people designing and flying, and i figured I'd share some of the knowledge I gained, there's a lot of players that are interested in understanding what Real flying involves beyond moving a joystick
    and I feel like SimplePlanes is a good platform to share it :)

    Helicopters DON'T FLY!
    They Beat the air into Submission!!

  • The Ice Base, how to conquer without destroying it 5 months ago

    one of my favorite challenges is landing in the ice base with no countermeasures.
    it's tricky, but quite satisfying when succeeded :)

  • Dragonfly 220 (Gyro Off) 6 months ago

    @WinsWings Cheers :)
    looks great in green

  • Favorite track from the OST? 10 months ago

    I bought the OST, and I like all 5 tracks tbh...
    I run the game with music off, but they are all on my playlist when I put music on to do other things.

  • Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 1.1 years ago

    @WinsWings cheers, happy it helped :)
