Including the Alps, Mount Qomolangma, Mount Siguniang, Mount Fuji, a total of four mountains
It can be used as a background when you take pictures of your plane
>Android version please click here<
Although this version can run perfectly on my Android phone, I don't know whether it can run on other people's phones, so there may be some BUG I don't know
@LordFarquaad congratulations!
@ChuanTld how do i do that
@LordFarquaad Remove mods from the game directory, that should be OK
@ChuanTld I wish I knew but the second i tried downloading it it crashed and it wont start any more
@LordFarquaad uh..why?
My computer wont start SP any more
@factorization20 Thanks!
@SimplePlanesPlayer5419 After installing the MOD, look for the MOD MAPS option on the home page. Once you click on it, you will be able to see the mod maps that you have installed.
I downloaded the Android Version Successfully! I enabled the Mod and my game was working fine. But i have a problem, I cant find the 4 locations of the Mountains... Pls tell me the locations of the Mountains or else I will unfollow you (Jk).
As a pc simpleplanes its very realistic
how to Plug the mod to SP.....
Game crashet on my flagman smartphone
My game crashes when I try to open it.
Very nice, I'll come back with a better device.
@DeandashI think这玩意吧重心在unity上,去百度搜搜unity咋改摩擦力应该就行。
穿模的话加Terrain Collider 或者碰撞箱?
@factorization20 Hello, I want to ask a question. We are making an airport plug-in mod, but we have encountered a problem at present. Some aircraft tires will fall into the ground and strange friction, the angle of view can penetrate the ground, and the altitude AgI display is inaccurate. Do you know how to solve it? thank you.
R e q u e s t a c c e s s
Is this closed to the public?
it's requesting access, and it looks like I'm not the only one.
@jleyba92 mine too
It says I need to request access
Why spun when I go to open the document it says I have to check my internet connection?
After clicking the Android version, you will be prompted to deny access to the webpage. (~_~;)
@factorization20 Found a problem with the Fuji location spawn, it's too close to the ground so it causes aircraft to explode.
Aside from that, awesome werk and shows that even if Android can't accept mods with custom scripts, it can at least handle beautiful maps.
@Suica sorry I don't remember I made it private. I just changed the new link. You can try again
@factorization20 Excuse me but can you please tell me how to make MODs? I have Unity 2020.3.19F1 if that helps. And I watched all the old tutorial videos.